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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DI > DIRECTING (38)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 172:
Useless is the leader who is not wise in battle. Directing your steps toward the heights, I am arming you for life's struggles. In giving you a Teaching for tomorrow, I prepare you for a new life. Avoid the dead in spirit - helpers come in growing numbers. Not a miracle but a tempered blade is your life. On the way to the Temple you must endure much dust and dirt on the path.

New Era Community (1926) - 16:
It is possible to ennoble the conquest by stripping it of all sporting significance and directing it to labor. Hurry to save the unfortunates, fly for the unifying of humanity! Then will these conquests enter into evolution, for people must bring into ordinary usage the supermundane strivings, not forgetting about responsibility. As yet these conquests remain in the stage of ugly centaurs. When people will comprehend whither and for what reason they must fly, then will it be possible to improve the flying apparatus tenfold.

New Era Community (1926) - 176:
It is the task of the government to bring into life the most productive conditions, by taking necessary measures and by directing scientists to facilitate the life of the collective up to the point of anonymity.

New Era Community (1926) - 267:
267. Two sailors were shipwrecked and cast away on a desert island. Both nearly perished from hunger and terror, for they considered themselves forever cut off from the world. A ship picked them up. And later there was erected on the island a strong light-house. These same two sailors remained at the light-house, to save the other perishing ones. Now their frame of mind was altered. They were happy, directing the light of rescue and no longer feeling themselves cut off from the world. This means that realization of communion with the world and of usefulness to others completely transforms people. Work in common is a pledge of success.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 589:
589. The wise one knows the spoken word, knows the written word, knows the thought, and knows silence - so says the old proverb. Let us examine this from the point of view of psychic energy. Truly, one has to distinguish when a spoken word, a written letter, a thought, or silence is most needed. One can achieve much by directing one's energy properly. Refined straight-knowledge will determine which method is the most needed at each moment.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 97:
97. Verily, limitless is the beauty of Cosmos, when by the way of the heart we can penetrate into the consciousness of the Cosmic Breath. The ascent is predestined by the manifestation of all the cosmic combinations under the pure sign of cosmic unity. Observing the occurrences on the planet, We may only say, "Great is your destination; affirm yourself, manifesting ascent!" The heart was always considered as the symbol of the "guiding one." Life expands by that symbol. The guiding one and the guided are affirming the significance of the Cosmic Consciousness. The expected one and the expectant are expressing Cosmic Reason. The calling one and the responding one are expressing Cosmic Accord. All the feelings of the Builder of Cosmos are directing the moves into the higher life. Yes, yes, yes!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 144:
144. In the interchange of energies is comprised the most beautiful power of the Cosmic Magnet. The interchange is manifested in the striving in Cosmos toward perfection. The communion of spirit with spirit reveals itself as an interweaving of the subtlest energies. The interweaving of these subtlest energies draws a line which leads to the Cosmic Magnet. Upon each unit the Absolute Reason lays its confirming Hand, and the Hand gathers that force of the element which is needful to Cosmos. Thus the Fire blends with the currents of Space. Therefore, the spirit that merges with Cosmic Reason can verily manifest that element which, blending all contents of the cosmic seed, can become a directing cosmic force. All that consciously unites can direct the cosmic forces. The same law governs the expression of creativeness upon the far-off worlds.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 229:
229. An Agni Yogi enters the tempo of the universal current, thus directing the trend of world thought; and, by suffusing the space with his essence, he attracts spirits to the new and predestined affirmation. Most complex is the universal creativeness, and interwoven with the most subtle energies. The manifestation of the Fire of Space is a force propelling toward creation of universal currents. The principle of Fire gives the direction to all the new cosmic currents. Therefore, the assertion of fusion will be disclosed as a key to the sixth race. The currents inset into the basis of life predetermine a new course. Thus do We confirm this great path. Thus do We build the great, the wondrous step of the universal life.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 243:
Thus, the fire of the Agni Yogi creates its own forms, transmuting the forces around him. Thus, the Tara propels the current, directing the creativeness of the New Step.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 282:
282. The shifting of the centers of spiritual enlightenment of peoples is likewise accomplished by the Cosmic Magnet. When the center of a nation is under tension toward a founding of a psychic center, Our psychic action is directing the psychic seeds. Verily, thus is the life of the planet created. The creativeness of the centers of an Agni Yogi acts similarly, attracting the fires of psychic seeds. Likewise, the centers of an Agni Yogi respond to all spatial events. Therefore, he who knows the seed of evolution bears within himself all principles comprised in Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 303:
303. The possession of the knowledge of higher laws confirms the Brothers of Humanity as the Leaders of evolution. When a planet is in the process of birth, the manifestation of all energies is concentrated toward affirmation of new cosmic laws. The possession of knowledge impelshumanity toward better interrelations. Every energy must be intensified by another - the directing and attracting energy. The energies are strained in identical manner upon the physical and spiritual planes; hence, the laws are in mutual correlation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 332:
332. The energies which collect around the seed are impelled along the attraction of the Magnet to the manifested ray of the luminary, and the property of the ray transmits its potency to the seed; hence the affinity between the seed and the luminary. The spatial Fire varies in intensity and in the quality of color of the ray. These basic qualities express the manifested energies which link the various currents correlating with the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, Our Luminary intensifies these currents which flow in harmony with evolution. Indeed, the rays which are collecting a new race are directing to a new world and, naturally, they annihilate everything which does not conform with evolution. And Our Luminary certainly develops the principles of the nascent new race. Hence, the spatial fires are so intensively absorbed by the Agni Yogi. When Uranus strains the rays, a new step is affirmed. Through many discoveries, many shiftings, many perturbations, many researches aiming toward investigation of the highest energies, many astounding attempts of research into psychic energy, investigations of the properties of a ray and of spatial irradiations, humanity will be affirmed in its new researches. The rays of Our Luminary prepare a better step for humanity. Yes, yes, yes! Thus does the ascendance of the ray bring an unavoidable shifting. Thus do the rays create!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 118:
118. The great purpose in Our actions is to aid humanity in the shiftings of consciousness. Our disciples are appointed as such helpers. Each shifting of thought produces its effect. Therefore, Our mission is to lead human consciousness into a shifting, and the mission of Our disciples is to set the pace with the Cosmic Magnet. Our Stronghold contains the essence of the shifting of the consciousness and the directing of it toward the center of evolution. Hence, the shifting of thought is the paramount healer of mankind.

