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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AN > ANIMAL (79)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.15:
The incarnation as a flower is not often repeated. Some strive to the more massive forms of trees, but the charm of flowers is not always accessible, and one may not easily turn twice to them. There is no forbiddance against circumventing one of the animal incarnations by way of the plants. I would not say that the consciousness of many insects is superior to the consciousness of beautiful flowers. It is wise to outlive certain incarnations by sojourn as a flower. "Hasten, hasten! I will wait under a beautiful dome, and I will still be ahead of you." Thus, the path of beauty shortens the road.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.11.1:
It is difficult to say which crime is the worse. Therefore, it is impossible to speak about nations; one can speak only about individuals. Indolence is dreadful and can border upon crime. It is difficult to see the consequences of laziness, but it transforms a man into an animal. I assert that it is one of the chief obstacles on the path. On the spiritual plane at times a murderer is more mobile. Also, bribery deprives a man of the confidence of the Brotherhood, because the treason of such people is great. Also, lack of compassion makes a man unfit for achievement, because such souls are lacking in courage.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.2:
3.1.2. Certainly life is beautiful. But heretofore it was judged by animal instinct, and that is why the beauty of life could not be pointed out.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.4:
3.5.4. Can it be so very difficult for you to understand the meaning of astrology? If knowledge of it is lacking, I suggest making an experiment. Suppose you take four organisms: a plant, a fish, a bird, and an animal - let us say a lily, a carp, a dove, and a dog. Provide seven specimens of each, and for each group construct a place deprived of daylight and saturated with a colored electric light. The glass should be of various colors, conforming as closely as possible to the colors of the rainbow. At night you should merely reduce the amount of light. Thus you may observe them for about four months.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.20:
A parrot once knew how to screech, "Blessed Teacher!" - but by this it did not improve its possibilities. A bear chanced to leave its prey on the doorstep of a starving man, but it did not cease to be a wild animal. A bee accidentally pierced the abscess of a sick man, but it earned thereby no bliss for itself. Even a snake once saved a life by its poison. Only consciousness and staunchness yield results.

New Era Community (1926) - 114:
114. People study the life of bees, of ants, of monkeys, and they are amazed at migratory birds, at their order and precision of course; yet from all this they draw no deductions for the betterment of earthly life. Natural history must be taught in schools as completely and attractively as possible. By examples from the vegetable and animal kingdoms one should give to understand what treasures are contained in man. If the comparatively lower organisms sense the fundamentals of existence, then so much more must man apply his efforts for a successful improvement. Many valuable indications are revealed everywhere. From the very first lessons let pupils rejoice at the wonders of life. Likewise let them apprehend how to make use of flights and of clairaudience. Thus, clairaudience will be a natural condition. Likewise the Subtle World will be studied, along with subtle energies. There will be no dividing line between physical and metaphysical, for all exists - which means that everything is perceptible and cognizable. And so, superstitions and prejudices will be shattered.

New Era Community (1926) - 148:
148. People do not eat corpses, yet slaughtered animals are eaten. One must ask, "Wherein is the difference - is not a slaughtered animal a corpse?" We advise not to use meat for reasons of simple goal-fitness. Indeed, anyone understands that to make use of decomposing cells is harmful. But when does this decomposition begin? At the moment of cessation of the functions of life the body looses its protective radiation and decomposition sets in immediately. Therefore, worldly wisdom about not eating corpses is hypocritical. We recommend farinaceous food, dairy products and vegetables, where there is less decomposition.

New Era Community (1926) - 189:
189. The fisherman returns joyfully with his prise catch. Mankind was not made for misfortunes. Man is this same joyous fisherman with a multiform catch. True, the catch is different, but the joy is the same and inalienable - the joy of thought about the future. Neither fish nor birds nor animals know of the future. But man definitely knows the unavoidableness of a future. In this call of space is contained immense joy. He who is afraid of the future is still in an animal state, and the world feast is not yet for him.

