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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DI > DIFFERENCES (36)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 259:
259. Racial differences will fade away in the New World. Speak not of races. The drops of different seas are alike.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.9:
It is easy to attune the apparatus of visible science with the conduits of the Higher World. For instance, clairaudience will be easily understood as the wireless telephone, which will be very soon established. But just then attention will be paid to the differences in the quality of communications, and in comparing the peculiarities of the mediators the practicability of spirituality will be understood.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.6:
The viper is small in size, and its birth is sometimes impossible to notice. Therefore, at the formation of a community it is necessary to foresee the differences between its members and to show why they cannot be duplicated nor compared, like the limbs of the body.

New Era Community (1926) - 158:
You yourselves have performed the experiment with the hazel branch and have been amazed how this most ancient and primitive apparatus became tense, trembled, and went into motion, reacting to underground waters and minerals. Indeed, the source of this obvious reaction lies not in the branch but in the human apparatus. With what detail and fervor must one study, therefore, the reaction of each locality upon man and upon entire groups of people! Many regions are replete with popular rumors about the peculiarities of character of their inhabitants in some places people suffer from goitre; in some they lose their teeth; in some leprosy makes its nest; in some the spleen becomes blighted, or the heart becomes enlarged, or the character sluggish; in some places there is vigor and animation. A great number of such features catch the eye. It may be observed that these peculiarities are not a matter of racial or climatic conditions. The very structure of the ground underfoot may contain the principal causes of the differences in popular characteristics. There is a broad field for study if approached with keen eye and without prejudice.

New Era Community (1926) - 190:
What then to do, when some people insist that all Hindus look alike - that it is impossible to distinguish Chinese, Mongols, and Arabs, one from another! Is it possible to trust these people to distinguish the differences in eyes and walk? For them all people walk on two legs and all stare.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 90:
90. A simple affirmation of respect for knowledge will make possible the resolving of all contradictions. True thinking is impossible without reverence for knowledge. The Teacher advises that knowledge be set as the basis for developing the consciousness. Point out that knowledge builds the path to the One Teaching. Is it possible that humanity cannot comprehend that knowledge emanates from the One Source? Therefore, the dividing line between knowledge and ignorance is the dividing line between light and darkness. We are easily able to bring together the Torah with the hymns of the Vedas, or the precepts of Buddha with the words of Christ, for We do not discern differences between Teachings emanating from the One Source.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 161:
161. Let us see wherein lie the similarities and differences between Agni Yoga and the preceding Yogas. Karma Yoga has many similarities with it as far as earthly realities are concerned. But when Agni Yoga provides ways to the realization of the far-off worlds, the difference becomes apparent. Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga are all separate from the realities of routine life, and because of this they cannot enter into the evolution of the future. Of course, an Agni Yogi should also be a Jnani and a Bhakti, and the development of the forces of his spirit makes him a Raja Yogi. How beautiful is the possibility of being fit for performing the tasks of the future evolution without rejecting the past conquests of spirit! One should not boast of bringing innovation, because only by a synthesis of the old and the new is a renewal of possibilities attainable.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 192:
I also wish to remind you of the importance to Agni Yoga of creative work. You were bidden to compare two different interpretations of a musical composition, and your spirit understood the differences in their effect. Thus is consciousness raised by the touch of Truth, and one more abstraction becomes a reality. And how beautiful is the realization of constant testing! Therein lies motion. Can a Yogi of Fire succumb to inactivity?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 531:
How wonderful it is to observe the striving of thought, its origins and causes, the differences between thoughts of various times, the proximity of consciousnesses at different stages of development, and the eternal competition of the higher and lower spheres! All this creates an incomparable existence.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 568:
568. The growth of consciousness is accompanied by attacks of anguish, which are truly unavoidable. A growing awareness of the differences between the conditions of Infinity and those of earthly reality cannot but provoke the sympathies of a fair consciousness. There is no way to Infinity without a sensitivity to one's surroundings. Be assured that the greater the consciousness, the greater the anguish.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 612:
612. One plays on twelve strings, another produces the same tune on four, and a third limits himself to two, creating just as many harmonies on them. Does it matter how many strings one requires for harmony? The essential thing is that it be created. Let us not wonder at or criticize variety, for we shall not find even two grains of sand alike. On the contrary, let us rejoice at every unusual manifestation. Flowers choose for themselves whatever soil is suitable. Even stones are arranged in a relation one to another. Likewise in the domains of Teros, there will be combinations of elements that are related, despite their seeming differences. The consciousness refined by fire discerns the kindred foundations, and will not reject the true value by appraising only the surface. A countless variety can be expressed on but two strings. However, for this one has to realize how innumerable are the properties of nature, and how those properties are expressed in man. Such considerations are usually considered symbolical, and are not introduced into life. However, to know the Teaching and not to apply it is a sign of complete ignorance. Who has ever told you that one can wander over the Teaching like a fly on sugar, then just as easily dive into dung! One cannot turn one's horses recklessly when on the mountain paths. Knowledge leads only onward!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 221:
An Agni Yogi represents the highest balance because the self-sacrificing creativeness of his spirit leads to the equilibrium of universal correlation. Therefore, the unbalance and disharmony of the centers is changed into equilibrium. The Teaching reiterates about these subtle differences; therefore, for ascent to the next step, one must understand the lack of balance in lower manifestations and the harmony in the higher.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 286:
286. The spheres are distinguished by their tensities. Regarding the spheres as strata of propelled energies, one may define them according to qualities. A lower sphere comprises elements which are attracted to the lower emanations. But all elements are attracted by the Cosmic Magnet. How then may one determine the differences between the currents of Spatial Fire? The essence of the striving is revealed through its property of attracting identical currents.

