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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CONTEMPORARY (78)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.3:
2.3.3. Not treatises, not logic, but the channel of spirit brings the perception of Cosmos. The tenor of contemporary life has severed from humanity all understanding of the universal power. The perspicacity to penetrate the superterranean spheres is manifested only at the boundary line of sleep. He who can appreciate this sacred moment has already begun to lift the veil. Not visions but consciousness is important. Not what is compelled by training but what results from voluntary revelation is valuable.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.12:
And when I whispered, "Thy joy will depart," I had in mind the transformation of human joy into the cosmically manifested conception as if by entering into a vacuum. The rays of the new life enwrap one better than mosquito netting, and one need not strain oneself toward the Earth. In this, when we are working for the Earth, there is harmony. For outsiders, this seems sheer nonsense, but you understand how one can grasp and develop each pure earthly thought beyond its contemporary import. And when one has traced the thread from Christ to the blade of grass, then only has the scope of work been covered.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.16:
2.5.16. The quality of rays is infinitely varied, but two categories of rays are easy to distinguish. One category can be revealed to contemporary humanity, while the other comprises rays demanding from people a spiritual understanding without which the rays may be very destructive. Each ray can manifest a defense only within the limits of its generic colors. If even a very deep yellow is discordant for a violet ray, then how will all the crimson-toned ones strike the outer shell of such aura? Through perfection a new defense is attained, whereupon we cognize various rays, absorbing them with our own ray. We shield ourselves, as it were, against fatigue from various flashes by our own gamut of colors.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.14:
2.7.14. About the circles of keen sight and hearing. The first circle concerns the near ones and future events. The second is confined to current matters and to the near future. The third embraces the past which concerns the near ones. The fourth encompasses past events. The fifth is within the limits of the contemporary world. The sixth reveals the future of the world currents. The seventh contains all signs.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.7:
You like scientific construction - so do We. If you have heard the theory of vertical rings, the theory of waves, of magnetism, of attraction and repulsion, then you must realize that there exist on the Earth places of very diverse significance. Even dull-witted heads have pondered over the strange fate of many cities. The combination of a physicist, an astrochemist, a biologist, and an astrologer would yield the best answer without any mysticism. The construction of large cities ought to be cautiously planned. Least significant of all is contemporary politics, because this concept lacks scientific basis and beauty.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.12:
3.5.12. In creeds and laws intemperance is much condemned, but again without explanation. The practicality of temperateness in food and speech can be seen over a period of several months. Of course, as always, We are opposed to fanaticism and torments; the body knows it full needs. About sexual temperance it is necessary to speak in more detail; too much space has been allotted this subject by contemporary thinking.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.9:
If the majority of contemporary families were not nurseries of vulgarity, then precisely they could be the guides to work united in spirit. But mechanical mothers and fathers know only how to chirp, "Do as everyone else does!"

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.10:
Pious kings and most holy cardinals have more than once used this to enhance their prosperity. Likewise, you know the experiments of contemporary hypnotists wherein at a command sealed letters are read. Even in circuses this exhibition is offered without additional charge.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.11:
Contemporary wiseacres ridicule breaking the wall with one's forehead, but the ancient Egyptians made a beautiful symbol of the power of our essential nature. Hence, proceed along the line of the ray.

New Era Community (1926) - 21:
The better possibilities can be awakened by those who are able to perceive with a spiritual consciousness. But for the preservation of consciousness it is necessary to sense this during one's lifetime. Then the state of the contemporary world of physical survivals will be almost erased. Not the prayer "rest in peace," but "learn in the space of the Light." With all your consciousness remember the problems of evolution. When the striving for repose disappears then are the Gates drawing near.

New Era Community (1926) - 47:
Loss of the true significance of concepts has contributed much to contemporary savagery. People strew pearls about like sand. Verily, it is time to replace many definitions.

New Era Community (1926) - 123:
123. Collectivism and dialectivism are two aids in thinking about materialism. The essence of materialism holds a particular mobility, ignoring not a single manifestation of life. The Teacher reveals only the necessary landmarks. One can develop propositions by thinking along suggested paths. Materialism must be well-grounded, so that all contemporary scientific attainments may enter constructively into the concept of spiritualized materialism.

New Era Community (1926) - 174:
174. Exteriorization of sensitivity has long been known. It has been attained either mechanically or by order of the will, and has served as a most sound reason for burning at the stake. Even now contemporary inquisitors, trying to discover a tail of necromancy, drive the bold search underground.

New Era Community (1926) - 198:
198. In the recent past, in accordance with the plan of My Friend, We often visited Western cities. At that time We encountered casual individuals who suspected something about Us. The most persistent inquiries were addressed to Us - about the methods of psycho-mechanics and demands for the most precise biochemical formulas. Besides, with the conceitedness of the West, these people were never concerned about their own consciousness and did not attempt to learn whether they possessed the corresponding physical qualities. It is sad to contemplate that this opportunity was unaccompanied by any aspirations for social welfare. As the caveman with his club hastened to gather colored sea-shells as his exclusive property, so did these dwellers of stone places try to appropriate for themselves qualities foreign to them. Moreover, the caveman adorned himself with the shells, but the contemporary wiseacres degraded knowledge into after-dinner coffee talk - it was a spectacle of shameful lightmindedness.

New Era Community (1926) - 209:
209. You have already seen how I put questions to a newcomer. From the replies it was possible to form an opinion about the qualities of the newcomer. Each one of you will be obliged to teach those who come to you. If they begin with a question, reply with a question of your own. You know how the quality of a question gives direction to the next question. It is inadmissible to allow inexactness to creep into the essence of the question. Often this first diffusiveness lies like a grease spot on a coverlet and becomes indelible. The hour will approach when you will tenaciously insist on questions on the part of the one with whom you speak. But the first questions must come from you. And first of all ask what has drawn him to you. And then ask him to tell when for the first time he felt the worthlessness of contemporary life; and then let him relate how the first conception of the Teacher arose in his consciousness. Let him tell how he understands achievement. Does he feel the difference between the evidence and the reality; and can he realize the community within his consciousness? Thus, it is necessary to get at the weeds of desires and dreams. Be not afraid to appear stern; certainly far worse are soft, rumpled cushions. Sternness will produce roots, and if there be also an indication of intensity, then will be created the manifestation of the bridge.