New Era Community (1926) - 218:
218. A certain state of matter composes the human individual calling up into life a conscious individualization, and from this moment is begun the conflict against the community. When, as is said, the beast in man awakens, precisely then individualization, without any nourishment by the consciousness, turns into a cruel egoism. Then begins a campaign against enlightenment and cooperation. Such egoism does not become a noble realization of personality, but returns to the animal state, at the same time losing the group values of animals. Such a man is worse than a beast. Is it possible to build a community out of these beastlike people who have no common language? Then the builders must re-examine the bases of human individuality. Each framework, each conventional program must be verified, but only courageous people who depart from the fetters of conventionalities can make the examination. Thus, it is necessary to safeguard the achievement of human personality.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 61:
61. You think correctly about the manifold effects of human emanations upon their surroundings. A convincing example is to be found in the effect of a human being upon animals and plants. Give someone an animal or plant, and by noting the change in its condition you can identify the man who is a destroyer of life energy. Like a vampire, the rider can exhaust his horse; or the hunter his dog; or the gardener his plants. Seek the cause of this in the emanations of the man.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 136:
136. Often people entrust themselves to a fiery steed, not realizing that even a mere gnat can throw the animal into a rage. Often people try to navigate in a frail canoe when every stone is a peril. Often people sit beneath the beams of a house which the slightest tremor of earth can cause to collapse. All this is of course known; nevertheless people think they can evade danger as though danger were not a constant companion to existence on Earth. People traverse life, blindly happy, unaware of the adjacent precipice. But if the inner sight is sufficiently developed, the voyager of life will see each cosmic irregularity. He will be painfully tormented by the seeming impenetrability of the path. But how will he gain the courage and strength to cross all chasms of what he now sees as a crumbling stronghold? Certainly, only by realizing the relation of the present transitory hour to an inevitable future.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 142:
142. Let us take an example from the animal world. When organisms sharing one kind of blood separate, the process always evokes a feeling of being incomplete. The litter of tiny, blind newborn creatures so unconsciously turns to the forces of nature that only compassion takes notice of them. But time passes, and they become a powerful pack. It is true that they fight with each other, but they unite to attack the enemy. A new force has been developed despite an insignificant beginning.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 152:
inevitability of reincarnation? When one lacks vision of the future, however, incarnations are only fragmentary pages from the book of life. Animal reasoning does not need perception of the future, but man's will to knowledge impels him to understand the change of lives. Only by such thinking does man receive the right to joy, and by striving he can approach cooperation with the far-off worlds. Not by gazing at the sky, but through daily life will man multiply life's riches and discover the meaning and relative value of many daily events.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 192:
Explain the meaning of the tests by cold and hunger, and all other measures. An ignorant person will be puzzled about how to overcome feelings of cold or hunger. The one who understands the essence of things knows that these sensations cannot be made to disappear, but the spirit can be strengthened so that nothing will unsettle it. A hungry one will find means to satisfy his hunger if his spirit has not descended to an animal condition. A cold one can warm himself as long as his spirit understands why he must protect himself. Without this, there will be only an animal-like irritation, confusion of consciousness, and downfall.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 197:
197. One should think about Our actions and testify to their rightness. The least doubting thought will divert the arrow far from its target. Then it would be better not to touch Yoga at all. An obscured consciousness is a remainder from the animal state. Who has need of clouded thoughts? No one would want to receive obscure answers to their questions!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 205:
205. "Awaken, slumberer!" People love to repeat this call. It is especially amazing when this is repeated by those who are themselves slumberers, and who continue to sleep. Some sleep for years; some sleep through an entire life; some occasionally fall into sudden slumber and drowsily repeat thoughtless words uttered by others. Let us not speak of the occasional passers-by; even those who are already on the path are subject to spells of animal sleep. Then it is the task of the Teacher to awaken them, even, if necessary, by a stroke of lightning. Indeed, sleep can easily lead to possession.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 409:
409. The Teacher instructs you not to condemn people for their vices, but to point out their similarities with animal behavior. This can help those with insufficiently developed minds.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 565:
Did you ever hear of a yogi's being devoured by beasts? There was never such an occurrence, for no animal that possesses a particle of instinct would dare pit itself against the shield of Teros. The essential thing is to summon Teros out of the Chalice and into the extremities. The channels from the Chalice branch out to all the extremities, and some people can sense the light of the Chalice as a tension in the fingers and toes. Others can sense the light of the Brahmarandhra center with a corresponding feeling in the Chalice. All this is not metaphysics but a practical indication for application in life. Many are in need of protection; why, then, not utilize one's own treasure?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 565:
It is not difficult to accumulate the energy of Teros or to evoke it. And it is not advisable to lose consciousness at the decisive moment, for that would produce a condition not unlike that of the so-called deadly eye. A yogi does not kill an animal by his own will; it is the evil will that smashes itself against the shield of Teros. One has to understand that not a coercive will, but the accumulation of the Chalice, will provide protection and permit action.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 601:
601. Scientists speaking about the subconscious, about cerebral and nervous reflexes, about animal magnetism, about telepathy, certainly speak of one and the same thing - of psychic energy. But this term is somehow not uttered. These snatches of knowledge beg to be united into one current, but narrow-mindedness prevents the proper relating of these various fragments of knowledge. Pure science is not afraid of alleyways. Attention is being paid now to the study of secretions, and perhaps this particular direction, the investigation of glandular secretions, will call attention to the existence of other secretions. Glandular secretions have only recently attracted attention, although ancient medicine pointed out the importance of secretions long ago. This matter was avoided, although all of nature proclaimed it. Is it possible that dialectics and materialism are only limitations? The development of consciousness brings us into closer contact with the entire mighty energy. Is it possible to think as before, with only half one's brain, not caring about the locked-up treasures?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 38:
38. If we compare the work of Cosmos with the work of man, we may find the closest correlations on our planet. Let us see wherein cooperation with the elements has been realized. The vegetable kingdom takes what it requires for its growth. The cooperation between man and the cosmic riches is clear. From the animal kingdom we take what is necessary for our existence, accepting it as being customarily due us. When man built his dwellings upon the lake shores and hewed them out of the rocks, he subordinated the world to himself and proudly dominated it. Now the same man dominates, but, having been enriched by all manner of subtle means, he has progressed toward an understanding of the riches of Space.

