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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DI > DISRUPTION (7)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 370:
When the elements manifest explosions, there occurs a disruption between the Cosmic Fire and the attraction of the energies. The spirit of creative impulse creates conformably with the principle of the elements.

Hierarchy (1931) - 180:
180. Disunion from the Guide stops the evolution of the spirit, because the disruption of the chain leads to isolation and impedes the creativeness of the spirit. Verily, only union with the Source of Light moves the spirit onward. Thus, striving to the Highest Hierarchy gives all possibilities and saturates the spirit with the power of Service. The orbits of Light are built by correspondence and by the power of fulfillment of the Higher Will. Thus is the path to Infinity built.

Heart (1932) - 464:
464. We entrust Our disciples with the task of enduring the desert and the atmosphere of the city as well. Thus they can compare the differences in the pressure of the fiery energy. It is intolerable that people should collect in multitudes so long as they do not realize what precious vessels of energy they are. They will not admit the thought of the value of their spirit. Therefore the feeling of solemnity is the most difficult for them. The quiver of wings and steady ascent are beyond one's strength when the significance of spirit is rejected. Undoubtedly there is a disruption of climatic conditions. Is not humanity's spirit responsible for this perilous manifestation?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 320:
320. Millefolium , or "Thousand Leaves," was the name of an ancient decoction of wild field herbs. Its significance lay in the belief that the field flora is in itself already a collective panacea. Of course such a combination of plant forces is very noteworthy; for who better than Nature can match up conformable neighbors! The proportions and methods of adaptation rest in the hands of man. Verily, each symphony of vegetation astonishes one by its consonance. Creativeness is rich, both externally and internally, but, as a rule, people cruelly violate this precious veil of the Mother of the World. For the sake of plunder they prefer the bony grin of the death's-head on the sand. Political economy should be based upon an understanding of the values of nature and their wise use; otherwise the state will rest on sand. Thus, in everything one can study the golden mean, the very path of justice. People themselves are horrified when a disruption of the fundamentals takes place. They are disturbed by albinos; yet this is only a violation of the fiery principle. One can witness similar disturbances in all kingdoms of nature. They are not only an abomination, they are infectious and mutually harmful. One must continually return to medical counsels, but is not the fiery element a mighty healing power? Fire is the affirmation of life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 255:
The speed of life will seem frightening until people develop a speed of thought sufficient to outstrip it. People must accept cosmic conditions or there will be dangerous discord. The motion of Earth will slow down, but at the same time the influx of energies will be accelerated. Each disharmony is destructive in itself, and each disunity brings disruption. When it was declared that ideas rule the world, the power of thought was affirmed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 312:
312. Urusvati understands the reasons for the disruption of thought. This occurs constantly but attracts little attention. It is usually believed that man himself interrupts the thread of his thought, but why then is the interrupted thought not replaced by another? Instead there is a complete cessation of the train of thought. Sometimes the interrupted thought does not return, leading one to conclude that an external influence has driven it away. This is precisely what happens.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 416:
416. Urusvati knows that waves of energy can be disturbed not only by crude material means, but also by subtle gaseous substances. A complete investigation of the disruption of sound and other waves can, and should, be conducted. Earth is enveloped by a cloud of gas, and during the last quarter century this sinister cover has condensed remarkably.


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