Hierarchy (1931) - 200:
200. Thus, one should fulfill all that is preordained, applying an understanding of the best date. Thus, one should remember how greatly the design of grains of sand is changed under the stokes of different fingers. Even the fingers of one and the same hand produce different designs to one melody; still more diverse is the rhythm of different people, but a fiery heart perceives the subtle differences in rhythm. Straight-knowledge is the kindled fire of the heart. It is difficult to express in words when this string of the heart will resound, but Hierarchy can point out this hour of transfiguration.

Heart (1932) - 322:
322. It is necessary to affirm constantly the diversity of refined manifestations, otherwise people again will hasten to confine them to rudimentary limits, not attempting to sharpen their attention toward this method of individual concentration. It is necessary again to turn to certain fires of the heart, which to some appear as purple, but to others as violet or lilac, depending much upon the condition of the aura, and also on the physical health. But these differences do not change the substance of the fires.

Heart (1932) - 423:
423. In discussions of the education of the heart seeming differences of opinion may arise. Some will insist on a cautious attitude toward the heart, but others will recall My words, "Burden Me still more!" A shield is needed against each evil attempt, but one ought to add a still greater burden in the name of the Great Service. Thus, the energy for Service must be intensified; it increases with intensification. Many are envious of everything that emerges from oppression, for it is especially disheartening not to be noticed even by the dark forces. But few are those who appreciate intensification as a source of development of creative energy. Of course, with the thought of murder no intensification occurs. During an attack aiming at annihilation a fiery armor is necessary. Each warrior must think of such armor. This will not be the signal of retreat from battle, but wise caution. There is no contradiction between the burdening of the heart and caution. One must be prepared for all kinds of attacks, and flexibility of thought is necessary for this.