Hierarchy (1931) - 400:
400. Compared to the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom provides far more feasible experiments. If one understood Agni Yoga, one could feel to what an extent the influence of man exerts itself on animals. It can be seen to what an extent irritation or fear or assurance is transmitted to them. Certainly the law of Yogism extends from a "deadly eye" to resurrection. But through a multitude of intermediate steps one may observe various effects. Those who approach Agni Yoga should be warned of the possible consequences of thoughtless actions. How many unpleasantnesses might be avoided by simple self-discipline, to which one should accustom oneself. How many achievements accumulated through centuries are swept away by an unrestrained roaring. One must think of self-perfectment. One must arouse in oneself the superiority of the spirit, which will always be sustained by Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 47:
47. In what, then, does happiness consist? Is it in being able to sit still without daring to arouse the Primary Substance with thought? Or is it in directing the thought to a new construction of life? I first spoke to you of action, but now we shall affirm thought. Action, even the most exalted, touches comparatively low strata; only thought, in its nature, can act upon the Primary Substance. First I spoke of action as the attainable evidence, but with a sufficiently broadened consciousness it is time to affirm the significance of thought. Multitudes of thoughtless actions remain at the surface of existence, undifferentiable from the actions of the animal world. But if we speak of straight-knowledge and the heart, it is necessary to affirm thought as the power and co-creator of Existence. Notice that I do not speak of discussions, nor of pondering, but of thought, which sweeps through the surface of Substance with its individual rhythm, and thus creates infinitely!

Heart (1932) - 120:
120. The deposits of psychic energy are of course perfectly real, both in the animal and vegetable kingdoms. One should remember that the Ringse previously mentioned contains a deposit of psychic energy which possesses the quality of indestructibility and vitality.

Heart (1932) - 264:
264. Beyond all human boundaries flash the sparks of space. So, also, over and above earthly decrees the far-off calls come flying. Do you not awaken at times with unusual words in your consciousness, do you do not hear unearthly names? The meetings in the Subtle World are not few. Not few are the channels to the fiery regions. And often we are called by those whom we are destined to encounter sooner or later in the future. The earthly world is not impoverished if we ourselves do not limit it. Not a little did the ancients teach us about the possibilities of transformation and the link with the Highest Consciousness. It is unforgivable for us to remain in an animal state. For although animals sense the Subtle World, they do not cognize it. But people must realize their link with the far-off worlds; in this lies their distinction and power. Yet if people close their consciousness, they harm not only themselves but also existence in general.

Heart (1932) - 324:
324. It is not necessary to regard the individualistic method as unscientific; quite the opposite, it affords accumulation for the intensification of the formula. Thus, the similarity of certain nerve centers to those in animal and other forms is well noted by the ancient Vedas. Thus, observation gave the first foundations for systematic divisions. In the same way, the facts that are noticed by sincere observers will be brought precisely into a system. If, recently, human observation directed its efforts toward spiritualism despite its danger, how much more natural it is to begin observations of the manifestations of energy which in a coarse form are already known. Thus, the position of science not only will not waver but will be broadened in new circles.

Heart (1932) - 354:
354. From Our point of view each vivisection performed upon the heart is inadmissible, just as it is inadmissible to seek the Ringse in a living organism, yet one can observe many psycho-physiological manifestations during the development of the heart. Thus, the fiery heart produces a light spot upon the upper tissue which, during the increase of fire, becomes almost white. The ancients called this manifestation the "sacred ashes." This has nothing in common with the enlargement of the heart, but rather with its refinement. One can also understand why it is impossible to make a comparable experiment with an animal heart and that of man. If the human heart is the throne of consciousness, the animal heart must, of course, differ from it in certain functions. Moreover, a violation of the action of the heart after the ejection of one's subtle body would be a real crime. Each artificial pulsation of the heart will attract the subtle body and perpetrate an unpardonable act of decomposition and suffering.