New Era Community (1926) - 220:
220. When We speak about the beauty of the coming evolution, We are called Utopian optimists. When We speak about the terrors of contemporary life, We are called visionary pessimists. But We can be neither optimists nor pessimists, We are realists - actualists.

New Era Community (1926) - 225:
"Cosmic transformation in contact with the psychic energy creates the condition of a current of good fortune." Thus spoke Buddha. He pointed out the distinction between evidence and reality. His likening of evidence to a mirage is applicable for any contemporary discourse whatever.

New Era Community (1926) - 235:
235. Let us take up several childish concepts. What is new? Nothing. But there is only new realization of manifestations of the properties of matter, new for the contemporary level of mind. One must understand that the true affirmations are not in self-contained isolation but in true continuity. Manifestation can be strengthened only in a fearless affirmation of an order of succession. This consideration appears simple enough for children, and in it is contained the power of solidarity. Yet organized solidarity is still not realized. Often people try to limit a manifestation, bringing obvious harm. Any dismemberment is as an axe upon a living organism.

New Era Community (1926) - 246:
246. The man who is not free, who thinks of himself, who acts for himself, is plunged into an ocean of false currents. The man even remodels his speech into a manifestation of external expression that is in conformity with his egotism. Pay attention to how accents are displaced on words of foreign tongue, in disregard of meaning and philology. People re-cut alien sounds to fit the custom of their own country. Indeed, the self-conceit of ignorance and a contempt for the neighbor are indicated in the distortion of speech. To reason out and to penetrate into the meaning of a neighbor's feeling is incompatible with the coarseness of petty self-conceit. The feeling of irresponsibility and the undiscarded sense of ownership create the feudal lords of our contemporary times.

New Era Community (1926) - 251:
251. Contemporary industry and the entire production of objects has become so unbalanced, in quantity and quality, that for the time being they preclude the possibility of a proper distribution of things. Forcible and indiscriminate distribution engenders craftiness and lies. Can one expect new possibilities in inaction or should one deepen the consciousness in its essence? You remember the words of Buddha about the disciple surrounded with things yet consciously renouncing personal ownership. It is useless to try to take away objects forcibly and thus create a passion for trash. The most important thing is to carry out rationally an educational program on the debasing significance of possession. It is not important that someone remain in his own armchair, but it is important that youth realize the absurdity of having its own chair. It is necessary that this consciousness be manifested not as a denial but as a free conquest. When, liberated from craftiness, people will learn of the impracticality of personal ownership, then a collective of co-workers will grow up.

Agni Yoga (1929) :
Sanskrit and Senzar lend a special flavor to the exposition and do not always find their equivalent in other languages. Nevertheless the meaning of the expressions is preserved exactly. And those who take part in contemporary life will read attentively this wise Teaching which emanates from the experience of centuries.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 57:
57. Let us recall the Legend of the Grail. Titurel, devoted to the Teaching, received the power of Light. His successor, immersed in darkness, bled ceaselessly from an unhealing wound. In memory of worthier days, the remains of Titurel were exposed to view, and the words of the great dead one were repeated. Nevertheless the flame in the Chalice of Truth had already been extinguished. The arrival of a new hero was needed in order to retrieve from Titurel's unworthy successor the Chalice of Truth. Only then could the fire of the world be rekindled. This legend is very well known in the West, but it was originally conceived in the East. Does it not parallel a certain contemporary case?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 184:
You have an example of the difference between two currents, and you know that the single current has less effect upon one's health. For future research it is important to know with which of the currents you are dealing. Many scientists will not be able to find appropriate methods to study this. Why is it that one person under observation is less in need of special treatment, while the spirit of another can flutter, like a captured rare bird, so that ordinary remedies are thrown off without effect? On this level of Yoga one is brought in touch with energies that are applied with great difficulty to contemporary life. Sometimes, after contact with an unusual type of energy, one must cease contact for a considerable time; but the overly zealous spirit does not permit this rest to his centers, and then We admonish, "Caution!"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 399:
399. Our way of teaching is usually attacked from two sides. The adherents of the old cannot forgive Us for Our interest in contemporary Western science. Those who follow only Western ways cannot forgive Our reverence for the Ancient Wisdom of the East.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 492:
492. Agni Yoga approaches just in time. Without it, who could say that epidemics of influenza should be cured by psychic energy? Who would pay attention to the new kinds of mental, brain, and nervous illnesses, such as sleeping sickness? It is not leprosy, or the old forms of plague or cholera that must be dreaded; for them, preventive measures already exist. But one must ponder over the new enemies that are created by the conditions of contemporary life. One cannot apply old treatments to them; a new approach will be found through the expansion of consciousness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 24:
Our earthly firmament requires a great deal for the healing of the breaches. Many fountains of formulae of the Lords have been poured out. The help, through the Shield of the Teaching, was sent, but the priceless treasures of spirit were scattered as chips into space. However, space is a great collector and accumulator of all treasures unapplied by you. Nothing is wasted by Cosmos, and there serve is guarded. When you realize this, the sparks of knowledge will reveal to you all mysteries of Existence. The element of Fire is dreaded by him who knows only the decay of contemporary life. But he who sees and welcomes causativeness and the affirmation of results is the evident votary of evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 29:
The reorganization of life by way of cosmic fires will provide the salvation, but fear overcomes people at the thought of a reorganization of life. The old outworn forms attract, and thus do traditions originate. If the concept of tradition is regarded as one that leads to a foundation, then benefit may be derived, for a broadened consciousness will lead to a covenant of wisdom. But the traditions of our contemporary life do not allow the spirit to strive toward the higher spheres. The church has it dogmas; families have walls of restrictions erected by the forefathers; nations have laws which deprive them of the affirmation of independence. Thus, deprived of the spirit of beauty, how will they perceive Infinity?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 47:
47. If it were possible to convey the concept of Infinity in the entire essence of cosmic understanding, humanity could attain great heights. But this achievement is possible only through broadening of consciousness. The spirit of one will be repelled from Infinity by fear; the spirit of another will be repelled because of ignorance; the wiseacre of contemporary science will remark dryly, "What have we to do with this problem? Where is our textbook? Let us verify this proclaimed Infinity." The bearer of Our Word will say, "All is being borne into the cosmic expanse and everything comes from the cosmic expanse. The threads of our lives are stretched from the depths of Infinity to the heights of Infinity. The power of Cosmos, which is invincible, is one and the same essence as our own. And just as the element of fire is unconquerable, so also is our spirit."

