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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IM > IMMENSITY (10)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.1:
The ray of understanding of the predestined immensity of the manifestations of power can unite ready souls, and without this readiness any miracle is turned into a curiosity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 22:
Thou, spirit, striving to the Creator of Cosmos, turn to the Mother of the World. Proclaim what thou seest. Space is revealed as manifesting the utmost creativeness. The immensity of Space and the inalienability of the cosmic forces enrich the kernel of our being. The levers of evolution are the finest energies which may become the possession of men.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 41:
What remains for our planet to extract from the Primary Source is evident through the conception of Infinity. Our planet is stratified and permeated by the properties of cosmic fires; and man, as a magician, can propel his magnetic power according to his desire. He can express his striving through the tension of his psychic energy directed into Space. Clarity of thought gives impetus to this direction. We are not speaking of magic formulae, but We wish to direct your spirit toward the limitless possibilities. The belief that all is illusion results in curtailment of one's self-expression. Cosmogony and astrochemistry are as applicable as are geography and history. Could you but know what the Lords have seen, you would find understanding of the immensity of non-concatenated matter. Not the mystery of a temple, but the Sacrament of Infinity!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 119a:
How is it possible to give Our Image to humanity when We have to conceal the most sacred page! The Cosmic Magnet is Our Sacred Power. Boundless is the immensity of this Power. If only the spirit would manifest understanding, fearlessness would suffuse all hearts, and the spheres would resound with rejoicing.

Hierarchy (1931) - 21:
21. We say "the arc of consciousness," because We term the consciousness of an Arhat a complete circle. But there is a still higher step of cognition; We call it "full affirmation." The Cosmic Magnet is Our Sacred Power. Boundless is the immensity of this Power. If only the spirit would manifest understanding, fearlessness would suffuse all hearts, and the spheres would resound with rejoicing.

Hierarchy (1931) - 26:
26. The subtlety of Our Indications to humanity is not yet comprehended. When will it be possible to illumine man with Our Image? The tendency of thought comprehends only with difficulty the purity of the higher sphere. Sacredly We guard the Sacrament of Life. The wheel of life breathes with beauty. The wheel of life is suffused by the grandeur of Cosmos. The wheel of life is directed toward the greatness of Materia Lucida . And equally light-sustaining are the rays of each manifestation of life that merges into the immensity of Cosmos. The sacred bonds of spirit are comparable to the most light-sustaining rays. The atomic energy of karma, consciously woven, comprises the most powerful lever.

Hierarchy (1931) - 52:
52. Do not accustom the young ones to expect great manifestations according to their human measure. Such an outworn measure does not correspond to reality, for even in a physical sense people have greatly distorted the concept of immensity. The mind cannot comprehend that only the result defines the true grandeur. Each action can be measured only in accordance with its relation to Hierarchy and Infinity. Thus, these concepts will be like signs leading to reality. Hence, teach the young ones to think first of Infinity, remembering, moreover, that no one should compare himself to a minute grain of sand as is usually the way of hypocrites. Our measure is guaranteed by an immense responsibility. We shall not err in measuring according to responsibility.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 310:
310. Form the East, the White Eagle - thus We reveal a new consciousness. Nothing is possible without the East. The history of mankind was created either by the East or for the East. It is impossible to imagine the immensity of the structure of culture, whose Temple is so vast.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 184:
184. Each epoch has its own distinctions. Each peculiarity of time is an imprint of consciousness. These manifestations of peculiarities can be magnified by the will of humanity. The peculiarities of the epoch, in the same way as evocations, have their roots in the consciousness. Those visions and conditions which filled life and thought several centuries past were engendered in the spirit of the servants of religion in response to popular demand. Long ago was it enjoined, "Seek and ye shall find." In this evolutionary and incessant turn of the spiral, man will find the Truth. The affirmation of Truth is purified of all distortions, because the rubbish and accumulated dust is transitory. But Truth is manifested in Infinity. And though human darkening be prolonged, yet from under the dark strata will be exhumed the affirmations of the Light. Thus, that which is ordained enters in awesome immensity.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 185:
185. Thus everything great enters imperceptibly and powerfully into life. The manifestation of Cosmic Right likewise enters fierily into life. Invisibly is space saturated; thus powerfully are the fiery threads stretched forth. But when the hour of entrance comes, fiery might will flash out with all the manifested rays of Beauty. Therefore I affirm how vitally necessary it is to understand the power of that great fiery force which is incarnated in the Mother of Agni Yoga. In awesome immensity the threshold draws near; thus a great Mystery enters into life.


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