Heart (1932) - 474:
474. The dying out of generations of human and animal life as well as the exhaustion of nature's generative forces indicates the end of Kali Yuga. This process evolves before your eyes, but only few take the trouble to notice this cosmic manifestation. Even you at times are prone to ascribe to chance the evidences of the austere law called into action by humanity. It would seem impossible not to perceive the occurrences of recent years! Yet people nevertheless lull themselves with the consolations of yesterday, but should they perceive menacing signs anywhere, they fall under the spell of animal fear. Still no one harkens to the word about the heart. The great salutary substance remains unapplied.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 50:
50. Each endeavor may be fulfilled in three ways - through external muscular exertion, outwardly through a nerve center, or through the heart's fiery energy. If the first effort is animal, the second is human, and the third is of the Subtle World. The third effort could be utilized much more frequently if people could consciously apply the concept of the heart and Fire. But unfortunately this tension arises only in exceptional cases. Naturally, when a mother saves her child, she acts beyond earthly conditions. When a hero dedicates himself to the salvation of mankind, he multiplies his strength tenfold. But this unconscious enflaming rarely occurs. We watch over the constant increase of forces through the realization of the predestined powers. It is not so difficult to transform and kindle the consciousness when constant attention is applied to it. Constancy is also a quality of Fire. Everywhere, under all circumstance, the essence of fire is the same. Fire cannot be formed out of any elements, any compounds; one can only manifest Fire. Likewise it is possible to draw near to the Fiery World. The most astounding regenerations occur through fiery manifestations. The earthly world is regenerated only through Fire. People believe in the Light of Fire. People become blind because of Earth, and are regenerated through Fire. One can cite many examples of how Fire brings about world upheavals. Without the manifestations of Fire you cannot even enter upon a path of regeneration. Many will scoff at the mere word regeneration, yet even a snake renews its skin. Thus it is better consciously to approach the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 151:
151. Sleep can have the most contrasting causes, just as contrasting auras can be alike. It may be a hazy state of repose, or it may be a tense labor of the subtle body. When, besides nightly sleep, absentation during the day is also required, it means the labor is great. Often this imperceptible labor has a world significance. Governments would like very much to have such co-workers, but due to human limitations they do not even know how to find them. When, however, such a possibility arises, they are filled with an animal terror, exclaiming, "Most dangerous people!" Thus, each concept reaching beyond the limits of the crudest material conventions will be accompanied by an animal fear. One must be consoled by the fact that it was ever thus.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 188:
188. Even for a simple examination by means of rays, the physician prescribes a special diet. Yet how much more subtle is contact with the Fiery Domain. One must prepare oneself not only through diet, but also by other external and internal means. Food requirements are not complicated. The chief thing is to avoid blood, since it is an element which introduces emanations unfit for the refined organism. But even in case of extreme necessity, one can avoid blood by using either dried or smoked meat. Similarly, in planning cereal or vegetable diets, one should be guided by the condition of one's organism. Yet even without Yoga anyone can understand that any excess is harmful. And everyone knows about the vitamins in raw products. But all these conditions, like excessive pranayama, are nothing compared with the heart's comprehension. You yourselves know how the fires flash up and how the most beautiful thoughts guide one. You may have heard more than once about robber sadhus, and they are probably quite zealous about counting their pranayama. You have heard also of certain Rishis who, even under the most intolerable conditions, did not shrink from helping people. It is especially good on each memorial day to recall the heart's acquisition of Fire. All other conditions are applied in accordance with the intrinsic worth of the heart. The heart will not fill itself with alien or animal blood, for the quality of the heart will not accept it. The fiery heart will not choke with evil speech, for this is contrary to its nature. Thus, let us welcome and always assist the natural kindling of the fires.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 315:
315. The Chinese method of healing by means of a puncture of the corresponding centers, of which you recently read, is not curing but only a temporary relief. The ancient Egyptians produced the same reaction by pressing upon the corresponding centers. And even nowadays cupping glasses and hot poultices are in the same category. Thus, throughout life one should eliminate irritation by means of corresponding complements. The Teaching of Old China also contained the process of healing by means of heightening the vitality. Precisely China has valued ginseng and a prolonged use of musk. Therefore, it is not to be wondered at if the latest medical research discovers aspects of the higher vitality. Likewise, one can notice the fieriness of the manifestations of vitality. May the best of physicians learn how to discern the fiery origin of the vegetable and animal life-givers. Such experiments should not be deferred; when fiery epidemics threaten, let us not forget that like cures like.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 388:
388. It is very bad to cross over into the Subtle World filled with the black fires of malice; this results in blindness. Besides blindness, such malice deprives one of means of communication, in other words, of the language of the spirit. When We speak about the inadmissibility of malice, We offer the best advice; for malice is not a human attribute, it is the lowest form of ignorance. Through malice man degrades himself to an animal state, with all its consequences. Therefore, if a man filled with malice passes into the Subtle World, it will be especially difficult for him to rise. If all kinds of passion impede the ascent, malice, like a red-hot iron, burns away all accumulations. The beings in the middle spheres of the Subtle World will not find a way to perform a purification until the self-blinded can find a fragment of broken spiritual consciousness. The advice about good will must be repeated often to various people. Let children also hear it.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 397:
397. The ability to discern the true direction is a great and fiery quality. One can understand that such a quality is not easily strengthened. It demands not only discussion but the most attentive study of life. No one believes that one can leap, at one bound, from animal consciousness to straight-knowledge. Animal instinct is the germ of straight-knowledge, but great is the abyss between a dog that senses its master, and a man who is aware of the Fiery World! To sense the Fiery World while in the earthly body is already enlightenment.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 482:
