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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DI > DISINCARNATED (2)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 355:
355. Those who would study Agni Yoga must direct their attention to the rhythmic pulsation of the elements, because by this natural phenomenon the various elements are united. The psycho-physical experiment that took place yesterday showed the rhythm of energy as a pulse of elements. Activity alternates with silence, just as a Pralaya alternates with a Manvantara. While it would be absurd to attribute to spirits the action of the elements in all physical processes, there is undoubtedly a link between certain spirits and the moments of influx of energy. You may be astonished to see how disincarnated spirits can densify themselves by using the ectoplasm of space, and, on the other hand, how physical bodies can acquire subtle properties. Indeed, it is a true bridge between the two worlds!

Heart (1932) - 327:
327. Exercising attention is a condition of observation of the signs of the Subtle World. Attention can be developed by various means. In a symphony one can choose and follow one voice, or one can identify several melodies simultaneously. It is also useful to establish the sonance of silence. Silence has many delicate voices, and to observe their rhythm means to come closer to the Subtle World. But, in studying silence it is instructive to recognize the dissonance of each physical intrusion. One cannot find a better example than the comparison of a physical sound with the Subtle World. And such an antithesis is also observed in the sphere of the sense of smell. Yet this quality is developed much more rarely! If smell appears as a form of nourishment in the Subtle World, it is understood that in the physical world it is not so highly developed. Of course, as you have noticed, the Subtle World is full of odors. The higher, the more perfect they are. But the lower strata are full of decomposition. If disincarnated beings are delayed in the lower strata, they carry around themselves the shell of decomposition; therefore, during life it is very useful to get accustomed to the flight into the higher strata.


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