Heart (1932) - 464:
464. We entrust Our disciples with the task of enduring the desert and the atmosphere of the city as well. Thus they can compare the differences in the pressure of the fiery energy. It is intolerable that people should collect in multitudes so long as they do not realize what precious vessels of energy they are. They will not admit the thought of the value of their spirit. Therefore the feeling of solemnity is the most difficult for them. The quiver of wings and steady ascent are beyond one's strength when the significance of spirit is rejected. Undoubtedly there is a disruption of climatic conditions. Is not humanity's spirit responsible for this perilous manifestation?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 347:
347. One desires the easiest way; another prefers the most difficult. One cannot speak, but stands firmly on guard; another is eloquent and flies after his words. Some can sense the most important manifestations, but others choose to dwell with failure. One could enumerate these differences endlessly, but only the presence of the fire of the heart will vindicate the characteristics of the personality. Thus, we shall not tire of repeating about multiformity. The gardener knows how to combine his plants, that is why he is the master of the garden.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 616:
616. Thought-creativeness cannot be definitely discerned on the earthly plane; herein lies its difference from the Fiery World. The Higher Beings perceive the effect of their thoughts immediately, whereas here we can know only their direction, and the ultimate result is disclosed only after a certain lapse of time. Thus, one can gradually form an idea of the differences between manifestations in various worlds. Likewise, one can gradually approach fiery consciousness, eradicating the barriers between worlds. One can imagine the state when death will be no more, and the transition will be a usual attainment. It is impossible to understand how such separation between worlds came about, since it is not necessary for evolution, unless people have created a prideful concept of Earth. It can be discovered that in remote antiquity there was greater understanding of the spherical form of the planet than after the post-glacial period. True, many ancient traditions have been confused, and only now people begin correctly to extend their estimate of the continuity of the life of our Earth. It is amazing how apparently learned people discuss the greatness of God, yet at the same time seek to disparage his creations. If scientists two hundred years ago had dared to hint at the great antiquity of the planet, or to suggest other inhabited worlds, their contemporaries would probably have resorted to the well-tried remedy of the stake. And one may be equally sure that even now some moderate theory, though based on experiments, will be assailed as a fraud. Thus, people regard the destiny of this planet as the alpha and omega of the entire Universe. Much persuasion will be required to remind humanity that in all the promulgated Covenants the Era of Fire was foretold.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 35:
35. There is no reason for a scholar to think that the substance of the emanation of the fingertips is only poisonous. It depends entirely upon the spiritual state. The imperil of a nervous observer, of course will give poisonous sediments if he pays no attention to the spiritual condition of his organism. The ability to discern differences in nervous conditions will give to the scientists an incomparable possibility. For even the phosphorescence of the fingertips varies. And every radiation is based upon chemism.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 203:
203. The three Worlds are far closer to each other than one may think. One can see how corresponding vibrations create cooperation. You know how certain individuals from the Subtle World who are close to us act to assist a common task. Even not so long ago they were unable to serve the common purpose because of differences of vibrations, but now your vibrations and their endeavors for communion make them useful co-workers. Thus is created useful labor in common. It is the more useful because the adversaries have similar co-workers. Certainly, it is joyous to watch each cumulation of consciousness. Ur. has seen how in the beginning the atmosphere is dim and in the course of successive meetings it becomes lighter, and a day ago Ur. saw completely conscious cooperation. Such an enlightenment is very rapid, yet for this the Ashram is of significance. Verily, Ashrams have a great importance for the earthly and for the Subtle World. Ashrams may be defined as magnets and ozonatoars. Being filled with heart energy provides a conduit for many things. Therefore, when I am concerned about spiritually pure atmosphere, I have in mind a very important consequence. Without spiritual accumulations, the command to take everything upon oneself has no meaning. This command can be given only where there is a heart bond with the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. Only such a bond, during the present earthly conflict, can strengthen those to whom the order has been given. The currents are too complicated to be opposed by earthly forces. But you know about the bond with the two Worlds. Precisely in this communion are found forces for the passing by the most unexpected path. In this, do not hesitate to take care of yourself, in order not to expend energy superfluously. One should not in any manner be diverted from inner concentration. The affairs of the whole world are in a grave state.