482. In Tibet horses are fed on leopard flesh in order to make them fierce. The Kshatniyas of Rajputana depend upon a meat diet to maintain their warlike spirit. These two examples alone show the significance of meat-eating. People do not slaughter a vast number of cattle from a sense of refinement. Like troglodytes, they are ready to devour bears. One must realize that the mass slaughter of animals is carried on in full consciousness. People know that vegetables or fruit give more vital energy than a cup of blood, yet they prefer being served with bloody meat, greatly relishing this coarseness. There is no other name for the frenzy of blood consumption. People are perfectly aware that a handful of wheat or barley is sufficient to sustain life, but their animal instinct tries to drag their minds back to a bestial state. Do not beasts try to tear each other's throats? Does not darkness impel people to the lowest actions? Let us not forget that mass killings, whether in war or in the slaughterhouse, equally pollute the atmosphere and violate the Subtle World. It must be realized that every conscious killing shakes the entire surrounding atmosphere. Moreover, these actions strengthen the forces of darkness and chaos, breaking the rhythm. One must avoid disturbing the Subtle World in any way. We can allow a diet of vegetables, farinaceous food, and milk, also eggs, the very freshest and in a liquid state. You know how repulsive the very sight of meat becomes to the organism accustomed to a vegetable diet. Thus, in practice one must accustom oneself to refinement and remember that even an elephant increases his strength through plants alone. One should not think that people eat meat because of poverty. With the least effort one can obtain a vegetable diet; besides, many nourishing herbs and roots are not utilized. One could learn much from certain animals, they know far more about natural foods than man, the meat-eater. Do not be concerned if the lover of blood scoffs at vegetable food; only remember him, because he is from darkness. Many are indifferent to meat and are compelled to it only by ugly home conditions. We do not mean them. We deplore the conscious vampires and necrophagi. Hence, be simpler and more refined in your diet.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 595:
595. Even plants and trees influence each other. Every gardener knows this reciprocal action, knows where grow mutual friends and where enemies. Then how much more pronounced must be these interactions in the animal kingdom and certainly among men! During an ordinary conversation at dinner the experienced eye of a hostess detects such mutual attractions and repulsions. The fiery heart senses such mutual interactions far more clearly, but these manifestations should be noted. It is not enough to sense them; they must be transferred to the consciousness, to be utilized ultimately for good. The ability to transfer sensations to the consciousness is acquired through experience. For a discerning experiment one should premise a thought in this direction. Much is impressed upon the consciousness through simple thinking. Also, nature should be regarded as a great guide. Does not the purple of the swelling buds recall the purple of the protective net of the aura? Thus, one can find in color and sound great analogies to the foundations of Life.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 624:
624. Even among contemporary forms numerous animal-like men can be found. Such monstrosities are usually ascribed to a fright or shock experienced by the mother. But, notwithstanding many explanations, the principal cause is usually lost sight of. It may be understood that in the Subtle World certain entities are subject to fits of carnal desire. During these obscurations they sink to the level of the animal kingdom. Moreover, Agni declines to such an extent that the animal principles take possession of the fallen ones. Of course, with time, they can again ascend, but the animal contact is so powerful that it may be transformed at reincarnation into animal form. Sometimes heredity contributes to such animal-like rebirths, for base spirits prefer corresponding forms for themselves. And sometimes it is neither atavism nor heredity, but a deplorable lunge into the animal world, which imprints the seal of madness. Again it is instructive to note how the decrease of Agni permits the manifestation of animal propensities.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 624:
Agni, the savior, leads to beautiful worlds, but one must cherish it and not forget its existence. Many spirits, while not lowering themselves to an animal state, disgracefully stamp about on one spot and even fear Agni. During their earthly journeyings these timid ones feared everything existing, and Fire was to them the most terrifying concept. They forgot the Light, which could draw them to the World of Beauty, and fear is a poor counselor.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 630:
630. They will ask, "How can we best serve on Earth to effect the utmost benefit at present?" One must restore the health of Earth. By innumerable ways, one must carry out the world task of regeneration. One must bear in mind that people have destroyed the resources of Earth without mercy. They are ready to poison the earth and the air. They have laid waste the forests, these storehouses of prana. They have decimated animal life, forgetting that animal energy nourishes the earth. They believe that untried chemical compounds can take the place of prana and earthly emanations. They plunder the natural resources, unmindful that the balance must be maintained. They do not ponder over the cause of the catastrophe of Atlantis. They do not consider the fact that chemical ingredients must be tested over the course of a century, for a single generation cannot determine the symptoms of evolution or involution. People like to calculate races and sub-races, but the very simple idea of calculating the plundering of the planet never occurs to them. They think that by some act of mercy the weather will clear, and people will become prosperous! But the problem of restoring health does not enter their thoughts. Hence, let us love all creation!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 661:
661. Fanaticism is inadmissible. It contains neither devotion, nor love, nor magnanimity, but is only a reversion to the animal state. Fanaticism begets treason, hostility, and cruelty. The fanatic does not reach the Fiery World, because love is the key to it. Fanaticism is like a neglected ailment, if not immediately attended to it becomes incurable. Such a consciousness must encounter great shocks in order to understand true devotion. By repulsion alone one cannot acquire the quality of the magnet. Therefore, I am so concerned that you should not lose a single opportunity for manifesting friendliness. The best fuel should be preserved for the fire of the heart. The store of friendliness generates true compassion, which is directly opposed to the cruelty of fanaticism. Fanaticism knows only the egoism which presumptuously says, "All or nothing." and since all is impossible, there remains nothing. Therefore, take notice of even the slightest signs of fanaticism. Cure them with the greatest patience as you would a contagious disease. It is precisely fanaticism which has shaken the most beautiful Teachings and corroded the seeds of love. One should carefully prepare everything that can facilitate the access of Agni to one's heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 149:
