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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IM > IMPOSTURE (1)

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 154:
154. Discernment, a quality of the spirit, can be exercised in examination of those actions which especially clearly reveal the depths of the heart. Precisely there where humility is lacking will be a place for imposture. There where Hierarchy is not reverenced, will be a place for blasphemy. There where the Decree of the Higher Forces is affirmed only insubordinately, will egoism be hidden. And there where the Fiery Teacher is absent the direction will not be on the side of the Teaching. One cannot realize the great Teaching without the Fiery Teacher, without a striving of the spirit to the World of the Teacher. The manifestation of the Fiery Teacher is the path to the Fiery World. Thus, the records of space are filled with self-styled Teachers, but the Guiding Principle is the Fiery Teacher. One cannot pass without Him, one cannot advance without Him, one cannot attain without Him. Thus let us remember, in creating a better future.


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