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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DI > DISLOCATION (1)

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 311:
311. Each great reconstruction summons from space great energies. Nets of constructiveness are cast far beyond the limits of the earthly spheres. But together with all the pressure of the Forces of Light, there are intensified also the forces of darkness. As one substance manifests a reaction against contact, another, likewise, reacts to each dislocation. During cosmic transformation space reacts to each vibration. Indeed, events are being compressed, as is a substance through chemical reaction. Spatial fire begins to assemble new forces, but subterranean fire seeks to break through. So, too, the forces of the spirit are expanding, manifesting their strivings subject to their accumulations. A great transmutation draws near and the Fiery World awaits an affirmation.


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