149. Forgetful about everything, man forgets his own destiny. Not without foundation is the legend mentioning the animal state. Many examples have been given to man in order to warn him in good time, but never before have there been so many animal-like people. And the external covering merely reveals the inner ulcer. The Teaching calls upon people to help themselves and to respect their own nature. But the deepest, darkest ulcer is considered fitting for those who trust Satan. It is difficult to imagine how many people are addicted to Satanic rituals! Entire schools are busy spreading such harmful principles. Much already has been told to you about terrors, but when I see new transgressions, I cannot but warn you once more. Be not surprised at dizziness and headaches; each particle of your energy is tensed and on guard, for it is necessary to protect you from many projectiles. Unprecedented necromancy is being applied by the dark ones, in order to summon the very lowest spirits; for they are indifferent to consequences, they wish to be strengthened for just one hour. But a counterblow is naturally drawing near.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 151:
151. One should strictly distinguish between a contradiction and a particular manner of work. If a left-handed person can create with the left hand, the significance of his attainment will not be contradictory to right-handed work. But people are hampered by the conventionalities of measures; even at present they cannot comprehend wherein lies the value of labor, and each unusual method immediately arouses suspicion. What a nasty quality is suspiciousness; it has nothing in common with the Fiery World! The approach of suspiciousness makes man worse than an animal, for the latter retains his instincts whereas suspicion corrodes all the senses. Indeed, it is a survival from the darkest past. Fortunately it is subject to cure by suggestion, but one should not neglect such an infection.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 166:
166. Upon pressing or rubbing of the eyes colors appear which act as crude reminders of the radiance of the centers. If a coarse contact can produce evident illumination, then contact of a higher energy can certainly bring beautiful colors of the spirit. From the gross to the very highest it is necessary to cognize the saturation with spatial Fire. One should become accustomed to conscious acceptance of spatial accessibility. However, one should adapt oneself to such a merging. Let us not forget that ancient revelations were given for the betterment of life, and for the refining of consciousness. Thus the bond with the Higher Worlds was maintained directly. But later, because of the breaking away, quests for mechanical methods began, for the purpose of preventing a complete severance of the communion. It should be born in mind that during Kali-Yuga such methods became ineffectual, and even a mixing with the lower strata of the Subtle World took place. But Satya-Yuga, by its very nature, requires communion with the Higher Worlds. Therefore, in preparing for Satya-Yuga one should turn again to direct communion with the Higher Worlds, by applying true Ethics. This is needed for destined discoveries which cannot be given to an animal consciousness. I will not weary of reiterating it, for each hearth of enlightenment of the spirit is important. Where, then, can be the paths to the Fiery World, if not through the decrees of Ethics? Surely Hatha-Yoga does not lead to the Fiery World. Enough of preparations - one should hurriedly strive toward the Higher Worlds. Let each of our cells contain millions of millions of currents. Not for somnolence have the subtlest apparatuses been given. Not for the sake of doubt are there being made calculations involving such huge figures. They surely remind one about Infinity and the saturation of all that exists. Thus let us be imbued with thoughts about Spatial Fire, about the possibilities of our being. Satya-Yuga cannot draw near without fiery signs.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 192:
192. The Alexandrian philosophers used to say - Do not criticize the World, for it was created by great thought. The creation is not at fault, but our conception of it is. We can channel our thoughts either for good or for evil. We could transform the best animal into an evil creature. Cruelty on one side and fear on the other fills our consciousness by means of thought. We can send evil in our glance. We could turn a beneficial plant into a most poisonous and pernicious one. The thoughts of the ancient philosophers penetrated into religions. Clement of Alexandria knew how people themselves debase the great Creation. Even now people may observe how evil can transform the most harmless beings. Indeed, every animal tamer can tell how often precisely the element of good assists him in his work. But he also knows that besides good there must be measures for self-protection, varying according to the character of the animal. Such a science may be called goal-fitting. We cannot criticize the World without wondering why malice was allowed to enter. So too, protective measures will emanate not from evil but from good. Each leader may be advised not to forget the covenants of the ancient philosophers.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 323:
323. A diver prepares himself for the lowest depth of water. The upper level of water does not concern him, but he must foresee the entire pressure of the lower layer. So too, in dealing with nations one must have a conception of the lowest consciousness. Everyone who thinks about the Fiery World must be able to understand the thinking of the semi-animal consciousness. One should not ignore the understanding of the very lowest consciousness. On the contrary, one must equip oneself with all resourcefulness, so as to catch the human note even in animal roaring.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 473:
473. Manifestations can be either subtle or connected with the dense world. Not rarely do dark entities strengthen themselves by the presence of creatures of earth which they attract. Thus, there may appear some stray dogs or cats or mice or annoying insects. Dark entities strengthen their substance from animals. Repeatedly has the Teaching pointed out the participation of the animal world in subtle and low manifestations. Sometimes they cannot manifest without the participation of animals. But for the courageous spirit all such manifestations are as nought. Let the tarantulas crawl, but it is very important for science to know these connections of animals with the Subtle World . I do not advise having animals in bedrooms. Certain people themselves sense the practicality of such vital precautions, but others, on the contrary, aspire, as it were to attract invisible guests.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 554:
554. Despair is called darkness. Such a definition is precise; indeed, it extinguishes radiation and the Fire of the heart grows dim. Such a state is not only harmful, it is unworthy of man; he becomes lower than an animal. It is possible to brave the condition of despair. The most frightful entities employ it. Behind it stalks terror itself. Where then will be the garden of beauty?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 561:
561. A sensitive dog follows from afar the traces of his master. So too in man exists this fiery sensitiveness, but he tries to suppress it with reasoning. Whereas not a few people will acknowledge that they sometimes sense inexplicable odors. Perhaps it is that the Subtle World sends aromas but they are rarely noticed. People are more quickly conscious of an animal scent than of supermundane aromas.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 587:
587. It is always good to talk about the heart. It is timely to speak of that which is urgently needed. Precisely there where is heart is also Fire. The wayfarer does not sally forth without his flint, for he does not forget that he stands in need of it at night. Thus, without heart the night of the spirit approaches. Not so frightening are the impediments, but a stony heartlessness is terrible. No man is without heart, nor animal, nor plant, nor even stones. This means that heartlessness is no longer in the manifested World but in chaos.