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 92:
92. Innovations in all domains of science and in the schools are indispensable. One cannot go far in the future world with the old science. On one hand, one must eliminate all the useless accumulations; on the other hand, one must penetrate more deeply into all manifestations, augmenting contemporary achievements. At present, too many years elapse before the achievements of laboratories, researches and discoveries reach the schools and the people. It will be necessary to establish information departments in schools, with popular presentation of the latest discoveries. A greater speed in communicating these informations is indispensable, because newspapers fail to give some of the most important information.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 432:
432. The magnetic currents affect greater areas than do electric manifestations. True, contemporary apparati are but playthings, yet this domain of science is more accessible than the mastery of atomic energy. The force of action of even a small magnet is very great, but people are even unaware of its ways of direction and take cognizance of only its physical attraction.

Hierarchy (1931) - 103:
103. Controversies are the carpet of the father of lies. The one who treads on it cannot see a man without maligning. The controversies in science usually stand upon the same carpet. It is amazing to what an extent people fill themselves with interpretations in which they do not believe. The contemporary churches are the best example of why the highest manifestation does not alter life. Therefore, let us protect the all-embracing heart.

Hierarchy (1931) - 296:
296. Thus, humanity is an accumulator and transmuter of the high energy which We have agreed to call psychic energy. The significance of humanity consists in its transmutation of this energy through consciousness and propelling it by way of Hierarchy into the higher spheres. The loss of the understanding of one's own predestination has thrown people back from the understanding of responsibility. Therefore, We remind again of the foundation of Existence. One must prepare oneself for the next evolution. Once again, one must draw closer to the great current and realize the principles of the renewal of life. You notice how greatly opposed We are to spiritism, but We often speak about the subtle bodies. We smile at contemporary hypnotism, but speak about rays and magnets. We advise re-examination of your pharmacopoeia, but offer a few fundamental medicines.

Hierarchy (1931) - 351:
351. Hierarchy must be adopted as an evolutionary system. To those spirits who have not yet outlived slavery it should be repeated that Hierarchy differs completely from despotism. Even a chimney-sweep must climb to the roof in order to clean the flues. This cannot be done from below. One cannot compose a symphony without one key for all instruments. Many analogies may be quoted, beginning with a jest and finishing with the touching examples of bees, ants, and swans. But the best example for contemporary humanity is the comparison with impersonal chemistry. It is easy to understand that a reaction can take place only under precise conditions. Hierarchy likewise corresponds completely to the astrochemical principles, which even a neophyte of science will not deny. We justly agreed already upon the importance of the discovery of psychic energy; for the coordination of its realization Hierarchy is as indispensable as a helpful chemical process.

Hierarchy (1931) - 413:
413. The contemporary dugpas do not find labor too difficult. One has only to say, "How beautiful you are," and the fruit will fall. But if one slackens, then dugpa will tenderly advise, "Defer." Thus, he will find a moment when the man lays aside his strength and possibilities. Certainly, a third and most beloved expedient still remains - precisely gold.

Hierarchy (1931) - 422:
422. If you know that an exalted, self-denying thought physically changes one's aura and even induces rays from the shoulders, then you already know one of the great mysteries of the world. Each visibility is the reflex of a material reaction. Thus, if irritation generates imperil, then each exalted thought must create an opposite beneficial substance. And so it is. Certainly Bliss is a complete reality. It is generated in the cortical system and reacts upon the brain matter. The Tibetan Ringse has a deep significance, being the sediment crystallized by the manifestation of Bliss. Certainly it is difficult to investigate the substance of Bliss while alive, for the heart and brain cannot be touched. The manifestation of imperil is much easier to approach, in the nerve channels of the extremities. But at the same time it would be unjust to disclose to humanity the negative substance and to presuppose only theoretically the existence of the most salutary substance. Of course, in the laboratory which is being created both substances will be demonstrated. We shall not assist the usual experiments, but where the steps of evolution are being built Our Hand will be on guard! First, We shall give attention to establishing the fact of imperil. Afterward, We shall define the ways of the manifestation of Bliss. If ancient science preserved fragmentary memories about the sediments of Bliss, then, certainly a biochemist can show more contemporary proofs of it. Later, these experiments upon the substance of the organism will be transferred to spatial energies. And again we shall understand why Bliss has the closest correlation to Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 29:
29. For the approach to Us, the understanding of full freedom is necessary. How terrible is the consequence of fear or the seeking of profits! Unclouded striving, freed from all burdens, manifests a true path. Only that heart from which no cunning, no corruption can be concealed can judge where such freedom begins. But subtle are the boundaries of the freedom of heart. What do people not accumulate around this subtlest web! If the heart reverberates with the distant earthquake, if our skin senses the warmth which flows from a hand, even at a considerable distance, then how much more does the heart vibrate from human radiations! It is exactly this quality that is not noted sufficiently in contemporary science.