Hierarchy (1931) :
Hierarchy is not coercion, it is the law of the Universe. It is not a threat, but the call of the heart and a fiery admonition directing toward the General Good.

Hierarchy (1931) - 74:
74. Upon investigation, the quality of thought belongs to the category of subtlest energies. It is impossible to measure the fluctuation of thought, therefore We have established the probation of disciples by the refinement of thought. Every three years We give the disciple the possibility of expressing himself in regard to the same event. Only according to these dates can one see the fluctuation of selfhood, cooperation, patience, and devotion. Similar experiments can be applied to other manifestations of energies; the more so since people have completely forgotten about probations. One can also test oneself, directing one's attention to old objects and observing the reaction of the influence of remembrance. Likewise one can test oneself upon flowers, music, upon a book read long ago. One can scientifically observe the influence of surroundings upon an object long since familiar. How many steps could be counted forward or backward! Besides, one can ponder why a step crossed for the second time is always much more difficult.

Hierarchy (1931) - 87:
87. The omnipresent Fire imbues each vital manifestation. The omnipresent Fire intensifies each action. The omnipresent Fire impels each striving, each undertaking. Therefore, how is it possible not to be imbued with the omnipresent Fire? The cosmic might, which underlies each impulse of man and each creative force, is directed to a conscious constructiveness. How carefully one should gather these identical energies for the construction of a better future! Only a conscious approach toward mastery of the power of co-measurement can manifest creativeness worthy of a better step. Therefore, each one on the way to Us must strive to creativeness, consciously directing his perceptions.

Heart (1932) - 47:
47. In what, then, does happiness consist? Is it in being able to sit still without daring to arouse the Primary Substance with thought? Or is it in directing the thought to a new construction of life? I first spoke to you of action, but now we shall affirm thought. Action, even the most exalted, touches comparatively low strata; only thought, in its nature, can act upon the Primary Substance. First I spoke of action as the attainable evidence, but with a sufficiently broadened consciousness it is time to affirm the significance of thought. Multitudes of thoughtless actions remain at the surface of existence, undifferentiable from the actions of the animal world. But if we speak of straight-knowledge and the heart, it is necessary to affirm thought as the power and co-creator of Existence. Notice that I do not speak of discussions, nor of pondering, but of thought, which sweeps through the surface of Substance with its individual rhythm, and thus creates infinitely!