AUM (1936) - 176:
176. In psychic investigation one absolutely essential thing has been forgotten - a comparison between the consciousness of the lowest savage and that of the loftiest thinker has never been introduced. Indeed, such a task requires lengthy observations. And the distinction between such consciousnesses will be striking. It will enable one to judge not only the multiple diversities of humanity but it will also direct thought to the consciousness of the animal and vegetable worlds.

AUM (1936) - 204:
It is necessary that one be prepared to listen not only to the majestic music of the spheres but also to the cry of animal terror. It is impermissible to know only one side of existence. Only cognition of the whole Universe will give the affirmation of victory. The unwise are afraid of every darkness, but for him who realizes, even darkness is a contrasting background for Light. He who knows about the world of Light is not afraid of darkness.

AUM (1936) - 256:
256. There are people who specifically hate confirmations and proofs. Such people are really and truly ignorant. It may be asked justly, "Did they ever have a consciousness, or do they spring from the animal state?"

AUM (1936) - 260:
260. A great number of painful sensations are caused by psycho-atmospheric tensions. We do not mean atmospheric pressures only, but actual psychic waves, which not only can create moods but can even reflect upon the nerve centers. One cannot imagine to what an extent the atmosphere is saturated by psychic energies; such emanations produce effects not only upon animal life but also upon plants. Therefore, it is impossible light-mindedly to attribute all these manifestations merely to crude physical conditions. Many of the subtlest psychic manifestations still have not been unriddled; for the consciousness itself is often primitive. Many times you have observed such singular incongruities.

AUM (1936) - 277:
277. The particles of higher energy which exist in each human organism correspondingly exist in the other kingdoms of nature. The animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom know how to preserve the particle of energy also in the Subtle World. Especially certain animals that lived around man preserve a certain bond with the organism of the Subtle World dweller. When I advise kindness toward animals, I have in mind that it is better to encounter small friends than enemies. Indeed, one should preserve co-measurement in everything, otherwise one may receive harmful emanations from animals.

