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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > IM > IMPULSIONS (3)

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 440:
440. Certainly the spirit which stands close to construction can feel the correspondence between the planes. Hence, the correspondence attracts conscious impulsions. The creativeness of the spirit of a sensitive Agni Yogi knows the direction of magnetic currents. Hence, when all forces are intensified, human thought strains the levers of shifting. Therefore, the enemies feel all the mighty coordinations and the dark forces bar themselves from Light.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 443:
443. The quality of the energy intensifies each action. The power of the energy is not in the action but in the impulse. When a form is being created it is the quality of the energies that predetermines its vitality. Therefore, the creativity of the Cosmic Magnet should be defined as the manifestation of quality. Only creative energies send the impulsions toward the formation of vital fires. Therefore, when the thought cognizes every quality of striving, the Cosmic Consciousness can be affirmed. Hence, let us accept each manifestation of such quality as a move producing life. The creativeness of Infinity is saturated by the qualities of the energies.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 445:
445. The quality of the energy predetermines each human undertaking. The creativeness of the spirit is imbued by the quality of the energy. Human striving must be directed to the understanding of the quality of energy. The spirit will approach closely the knowledge of higher energies if it will cognize the entire saturation through Fire. In each impulse this fiery quality exists. Each vital striving is impelled by this quality. The realization of this quality will induce an understanding of all the vital impulsions of Infinity.


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