Heart (1932) - 87:
87. Vengeance is justly condemned by all Teachings. The original wrong itself may be but little realized and even unintentional, yet vengeance is always thought out and consciously intensified in the heart. Vengeance is like a megaphone for the wrong; therefore its harm, in the spatial sense, is very great. Vengeance only slightly resembles indignation. Indignation, like an impulse to threaten may pass quickly, but premeditated acts of vengeance widely poison the atmosphere. It is said that intention is equal to action, but one must have in mind the action of thought. It is most difficult for humanity to get accustomed to these considerations. To contemporary humanity thought has been transformed into an inconsequential cerebral contraction. Since the eye does not perceive the consequence of the thought, this means that it does not exist; but then we will arrive at denying the process of thought completely! The heart is in a better position; it makes motion and noise - thus, the heart can knock.

Heart (1932) - 135:
135. Thought-reading comes from straight knowledge. Not artificial magic, not glaring of the eyes, not the holding of hands, but the fire of the heart connects the subtlest apparatuses. There are two difficulties - the reader may be surrounded by several currents, and the one whose thoughts are being read may think so unclearly that he himself is unable to establish his basic thought. But the reading of thoughts is instructive not only as a phenomenon for the contemporary consciousness of humanity, but as a scientific physical experiment in the transmission of currents. There are so many significant experiments awaiting their turn! You all know of the luminous manifestations, but as yet no scientists have investigated the appearance of these lights. Are they optical manifestations, purely visual, or are they spatial chemical ones? Perhaps this condensation of energy may set the beginning of a new method of lighting. All these manifestations belong to the investigations of psychic energy. Why should one think that humanity is destined to limit itself solely to the one type of cosmic energy called electricity? There may be many channels for the manifestation of this energy. But, of course, it is easier for people first to pay attention to their own microcosm - the heart - in which slumber all the energies of the world.

Heart (1932) - 159:
159. Even dogs are aware of the Subtle World. But people are unwilling to pay attention to actuality. The Subtle World is the exalted sublimation of the earthly sphere. Fire is one of the basic manifestations of each sublimation. But if people are so far from a realization of the Subtle World, what can one say about the World of Fire, where Fire is the essence of all Existence? After the writings about the heart, about the Subtle World, one must write about Fire, about the Fiery World. How far that world will be from the contemporary understanding of life! But he who knows about the Subtle World will also wish to rise into the World of Fire.

Heart (1932) - 201:
201. Courage can be acquired only in the heart. In the cerebral sinuosity of the brain, one can find an intelligent distribution of forces, but the courage that proceeds by the straightest and most luminous path cannot exist outside the heart; judge it by the antipode of courage - fear. First of all, fear reacts upon the heart and from there proceeds to the extremities. Verily, all qualities are measured by the heart. A physician will be enabled to study all the qualities of human nature through the heart, through all the nuances and tones of the pulse. Of course, a dual pulse will not be the common rule, because the fiery condition of the heart is not comprehended at all by contemporary science. One can supplicate physicians to pay attention to the obvious manifestations which demand only watching. Let them be angered, but let them perceive who supplicates. In ten years the blows of fate will force one to venerate the Book of Life.

Heart (1932) - 216:
216. Right strivings annihilate the manifestations of contamination. A striving man verily is full of immunity. So it is with those who cross on the rim of the precipice. The best wings are woven by strivings. Even the best antidote will also be striving. The fire born of impetuous tension is the best shield. The ancients have explained how arrows never reach those who are striving. Contemporary physicians could point out the development of a special substance during spiritual striving. Apply it to life as a life counsel. I point out how the striving spirit, with the velocity of light, changes its position and becomes elusive. Thus, one must train oneself to strive, manifesting it physically as well as spiritually. The teaching that is devoid of striving is like a sack with holes. One must assimilate the essence of what is said, because a study of the words alone will remain only upon the tongue. But beware of the striving tongue with a dead heart. Thus, let us not forget about the antidote of pure striving.

Heart (1932) - 255:
255. You know that the living fire is the most disinfectant remedy, but the nature of fire is the same in all manifestations. The fire of the heart will be a high manifestation of fire; this means that this fire will be the best purifier and protector. Therefore, instead of various dubious and often poisonous antiseptic prescriptions, it is much better not only to have the fire of the hearth, but also to kindle the fires of the heart. It can be proved to what an extent the fires of the heart fight serious illness. Thus, our contemporary physicians will sooner or later have to pay attention to all states of the fires. By barking at the truths, long since known, physicians will not reach the panacea.

Heart (1932) - 278:
278. Each feeling gives birth to energy. A feeling that is shared multiplies the energy tenfold. A collective feeling creates a mighty energy, but the individual feeling must be strained and the mutual collective feeling must be harmonized. Therein lies the entire reason for the weak effect of contemporary feelings; almost no state of intensified feeling is observed today. Yet, what a great reality would be reflected in the exaltation of a myriad of harmonized sentiments. The ancients called feeling the forge of power. Verily, how majestic is the feeling of mutual love. No less is the power of mutual gratitude. Invincible is the feeling of self-sacrificing heroism. Thus beautiful towers and citadels can be constructed. But from where will harmonization come? Not from the reason or the circumvolutions of the brain, but from the heart, from Light. Only the feeling of wrath will we leave to the dark ones. Among the murky red sparks there will be no harmony.

Heart (1932) - 363:
363. Let us once again turn to the quality of the pulse. From different angles it will be necessary often to point out this indisputable testimony of the affirmation of the heart. Not the beat of the pulse as much as the observation of its quality will give the picture of the heart's vitality. Until one succeeds in photographing auras one can already begin to observe the pulse, not during illness but during good health, marking what sensations affect the changes of pulse and precisely how. If the aura gives evidence of the presence of illness, the quality of the pulse offers the entire scale of reactions. However, the aura is something transcendental for the majority, whereas the pulse provides a completely physical manifestation. But how solicitously and cautiously one should understand the study of the pulse! Contemporary physicians hardly take note of the quality of the pulse. More than once shall we return to the study of the pulse when we think of vibrations.