AUM (1936) - 277:
Likewise, when I indicate a vegetable diet, I am guarding against nourishing the subtle body with blood. The essence of blood thoroughly permeates the body and even the subtle body. Blood is so undesirable in the diet that only in extreme cases do We permit the use of meat which has been dried in the sun. It is also possible to use those parts of the animal where the blood substance has been thoroughly transmuted. Thus, vegetable food has a significance also for life in the Subtle World.

AUM (1936) - 279:
279. The Subtle World is filled with prototypes of animals, but only a strong consciousness perceives them. Indeed, the aspects of such animal representatives are innumerable, from the most complicated to those which are decomposing as dross. It should not be thought that the dwellers of the Subtle World all possess identical vision.

AUM (1936) - 400:
400. Each physical touch contains in itself an act of great intensity. Each animal tamer knows the force of contact. Even the gardener knows the significance of physical care for plants, but people among themselves refuse to recognize the need of caution in their relations. You have already observed how even the approach of a single man has disrupted completely the rhythm of energy. Since it is not so difficult to obtain indicative results, then how much more should one apply such convincing knowledge.

Brotherhood (1937) - 121:
121. One should know how to conquer the illusion of contradictions. It is needful on the one hand to cultivate kindheartedness and on the other to understand austerity. For many, such a task is completely insoluble; only the heart can prompt when the two qualities will not contradict each other. The heart will prompt when it is necessary to rush to the help of one's neighbor. The heart will indicate when to stop short the madness of a fierce animal. It is impossible to express in a word of law just when the necessity of this or that action becomes evident. Unwritten are the laws of the heart, but only therein does justice dwell, for the heart is the bridge of the worlds.

Brotherhood (1937) - 439:
439. The psychic nature is individual in both people and animals. It is an error to attribute it to a single race or species. One may notice in certain peoples a leaning toward psychic manifestations, but this quality still does not explain strong manifestations in the case of certain individuals; it is the same in the animal world. Some will say, May not this be evidence of the disorderliness of some laws? Not at all. On the contrary, it merely proves the existence of laws over and above earthly reasoning. There are many questions which lead into error those who cannot think above earthly reasoning. People have become accustomed to think about fortuitous boundaries of nations, taking them for something immutable; likewise an entire people should think uniformly; a species of animals should have the same characteristics - yet life itself teaches one to perceive a great diversity. Man will be far happier when he discovers the thread of laws of the psychic nature.

Brotherhood (1937) - 561:
561. It will be asked, Can so-called living corpses wander about on Earth for a long time? For long periods, depending upon their animal attraction to the physical world. Psychic energy will leave them, their radiations will become negligible, and a small apparatus will reveal the signs of death. These walking corpses easily fall under the influence of strangers. They repeat empty words of their bygone days, convincing no one. Physicians may vainly examine their aorta, pointing to a valvular disease of the heart. These corpses are sometimes sensed by certain animals. Often these corpses remain as heads of big enterprises, nevertheless their dead husks permeate everything therein. The walking dead are strongly attached to life, for they do not understand the change of condition. They fear death.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 154:
154. Urusvati is aware that the Great Teachers converse with animals. The Great Pilgrim was remarkable in this respect also. One should understand such contact with the animal kingdom. Although human beings do not pay much attention to animal sounds, they can understand them, since psychic energy can contact its equivalent energy in animals and thus create a bridge of understanding.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 154:
If one could see how the Great Teacher related to animals and birds, one would be convinced of the living bond between the kingdoms. He could call a bird to alight on His arm and then send it in a particular direction, or calm an animal simply by a mental suggestion of calmness. The old legends tell us that sick animals would come to Him to be healed, and many true examples could be cited.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 154:
Verily, the Teacher had the right to call the animals His smaller brothers. There was nothing contrived or forced in these communications. Nor was it a relationship of master and slave, but simply cooperation between man and animal.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 196:
"Man is a social animal, but human herds do not know how to graze in peace, and do not realize that horns should be used only in defense. Even a bull can be an example of decency. May thought direct humanity toward the Infinite."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 210:
Even clear indications of new types of diseases do not stimulate research. It is essential to observe all one's surroundings. Unusual developments will be observed in the animal kingdom, and the vegetable kingdom will also offer many confirmations. Diseases of animals and plants will remind us of epidemics among people. We have acquired the ability to protect ourselves against the known scourges, however, it is not the plague, cholera, or even cancer or meningitis that will threaten us, but new types of nervous ailments, which may become fully epidemic. These ailments are maladies of psychic energy, and can be contagious. Yet, it will take a long time for physicians to pay attention to these new kinds of disease. They could be called fiery fevers, but whatever we call them, it is important to understand their cause. Changes of race will not inevitably bring disaster, but it is important that the psychic energy should be kept in a pure condition, since polluted energy produces disastrous spatial manifestations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 343:
The Thinker frequently pointed out interesting facts about animal consciousness. His remarks were ridiculed on the grounds that animals have no intelligence and are therefore inferior beings, but the Thinker meant to show people that psychic energy works through all beings and throughout the universe.


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