Heart (1932) - 219:
219. There is much tension; one must understand how closely the world situation is bound with the work. It is impossible to divide them when the general situation is equal to an unprecedented battle; therefore I command you to remain undivided, imbued with the tension of the moment. There must be no retreat; it is necessary unitedly to press the obsessed ones. If a jest be permitted, one may call this phase of the battle, the battle against obsession. Verily, the dark ones try to strengthen themselves through obsession. But their methods cannot be of long duration, for they disintegrate themselves precisely through obsession. You know how obsession gradually destroys the organism; the paralysis of certain nerve centers is inevitable. Hence, physicians could do so much useful work by directing attention to obsession. Ask the physician whether he did not notice special peculiarities in the eyes of obsessed persons. For one can judge duality of existence by the eyes. But I do not refer to a purely superficial manifestation such as a dull or shifting glance. Other symptoms must be observed. One can also observe symptoms in the walk, the voice, and even a change in the weight. Do not ask psychiatrists about it, because their theories are fossilized, but physicians of the new type can observe impartially. And yet, how greatly such observations are needed, now when obsession is becoming epidemic! Sensing the weakness of human hearts, hordes of sly spirits avidly rush to capture the flavor of Earth.

Heart (1932) - 460:
460. Not only vibrations but also the substance of the heart produces creativeness. The same energy should be valued in all the minutest manifestations of life. Even in its minute manifestations life represents a miracle worthy of innumerable books. Thus, directing our attention to the physical shell will inevitably intensify our attention to the action of the heart. The Teaching of the Heart is the teaching of the causes of manifestations. The ancients began the Teaching by laying their hands upon the heart. Whereupon the Teacher asked, "Dost thou hear?" "I hear," answered the pupil. "This is the beating of my heart, but it is only the first rap upon the gates of the great Heart. If thou dost not heed the beat of thy heart, then shall the beat of the Great Heart deafen thee."