AUM (1936) - 156:
156. If the reactions of the Subtle World are so frequent, deep and lengthy relations should be established between co-workers of the two worlds. And so it is. Besides, the relationships are not so much a matter of blood kinship as of spiritual kinship. Often such co-workers meet also on the earthly plane; though they may be separated by differences of nationality and circumstance, yet an inner feeling will draw them together. Between them a confidence will be established very easily, though there may also be reverse exceptions. Ingratitude constitutes sinking into darkness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 7:
7. Urusvati knows Our Voices, both spoken and silent. One may wonder about the differences in transmission; there are many reasons, beyond earthly conditions, for these differences.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 40:
40. Urusvati takes to heart all that happens in the world. All actions can be divided into the heartfelt and the heartless. Humanity should remember this distinction, especially now. Heartfelt perceptions, even with many differences, can be united, but heartlessness is the unity of the dark forces, and among them you will not find co-workers of the Brotherhood. If We recall all the past lives of Our Brothers, We will not find even one heartless action. The action of the flaming heart led them to the stake, to the cross, and to all the tortures invented by the malicious and the ignorant.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 113:
113. In her flights to far-off worlds, Urusvati sensed their differences. It may seem strange that in spite of their foundation of Oneness there are so many differences, even in manifestations that seem to resemble earthly conditions. In addition, the inner atmosphere of those worlds is wondrous! The colors at times may remind one of earthly colors, but their substance is entirely different. The colors of the oceans of Earth cannot compare to the depth and transparency of the waters of the Subtle World. The atmosphere of the Subtle World resembles a rainbow, but its subtle colors are totally unlike the colors of earthly rainbows. The fish can fly, but their coloring has no equivalent in fish of Earth, and the most luxurious feathers of earthly birds cannot compare to the plumage of the Subtle World. The people resemble earthly people, but amaze one by the subtlety of their features and tissues. Their voices remind one of the finest singing on Earth, yet the meaning is entirely different. Such differences are striking to the human consciousness, and one must become accustomed to them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 113:
Whoever rejects the idea of the Subtle World is preparing a miserable abode for himself. One must cultivate a broad expansion of ideas, for without it one cannot hope to have flights in the subtle body. A timid subtle body, even if it succeeds in leaving the physical body, will be terrified and will remain motionless. It is not easy to enter the Subtle World without fear, and to calmly observe and study. The crowds in the Subtle World are as unusual as the beings on the far-off worlds. The luminous matter is different from the earthly matter, but even amidst endless differences, one must adhere to the idea of Oneness. Our Abode is One, yet it is multifaceted.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 222:
One should not easily excuse unworthy deeds on the basis of misunderstandings due to differences in language. Unfortunately, shameful deeds are the result of evil willfulness and envy. If one examines the reasons for the persecution of the best minds of different nations, and compares the reasons for the persecution and banishment of Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, Socrates, Plato, and others, one can observe that in each case the accusations and reasons for banishment were almost identical and unfounded. But in the following centuries full exoneration came, as if there had never been any defamation. It would be correct to conclude that such workers were too exalted for the consciousness of their contemporaries, and the sword of the executioner was ever ready to cut off a head held high. Pericles was recognized in his time only after people had reduced him to a sorry state. Only in that state could his fellow citizens accept him as an equal!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 295:
295. Urusvati knows that profound similarities underlie all the moral Teachings of the ages. And how else could it be? The Law is one. There may be details that vary according to local life, or differences of language, but the foundations are changeless. Of course, it should be understood that We refer to real foundations and not to imagined ones.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 299:
299. Urusvati has observed that some localities can have different names at different times. There has been a rumor that We deliberately changed the name of Our Abode, but this is not true. In fact We simply allowed the changes in name that would normally occur due to differences in language.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 360:
Only by observing human actions can one discriminate and sense the subtle differences between good and bad people. You will see that the one who labors for evolution is filled with ideas. But who would call these ideas fixed? It would be right to call them leading ideas. Pay heed then to all the manifestations of nature.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 373:
373. Urusvati knows that culture is the common heritage of all humanity. Despite differences in customs, creeds, and languages, every act of culture is the possession of all mankind. The unification of the world through culture is the first step toward the transformation of all life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 373:
The objection may be raised that each nation has its own culture. You can answer that culture should not be confused with customs. The objectors will also insist that there are great differences in the written languages of the various countries. But in speaking of culture We have in mind not the alphabets or the style of expression but the intended meaning and ideas. Compare the finest creations of the various nations and you will see that the basic ideas are common to all. Thus, We can affirm that even in diversity there is a unifying international aspiration.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 422:
The ethnic characteristics of blood become less evident as the nations are mixed. But a reading of the aura will reveal other, psychic differences. Karmic harmony between the donor and the recipient is necessary, therefore the transfusion of blood of close relatives may not be the best. People will need to discern the karmic connections, and in this task astrology and clairvoyance will be useful aids.


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