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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DI > DISSOLVING (2)

New Era Community (1926) - 150:
You have long known a dissolving sound which acts not by tension but by quality. Understanding is similar to this sound. In antiquity it was said "Open the gates of understanding, otherwise my lightning will reduce your lock to ashes." Indeed, the lightning of thought - this primary creation of all being - pierces all locks.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 218:
218. Concentrations of crystals of psychic energy grow during each heightening of aspiration. Each tension of power of the spirit multiplies the crystals of psychic energy. Sediments of precipitated crystals, consisting of subtle energies which have been chemically transformed in the organism, feed those organs which are in special need during the expenditure of energy. Crystals of psychic energy melt down substances harmful for the organism. Through conscious tension one can actually promote this dissolving process, which is of service as a counteracting factor. Conscious sendings of psychic energy to infected or injured organs can produce a healing effect. Conscious tension of the will causes spontaneous action of the crystals. Thus, thoughts about psychic energy crystals can bring needed assistance for the injuries of internal organs. On the path to the Fiery World it is necessary to realize those fiery batteries which are contained in man.


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