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 116:
116. Effort is needed for the directing of fiery energy, which for abbreviation we shall call Agni. This exertion is actually not a physical one and not even one of a subtle order. In the East people understand this lightning-speed quality. In Western speech there does not exist at all a designation for this most subtle concept. That is why it is so difficult to speak about the Fiery World. In the Eastern tongues also this concept sometimes becomes obsolete because it is unfit for contemporary consciousness. This is why many of the signs of Tao have been reduced to an outward depiction.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 222:
222. So long as humanity continues to dwell in a corporeal consciousness, the methods of conventional experimental medicine can hardly be altered. Only by directing the consciousness toward psychic energy can the senselessness of vivisection be stopped. Working with living plants, on one hand, and applying psychic energy, on the other, will lead the trend of thought into a new channel; but, in any case, each protest against vivisection already has Our approval. Such protests indicate a knowledge of the manifestations of the Subtle World and an understanding that vivisections can become new sources of contamination. In the future, an adequate prophylaxis, together with application of psychic energy, will make diseases entirely non-existent. But meanwhile, it is necessary as far as possible to stop the cruelties of vivisection and to reiterate about psychic energy. Through such a constant reminder, the energy itself will become more manifest. For fiery thinking is also a kindling of the torches.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 344:
344. At times it is useful to sit calmly, directing one's spirit to Infinity. It is like a shower from the far-off worlds. We ourselves must attract the currents, otherwise they may glide by without leaving a trace. Thought attracts positive currents like a magnet and repels negative ones like a shield.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 369:
369. You explained quite correctly the curing of the case of tuberculosis, known to you. In fact, many cases of disease, especially among women, come from the kindling of the centers. But this conflagration can be quenched by giving a useful direction to the consciousness. It is possible that the fiery consciousness had been knocking for a long time, but the sparks of Fohat penetrated the region of the Chalice without being utilized. It is in this way that the conflagration starts, and tuberculosis is the most common result of unassimilated Fire. To assimilate in consciousness means also to assimilate physically. This connection of consciousness with the body is especially noticeable in the example of Fire, which causes a quite apparent physical deterioration if the Fire is not realized. Therefore, during illness, especially catarrhal ones, it is useful to perform a fiery pranayama. This pranayama is very simple - the usual inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth while directing the prana to the seat of the disease. But for intensification of the action one should keep in mind that the Fire of Space is being inhaled and the consumed Ur, exhaled. Thus, Fire is again the remedy, and the physician can alleviate the condition of the patient by assuring him of how easy it is to attract the basic energy. Fortunately, sickness strengthens one attitude toward faith, and a seriously ill patient will accept the reality of Fire more readily.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 374:
374. Urumiya also relates to the science of Fire. The mastery of directing Fire lies not in the field of mechanics but in the realization of higher energy, acquired through experience in the Subtle World. A new arrow will not fly by verbal command; fire is needed, for which space does not exist. True, even powerful arrows can be repelled by the black fire when there is a coincidence of actions. Then it is better to wait or defend oneself.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 425:
425. One should direct one's entire consciousness into the future. It is seldom that one finds within oneself the courage to admit the undesirability of turning back to the past. The evidence of daring yearning for the future indicates that the spirit is ready for fiery cognitions. Only such an enlightened consciousness will continue its thought-creativeness also in the Subtle World. Only such irrepressible thought-creativeness and striving for distant flights will afford the fiery approach. All the terror of the legions of darkness cannot overcome an intense striving to the future. Though the dark ones approach, Light will not lose its guiding power. So, also, useful deeds are necessary to help our near ones. One should not consider these beneficent counsels as moral precepts beyond the pale of life. They sustain us, directing us along the shorter paths.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 582:
582. Shamed be the land where teachers dwell in poverty and want. Shamed be those who know that their children are being taught by a man in want. Not to care for the teachers of its future generation is not only a disgrace to a nation but a mark of its ignorance. Can one entrust children to a depressed man? Can one ignore the emanation created by sorrow? Can one rest ignorant of the fact that a depressed spirit cannot inspire enthusiasm? Can one regard teaching as an insignificant profession? Can one expect an enlightened spirit in children if the school is a place of humiliation and affront? Can one perceive any construction during the gnashing of teeth? Can one expect the fires of the heart when the spirit is silent? Thus I say, thus I repeat that the nation that has forgotten its teachers has forgotten its future. Let us not lose an hour in directing thought toward the joy of the future. And let us make sure that the teacher be the most valued member of the country's institutions. The time is coming when the spirit must be enlightened and made joyous through true knowledge. Fire is at the threshold!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 256:
256. Prayers often contain the supplications, "Look Thou upon me" or "Turn Thy gaze to me." In such words there is expressed great knowledge of the significance of the look. Precisely a look can change even the composition of the aura. Not only thought, but the very chemism of a glance has a fiery consequence. Those who know this ask the Higher Forces to look upon them, because in this magnetic chemism there is contained all-encompassing benevolence. Let us not forget that each look of a man has correspondingly the same significance; the more saturated with thought, the more powerful the glance. This is not direct suggestion, it is better to call it a saturation of space, for such chemism is disseminated far more extensively than may be supposed. The significance of the gaze can be shown when radiations will be photographed. One will be able to observe then the influence of senseless glances and of mental sendings. It is a joy to see how comforting looks can make the aura healthful. And the steady continuation of such a reaction can bring an enormous amelioration of all existence. Let us not forget that the presence of certain persons brings a considerable improvement in the aura of an entire assembly. They may be called Beacons of Salvation. Even when they are not directing energy their Od nevertheless penetrates the whole surroundings. Such natural agents of good health must be highly valued.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 301:
301. Information about the language of the Luminaries must be very thoroughly understood. One may have the best combinations and still not apply them. But also one may avoid the most dangerous by heeding signs and directing a zealous striving toward Hierarchy. From this Source it is possible to draw useful wisdom which can lighten karma.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 173:
173. There exists many different means for the rarefaction of the dense body. Indeed, each fine thought must be regarded as a fiery manifestation, therefore it is necessary to accustom oneself to think fierily. Rarefaction of the dense physical body must also be understood from the spiritual point of view, because, while dwelling in a dense body, it is still possible not to manifest coarseness. The Agni Yogi, who has passed through fiery baptism and fiery transmutation, no longer dwells in a dense body, because when the body admits the fiery currents, its whole substance is changed. The basis of this experience of fiery transmutation of the centers is this rarefaction. True, only to the subtle is the subtle accessible, and science of the future will study the subtle body. The ever-increasing fiery manifestation, while directing the spirit into the Higher Worlds, make the earthly spheres burdensome. Let us remember that the Subtle is accessible only to the subtle, and let us reverence the Mother of Agni Yoga.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 254:
254. The will of a militant spirit can direct an entire army to the good. The will of the militant spirit can direct an entire militant world. The will of the militant spirit can affirm new channels by which constructiveness can proceed. Therefore any and every wall can be destroyed under pressure of the militant spirit. The militant spirit which discloses the fiery horizon is the spirit which affirms the Higher Power. The militant spirit can saturate each manifestation proceeding along with the Cosmic Magnet. The militant spirit can overcome many tensions. The militant spirit creates and constructs new possibilities. Thus let all who are on the way to the Light apprehend the significance of the directing militant Will, because those who follow the militant Will are following Fire. Thus let us manifest understanding toward the fiery bearers of Our Will.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 290:
290. The Heart of the World raises all manifested energies toward constructiveness, which rules the Universe. Cosmic striving holds in its tension each energy of spatial Fire. But the cohesion of all cosmic creative forces, as well as the directing of them, is subject to the Heart of the World. The unification of Worlds also depends upon this supreme Principle which kindles all lives. Thus, the cause of all primary causes is the Heart of the World. Each torch of life is set aflame by the Heart of the World. The consciousness which acquires the fiery vibration of the Cosmic Ray, senses the vibration of the Heart of the World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 419:
419. When psychic energy is propelled into space there is an intercompression of currents, creating a powerful impulse. When the spirit is strained in sendings of psychic energy, directing its entire forces to one goal, then the currents of space respond to the tension of the psychic energy, and harmony results in the way of mutual compression. Consonances of currents are those channels which can isolate the sendings of psychic energy; and that is why We say that the spirit can play upon the currents of space. Each fiery saturation of the centers is such a powerful resonator of space. Currents are subject to these powerful intercompressions. The manifestation of a harmonized unified aura can verily work miracles. Verily, the spirit plays upon the currents of space.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 484:
484. Steadfastness is an attribute of the shield; the strength is not in it, but in the directing hand. Fire is manifested to the eye but realized by the heart.