Heart (1932) - 399:
399. Defense is still not resistance. All dream of the development of resistance. Non-receptivity is only a weak degree of resistance. Immunity is in the heart, and even active resistance is not in the brain. Only the energy of the heart makes a man invulnerable and carries him over obstacles. Thus, one should remember the heart as a weapon. Precisely - the heart is the weapon of Light! But let them not suspect Us of being opponents of the brain. Let the good ploughman, the brain, labor over his sowing. Let him nurture the seeds and bear the thought, refined and sharpened by battles. But the contemporary perilous state of things has been created by the perverted thinking of the brain. Therefore let us turn to the heart once again as to our judge and leader. Whoever shall aid his near ones to find the path of the heart shall also find his own perfection.

Heart (1932) - 402:
402. A mantram and all prayers can sustain the outer rhythm and also serve as union with the Highest World. Many people fail to perceive either the outer or inner meaning of prayer. The beautiful hymns of the Rig Vedas died away because they did not penetrate into the heart. This lack of rhythm can be regarded as a sign of the final period of Kali Yuga. It is precisely darkness which will intrude upon each harmony by every means. Dissonance is the distinctive mark of all contemporary arts. It can even be noticed how consonance and the major key seemingly have become a distinctive characteristic of the old-fashioned. One must possess a certain courage to continue to create in the consonance of the major key-maestoso! Thus, along the entire structure of life one must note the deviation from every heroism. And in the entire world cowardly malice distinguishes the adherents of darkness and chaos. But the heart demands construction, for it knows how infectious is chaos. Each decay generates further decay.

Heart (1932) - 539:
539. You already know why the magnet was placed above the crown of the head. But one should not forget the ancient treatment of the heart by a magnet, also the strengthening of the nerves and the knowledge of magnetizing them according to the flow of nerve substance. These old remedies should be closely examined; above all, they correspond to the gradual realization of rays and currents. Of course, not only do the magnetic properties of metals effect powerful reactions but many other properties as well respond to the mineral basis of our organism. The laying of metals themselves upon the body produces a strong reaction. Naturally, the special properties of different skins should be taken into consideration. Fatty skin precipitations can greatly prevent subtle reactions; therefore, in antiquity efforts were made to destroy the fatty precipitations. Actually, the vegetable oils for massaging have nothing in common with the fatty precipitations of the body. On the contrary, the vegetable oil dissolves the fat together with its poisons. Thus it can be observed that in antiquity the hygiene of the body at times was at a higher level than in contemporary days. The ancients distinguished the mineral properties of water for their ablutions, but at present one scarcely pays attention to them. One would probably laugh now if it were recalled that entirely different fragrances were applied to the crown of the head, the region of the heart, and even to the extremities. A refined understanding of the needs of the body safeguarded many generations. For instance, it can be recalled how solicitously the Egyptians treated the condition of pregnancy. Now people rarely study the tastes or the strange demands of pregnant women. But formerly, at the inception of pregnancy the temple physicians defined the necessary mineral and vegetable reactions according to astrological data. Thus the labor itself was eased considerably. But now, instead of wise preliminary measures people apply coarse narcotics, not desiring to understand that the bond has not yet been severed with the child. The heart of the mother is at times very strained, and each narcotic reacts upon the milk - thus, nature is in need of corresponding reactions.