AUM (1936) - 184:
184. The experienced physician, extending medical aid, says to the patient, "Forget about your illness!" He knows that people do not usually know how to suggest to themselves recovery. Therefore it is better not to let them tire themselves with doubt as to their health. People could help their recovery by directing their forces toward healing, but they prefer to weaken themselves by not allowing nature to exercise its good action.

Brotherhood (1937) - 148:
148. People are vainly seeking new remedies and medicaments without making use of the old ones. Even milk and honey are not sufficiently in use. Whereas, what can be more beneficial than vegetable products reworked through a succeeding evolution? Milk and honey are to be had in infinite variety, and they constitute the best prophylaxis when employed rationally and scientifically. The point is not simply to drink milk and eat honey; first of all, one must consider what kind of milk and what kind of honey. It is right to assume that the best honey will be from places that are replete with curative herbs. It may be understood that bees bring together not mere chance combinations of their extractions. Nature lore about bees has importance in the way of directing attention to the particular quality of the honey.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 31:
You have read how oppressive the aura of some landholders was for Our Brother. Of course, He had the ability to repel them with one discharge of His energy, but such murder was not part of His task. Thus, in many cases, We must co-measure in directing the Ray for the highest benefit. Such co-measurement will define the purpose of Our Brotherhood. To hold back the onslaught of darkness, to protect those who have exhausted their strength, and to apply all possible remedies for the General Good will be the fulfillment of Our Statutes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 93:
The different incarnations of the Founder can be observed in their amazing outward variety: at times the Master, or the suffering Spiritual Teacher, or the Hero; at times the Hermit, or the Leader of nations, or the wise Ruler; then the Monk, the Philosopher, and finally, in the Subtle World, the Healer of the people on Earth. It would be too much to enumerate all the former lives, but in all there was the same Service and the same persecution. In the Subtle World, Service was more peaceful, because it was possible to remain in a circle in which the energy was not aimlessly consumed. But on Earth more energy must be used for defense than for productive activity, and this is burdensome. It takes centuries to grow accustomed to directing energy where it will be useful. But you must remember that every transmission of energy with a benevolent purpose brings its good result.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 279:
Only an awareness of the great manifoldness can save one from the perils of limitation. One must feel oneself living in the Infinite, and then gain strength by directing one's consciousness to the far-off worlds. In this way, the idea of the manifoldness of evolution will become clearer.


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