Heart (1932) - 569:
569. The scientific basis of the effect of the human glance provided an opportunity for further investigations. After investigation of the effect upon the human organism, of course attention should be paid to the precipitates of the human glance upon inanimate objects. If a glance reaches the state of poison, there can be a similar stratification upon water and upon all types of objects. In fact, the significance of the conjuration of water lies not in the rhythm of the words, but in the glance. Certainly this reaction may be good or evil. As usual, the evil meaning can be more easily sensed, as in the case of imperil, but after having discovered evil the good will also be detected. Thus, one may approach an investigation of various mutual reactions. Is it not thrilling to observe the effects upon various objects, when armed with contemporary apparatuses? The ancient legends about the chalices of the world or the blessed pieces of cloth gain a different rational significance. But the observers should be advised not to stop at the first steps. Let them immediately expand their field of experimentation. Will not the observation of the piercing of the atmosphere by the human glance or thought lead to many conclusions? And will not the reaction of the same energy at various altitudes be instructive? One can begin with crude manifestations, as was already done with the evil eye. But it is better not to delay observation of the benevolent eye. One may discover the most beneficial results. One ought to concentrate on these.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 40:
40. In the ancient pharmacopeias and in various ancestral medical records you are struck by the number of allusions to mixtures for bringing the organism into a transcendental state. You feel that this is not a form of necromancy or witchcraft, but a special way of seeking one's future. Hence, it is clear that our remote ancestors were far more solicitous and thoughtful for the future than our contemporary scholars. For us, the future is relegated either to the confines of hellfire or to the province of an electrical manifestation. The powerful life-creating potency of Fire is unrealized; the effulgent, radiant manifestations are not comprehended, and the very Hierarchy of Light itself is regarded as either a phantom or a bugbear. There are many who wish to evade the future, preferring to call themselves dust. Yet even the learned shudder at the question as to whether they wish to pass through Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 116:
116. Effort is needed for the directing of fiery energy, which for abbreviation we shall call Agni. This exertion is actually not a physical one and not even one of a subtle order. In the East people understand this lightning-speed quality. In Western speech there does not exist at all a designation for this most subtle concept. That is why it is so difficult to speak about the Fiery World. In the Eastern tongues also this concept sometimes becomes obsolete because it is unfit for contemporary consciousness. This is why many of the signs of Tao have been reduced to an outward depiction.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 140:
140. Science has already established the existence of particular organisms that can hear distant radio stations without receiving instruments. Indeed, this manifestation of a fiery order discloses paths to realization of the possibility of receiving thought from a distance. If the law of sound waves be understood, it is possible to delve into the same principle. It is fortunate that even the timid contemporary science admits the obviousness of such natural possibilities. But it is deplorable that science does not take the trouble to investigate such individuals. One hears that "with the exception of this phenomenal ability the organism is perfectly normal." This is a most ignorant observation. It means that the physician examined such a phenomenal man as carelessly as he would a recruit before a march. We do not wish to offend the physician, because often there is no place for him to carry out the proper observation. Indeed, the conditions of life render difficult all work of a subtle nature. Try knocking at the door of experimental institutions, and you will be met with an absolutely hostile stream of requirements, which will be beyond the capacity of a seeker. It is necessary to change this situation, otherwise where will it be possible to investigate various evidences of a fiery basis? Try to find the means to investigate necessary manifestations, and you will see how hostile your listeners will be; they will remind you of the Inquisition. As if their task were not to assist that which is highly useful, but to destroy possibilities! Thus it has been, thus it is, and people desire that it should always be so. Otherwise, there would be no Armageddon. One should understand whole-heartedly how many of the subtlest conditions there are that can determine important changes in all of life. Yet how necessary it is to knock for admission, to persist, to submit to derision, in order to reveal that which, it would seem, is open to all. Golgotha is erected by lack of understanding and ignorance.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 291:
291. One should not be diverted from the various stages of human evolution. Much may appear strange from our point of view, but let us bear in mind that all conditions have relatively changed. Then we shall arrive at an aspect which, though alien, is not too strange. It is fallacious to imagine all the lives in the worlds according to our contemporary understanding. We so easily forget yesterday, and so meagerly imagine tomorrow, that many of our judgments are like autumn leaves. It is fitting to feel one's insignificance before every cosmic law. However, fiery wings are bestowed for the approach to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 313:
313. No one can rightly form an opinion about cosmogony without having studied the fiery element. It would be comparable to an architect's beginning to build a stone structure without having studied the nature of stone and the resistance of building materials. But the contemporary state of minds is so remote from a salutary synthesis!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 418:
418. People often experience an unexplainable state of exultation or depression. They attribute this to their stomachs rather than to the approach of good or dark forces. Yet these manifestations occur frequently and can be intense. People often experience a touch or pricks. They ascribe such manifestations to cobwebs or dust, but it never occurs to them that the entities of the Subtle World may thus contact them. Similarly, people often hear movements and rustling, but they think of mice or centipedes in order to drive away all thought about manifestations of a distant world. The same people will complain that the Subtle World does not manifest itself. But subtle movements are not like blows of a hammer! As with everything else, the approach of the Subtle World should be acknowledged and fearlessly studied. We must not condemn that to which we did not even give attention. Yet if some people are so fortunate as to behold a Fiery Being, they will think first of all about a demon. Such is the corruption of the contemporary consciousness! Such crass ignorance is called skepticism, critical judgment, or erudition, when it would be far more accurate to call it plain stupidity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 493:
493. You have heard of many earthquakes and of innumerable meteorites which fall upon Earth, but earthquakes are recorded rather relatively. In certain zones they are recorded with extreme accuracy, but oceanic tremors remain only approximately recorded, although they may prove to be particularly dangerous. Likewise, there is approximation in connection with the fall of meteorites. It is true that many meteorites fall into water, but the fall is conditioned by magnetism. Thus, iron and other metals attract meteorites, especially when the deposits are in their natural state and are not void of cosmic magnetism. The conditions of cosmic magnetizations are successfully expressed in the so-called metal and water diviners. The existence of such people has been known since ancient times. Fortunately, contemporary science does not deny these facts. Thus, science has already established one of the properties of fiery energy. But it is most remarkable that these people sense precisely the subterranean waters and metals. Such a diviner will not react to a tank of water or a house constructed of steel. This magnetism is directed along the fiery channel and responds primarily to the natural state of a substance. This is also the core of all fiery communions. Naturalness and directness constitute the essence of fiery energy. One may never think of fire, one may never perceive Fire, and thus shut off one's access to the Fiery World. I repeat that in the Subtle World it is difficult and painful to cognize Fire if in the earthly state at least some way of approach has not been found to the Higher World. Wisely it is said, "He who wishes to go to his ancestors will go to them." But by this only the lower state is defined. Why be deprived of the predestined beautiful spheres?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 513:
513. A neophyte asked a Rishi who spoke to him about Agni, "If I constantly repeat the word Agni, will I have any benefit from it?" The Rishi answered, "Of course, You have been so far removed from this concept that even through sound your nature will cling to the great foundation of Existence." In the same way We repeat about the various qualities and analogies of the great Agni. May the people accept this sound in the Chalice! Let them be so saturated with its reverberations that they accept it as inalienable to them. If, during the transition between existences, they even pronounce "Agni," it will be of help to them, because they will not be hostile toward Fire. The Subtle World will help to sensitize the understanding of the higher principles, but they cannot be approached with hostility and denial. The aim of the first book about the Fiery World is to affirm and accustom people to an understanding of Agni. Let them see how diversely Fire has been understood, from ancient times up to the present contemporary understanding. May the sparks of these fires of the heart recall to mind many mysterious manifestations and the recounting of legends by the old people. One must absorb into one's consciousness an attractive constructive image. One should admit it as one's own possession which will lead to the heights. Therefore, even the repetition of sound, Agni, is useful.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 624:
624. Even among contemporary forms numerous animal-like men can be found. Such monstrosities are usually ascribed to a fright or shock experienced by the mother. But, notwithstanding many explanations, the principal cause is usually lost sight of. It may be understood that in the Subtle World certain entities are subject to fits of carnal desire. During these obscurations they sink to the level of the animal kingdom. Moreover, Agni declines to such an extent that the animal principles take possession of the fallen ones. Of course, with time, they can again ascend, but the animal contact is so powerful that it may be transformed at reincarnation into animal form. Sometimes heredity contributes to such animal-like rebirths, for base spirits prefer corresponding forms for themselves. And sometimes it is neither atavism nor heredity, but a deplorable lunge into the animal world, which imprints the seal of madness. Again it is instructive to note how the decrease of Agni permits the manifestation of animal propensities.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 69:
69. Certain insects and reptiles choose to perish, only to be able to bite and release their poison. Similarly, the servitors of darkness are ready for the most disagreeable consequences, if only they may create poisonous evil. One must firmly remember these creators of evil, who often do not spare even themselves for an evil deed. Many instances can be revealed of the carrying out nevertheless under the suggestions of the dark ones of a premeditated evil that could not be advantageous to the evil doer himself. The devices of the dark ones must be exposed. For example, sometimes one finds in the vicinity of certain places corpses of some people or animals. The dark ones know that for the attraction of the forces of the lower spheres decomposition is necessary, and they ingeniously arrange such centers of confusion and decay. For this reason I have for long advised not to keep in the house decomposing meat and decayed plants, nor stagnant water. People seldom pay attention to such dangers, which are confirmed even by our contemporary physicians.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 77:
77. In order to stimulate the cognizance of beauty in schools, let there be introduced a study of the beauty of life. The history of arts and sciences will enter into this subject, for it must not only embrace conceptions of the past, but also contain indications of contemporary achievement. The instructor in this subject must be truly enlightened, in order to avoid bigotry, which contains in itself the seed of ignorance.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 88:
88. The science of atmospheric influences must undergo considerable changes. One may notice in contemporary apparatus unexplainable tremors which seemingly do not conform to other indications. Such traces of astral whirls bring to the Earth very significant effects. Besides, in this way are affirmed the relations with the Subtle World. Indeed, among the tensions of the Subtle World there may be such pressures that their reverberation even agitates manifested matter. First of all such waves are reflected upon the fiery centers. You yourself could observe how, despite the cool weather, the centers gave indication of great pressure. One must compare this with the reaction to the distant events, which also call forth vibrations of strong tensions. But the astral whirls are observed even less than telepathy. Scientists are unwilling to admit that in their physical considerations a factor of the world beyond can have any significance. But the effect of such whirls sometimes is almost equal to that of a bolt of lightning. I will not conceal the fact that strong cooling currents have had to be applied in order to counteract the reaction to such whirls. We stand on guard and are ready to send rays, but the pressure of the currents of the Subtle World is unprecedented. They are fighting with the forces of darkness and one must have imagination in order to picture to oneself the magnitude of this battle.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 134:
134. Competition is one of the difficult concepts. Only the fiery heart understands how many measures may be placed upon the light and upon the dark side. A pure understanding of self-perfection will not evoke competition. Where the consciousness is wild and unrestricted, there competition leads to mutual destruction. Envy nests around competition. It leads to the most subtle crimes. Cooperation must bring balance to the misunderstood competition. It is not easy to fix for oneself the boundary of a reasonable competition. The word competition itself is already dangerous; in it is expressed jealousy, in other words, a corrupt devotion. Therefore, it is best wherever possible to replace the concept of competition with that of perfectionment. A great number of concepts must be revised from their contemporary connotation. It should be acknowledged that a just history of beliefs would reveal the roots of many most perverted concepts. Care should be taken that the language of the basic ideas be resounding and as clear-cut as possible. One may enrich the language with new definitions, but senseless buzzing will not bring any benefit. Each letter denotes by its sound a vibration of the centers. It is foolish to infringe uselessly upon harmony. Turn your attention to the resonance of the ancient names of places. The new places do not always produce the same useful vibration. The ancient names had a timeless significance. Often no philology can discover the root inserted by manifest powerful peoples. The more carefully, then, must we regard an inheritance which is unknown but which forces our hearts to resound.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 249:
249. Not magic but God-inspiredness was ordained in the ancient Covenants. When Higher Communion began to be interrupted, people themselves compiled magic from the earthly world, as a means of forced communion. But, as everything which is forced, magic ends up in the darkest manifestations. The very boundary line between black and white magic becomes elusive in its intricacy. Therefore, on the path to the future one should eschew all magic. It must not be forgotten that the old methods of magic were connected with other forms of life. Of course, magic is based on precise fulfillment of technical conditions, but if all the formulas of life have been altered, then too all magical effects must be correspondingly changed. This is why contemporary magic has sunk into necromancy and the other low manifestations. All those who study the mechanics of formulas fail to take into account the fact that they were written down for a completely different application. In addition, they completely forget that the higher formulas, and all the conditions, have not been written down altogether; and if they have been noted at all it is in such symbols that now their meaning is quite obscured. Thus, contemporary studies of magic either amount to senseless scholastics, or else, flowing down, they lapse into the black mass. Therefore We speak much-needed words, in advising the abolition of magic. Let it be left to the dark necromancers. There is too much obsession on Earth. The sole path to the Higher Communion is through the heart. Violence must not stain this fiery path. Can people possibly think that the invocation of lower entities can go unpunished! And what sort of improvement of life could result from such evocation? No one can point to a benefit resulting from necromancy, nor to a heart which has been uplifted through necromancy. One must turn to the short and higher Path, which will bestow health of spirit; and thence comes the bodily health. The abolition of magic will be a white stone on the path of the World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 263:
263. An experienced householder finds a use for all discards. The contemporary builder must undertake this achievement. It is an especially hard one, for it is not easy to make use of robots when the basic requirement is cognizance of the foundation.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 369:
369. Indeed, the abyss of incomprehension is the path by which humanity is now proceeding, Verily, contemporary thinking is the proscriber of psychic investigations. Yet, so much farther and deeper is it possible to go by knowing the division and the connection between the three bodies. Because, if the physical body is already formed, the astral body has been almost formed, and the most subtle, mental, body has been formed only by the chosen ones. But those who have been initiated into higher fiery energies, and who know the fiery transmutation of the centers, can affirm fiery manifestations. All other manifestations must be divided into two categories. The first, when the spirit cannot pass over the abyss because the mental body has not yet been sufficiently formed, so that the spirit cannot appear beyond the limits of the lower strata; the other category, when one center is manifested partially. It must also be remembered that the Fiery World is inaccessible to a spirit so long as the higher centers have not begun to be transmuted. But above all stands the spirit which kindles its own spiritual Fires, for its mental body creates correspondingly. On the path to the Fiery World one must sensitively discriminate in psychic manifestations.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 471:
471. There was a time when the earth opened and swallowed up traitors. Who then can picture the tenfold worse fate of contemporary traitors? They themselves least of all understand it. An evil destiny! The manifestation grows, and subterranean wrath is growling.

AUM (1936) - 112:
112. It is rightly understood that so-called sacred animals were not deities, but were a natural consequence arising from local conditions. Even now people often speak about some sacred obligation meaning thereby, not a religious rite, but a useful moral action. The conditions of antiquity often required a special attention to certain animals, or trees and plants. Sacredness signified inviolability. Thus was preserved something rare and necessary. The very same protection contemporary people call "preserves." Thus, one should refer very carefully to concepts that are not clear. So much has been added to the province of religion that, because of its antiquity, superficial observers are completely unable to distinguish the fundamental from the stratifications around it. The temple even now is a gathering place where, along with ceremony, barter and sale take place, and local matters are discussed. The same piling up of confusion is still taking place. Therefore let us not be excessively harsh toward the term sacred animals and other long-forgotten archaic symbols.

AUM (1936) - 548:
548. It is rightly judged that contemporary teachings of Yoga devote much attention to man's moods. It would seem that this statement is known and intelligible to all, but reality shows that people do not understand the significance of enthusiasm or dark depression.

AUM (1936) - 551:
551. The entire domain of psychic energy must be investigated by experimental methods. One should not admit personal speculations. The sources of ancient literature should be utilized with the greatest caution. One should bear in mind that many definitions in their time were understood in a way different from the contemporary interpretations. Much of the so-called metaphysical was in its day complete reality.

AUM (1936) - 581:
581. An ancient Patriarch called psychic energy a blessing. The contemporary physician calls it health of spirit. With great attention one needs to scrutinize ancient definitions. It would be conceited and ignorant to reject the accumulations of many thousands of years. The investigator must first of all free himself from conceit.

Brotherhood (1937) - 10:
10. When rocks begin to crumble people break them up and remove them for the security of the road; and so it is with certain human definitions. In the course of centuries a term may lose its original meaning and should be replaced by a word closer to the current period. This has happened with the word initiated. Together with anointment , its original meaning has been relegated to the past. Instead of initiated and uninitiated , let us say knowing and unknowing , or cognizant and ignorant . But it is better to express initiation itself by the word education . Thus it can be expressed without belittlement, in a word closer to contemporary times.

Brotherhood (1937) - 323:
323. Kriyasakti in all its inexhaustibleness has been known to people from time immemorial. I use the Hindu word to show how long ago people defined this energy with complete precision. Is it possible that present day thinkers will lag behind their forefathers? Right now thought-creativeness is found to be under such doubt that it is included in the humanities, whereas according to contemporary terminology, mental energy ought rather to be a part of the physical sciences. Thus, let those who assail thought-energy find themselves in the camp of the ignorant. Do not think that I am saying anything new; unfortunately, there are too few worthy cognizant ones, and as a result the most natural subjects are left in association with some sort of sorcery. Therefore it is indispensable to dispel superstition and ignorance.

Brotherhood (1937) - 386:
386. Contemporary knowledge of the qualities of the inner man must broaden its field, but this is still far off. Humanity must first be cleansed in the fire of testing.

Brotherhood (1937) - 389:
389. People are astonished at the existence of the Higher World. They do not wish to acknowledge its influence upon the events of earthly life. Events are accelerating. Vortices of happenings do not allow humanity to come to its senses. Man deems himself the creator of the New World. Contemporary leaders think that they are building the New World, but it enters no one's mind that their New World is a grimace of the old. The New World proceeds by new paths.

Brotherhood (1937) - 510:
510. In ancient epochs the meaning of life was understood more profoundly than at present. All the remarkable contemporary discoveries not only have not focused attention upon the fundamental meaning of life but they have often led away the thought even into the realm of mechanics. Efforts must be exerted to direct thought to the very basis of existence. The level of thinking of ancient philosophers should be compared with the trend of the reasonings of contemporary scientists. Aside from knowledge of many scientific discoveries, the philosophers of antiquity often knew how to present very profound formulas of life. It is essential that the art of thinking again rise above the external conditions, which are subordinate factors of existence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 82:
82. Urusvati knows how unexpectedly great manifestations can occur. Thus, she has seen the strata of the Subtle World, not in her subtle body, but in the physical one, with open eyes and fully awake. She has seen the crowding in the Subtle World, and was astonished at the crowds that roamed idly with no work to do. True, she was shown that stratum of the Subtle World which especially concerns Us. In it were seen the contemporary clothes that reinforce an earthly way of thinking, and people crowded together as in the square of any modern town. We are greatly saddened that such crowds are the least accessible for evolution. It can be observed that their thinking is so egocentric that they cannot see beyond their own crowded and motionless circle. They contaminate each other and, as on Earth, fail to look up. Urusvati can attest to how densely crowded these strata are.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 441:
However, We always advise simple pranayama. Breathing is an important process, but, as in everything, a natural pranayama is the best and is in accord with contemporary conditions. People should not devote only a certain time of the day to the purification of breath, but should practice it frequently during the day. For instance, it is healing to inhale fresh prana several times before making an important statement. Public speakers often use this method, but they rarely do it consciously, and it is precisely the conscious inhalation of prana that will transform their breathing. Thus, the objector should understand that We approve of pranayama of a certain quality, but the ancient painful practices must be revised.


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