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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > NO > NOURISH (12)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.2:
3.3.2. Let us imagine the Earth crammed with wireless stations. But a few of them will be of very high tension. Only these few will direct the life of the planet. Exactly so do there exist spirits of high intensity who have fully charged their accumulators in past incarnations. Their characteristic feature will be a firm consciousness of the indissolubility of their inner ego, whence is born the concept of the higher freedom. And to the station of high tension is adjoined a network of smaller stations which receive its continuous waves. Thus does a spirit of high tension nourish its surroundings; it is analogous to a solitary tower reigning over the space. That is why people are attracted from early childhood to such magnets, even overburdening them.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 80:
Until recently the sensitivity of plants was considered to be just instinct, but after investigation one now can attribute this "instinct" to the domain of thought. Hence, one must observe upward and downward. The human creature shows a characteristic error in presuming to himself the exclusive ability to think. By the most simple examples, one can demonstrate how human thought is affected by age, circumstances, and nationality. It is striking to see how weak is the rudimentary thinking of the average man; yet anonymously-sent spatial thoughts will uplift his spirit. You know that a radio, with slight alteration, can receive thoughts from space. And thoughts, as living matter, can both nourish and be nourished.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 650:
Now you know that the battlefield is rife with possibilities. It is there that the visible and invisible worlds are in contact and affect each other. This is not magic, just as walking on water is not magic - not by command but out of necessity. How can one reach the goal, if one is without faith? Straight-knowledge needs both direction and goal. Not knowing the goal leads to a piling-up of confusion. Fallen leaves nourish the black soil, but each seed brings an explosion of energy into the world.

Heart (1932) - 169:
169. It happens that people are so savage in spirit that they can only live by condemning each other. This is not an inspection of another's armor with the view of helping; on the contrary, condemnation becomes the meaning of life. If one deprives such a condemner of his tongue, he will perish and wither like a plant without water. Such a manifestation can be investigated from a medical point of view. One can see in this condemnation a kind of obsessive vampirism, when the possession of more active vital fluids is needed to nourish the obsessed one.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 208:
208. You are amazed that before the earthquake measures were taken for the elimination of the heart spasms. Does not feeling primarily guide such telegraphy? Precisely the vital substance of straight-knowledge does not require any conventional apparatus. But of course it is necessary to reciprocally nourish this substance. Urusvati's thoughts were actually the best nurture for this current.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 180:
180. Do not confuse fatigue with intensity. These two states, notwithstanding their complete difference, can produce similar symptoms. But fatigue must be overcome by a change of work, whereas tension must be actually increased. It would be a mistake to allow oneself to dissipate tension. One must nourish this manifest fiery power as a precious gift. Each tension is a sharpening of consciousness. Each weariness is a dulling, but in either case let us not forget to take musk. Ur. has wisely established the combination of musk with soda and valerian. Certainly the very speedy accumulation of musk by means of soda is useful, as it is also the continuation of the reaction to valerian. All three ingredients are of a fiery nature. Not without reason was soda called, in antiquity, ashes of divine Fire, and fields of soda deposits were called sites of Devas' encampments. Likewise valerian is especially effective in combination with musk. While musk kindles Fire, valerian sustains it as a static condition. In fatigue this fiery remedy is absorbed in order to renew the nerve centers; but in the striving of intensity there is need of prolonged combustion, in order to avoid explosions and shocks. But above all other life-giving agents is the communion with Hierarchy. Musk may dry up, but in communion with Hierarchy its strength will be promptly renewed and an inexhaustible supply of energy extended.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 186:
186. Fiery sparks also illumine animals. In this, one may observe a remarkable law. Animals revive fiery sparks particularly through contact with man. Likewise does man nourish his own fiery body through communion with Hierarchy. One's consciousness must accept the realization of the logic of Jacob's latter; all creatures can find access to it when they are imbued with right striving.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 103:
103. Transmutation of the centers intensifies the creative energies which are necessary for crossing into the Subtle World. Each spiritual striving produces its sediments, which assume the aspect of subtle energies during the passage into the Subtle World. Thus, it is important to aspire into the Higher Spheres. Ecstasy of spirit and joy of the heart yield those energies which nourish the subtle body. Indeed, only a feeling imbued with higher impulses provides the needed energies. It must be understood that imperil and gross earthly desires produce their ugly ulcers, which the spirit must heal in the subtle body. Ulcers of the spirit are carried over into the Subtle World if they are not gotten rid of on the Earth. Liberation from the physical vehicle does not mean deliverance from spiritual ulcers. When the spirit, faced with breaking away from the Earth, realizes how it has used its energies, then the consciousness can atone for a great deal; but the consciousness must be impelled toward the thought about the Higher Worlds. Even the most serious criminal can be directed toward the understanding of the burden of Karma, but for this it is necessary to change the social conditions. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World one should become accustomed to the thought about transmutation of the centers, because liberation from the body is not deliverance from spiritual ulcers.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 179:
179. Fluids of the fiery heart and spirit nourish the protective net. The fiery centers are a most powerful panacea. The Agni Yogi, being affirmed in the might of fiery energy, possesses the power of the Light; therefore, let us not be surprised if the heart saturated with higher Fire knows nothing of whisperings and temptations. The fluids of such a heart act as purifying energies in space. Currents of the subtle fluids saturate at enormous distances, serving as powerful discharging agents. For example, when the solar plexus is tense, the heart is sending to a far distant point its purifying energies. For example, if absentation is noticed, it means that divisibility of the spirit is in creative process. Pulsations in the extremities and in the heart denote sendings of fiery projectiles. Let us subtly refer to the different manifestations of the spatial creativeness of the powerful Agni Yogi. These cosmic sendings are affirmed by Our Tara, who has taken upon herself the whole achievement of Beauty and Fire.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 93:
93. Urusvati knew long ago the identity of the Founder of the Brotherhood. It is possible to trace the long chain of incarnations and the periods in the Subtle World, yet in all this diversity the fundamental, unchanging goal of existence should be discerned. Similarly, one can see how, though earthly temples and strongholds have perished, the ideas that brought them into being have not died. Not only do they nourish entire generations, but, as centuries go by they continue to flourish beautifully with a new understanding. We pay no attention to superficial fluctuations, knowing that the essence is unchangeable.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 214:
The Thinker said, "Ideas are borne on fleet wings." It is joyous to liberate a bird from its cage, and it should be equally joyous to set free a salutary idea. Thought must nourish space, otherwise people will be deprived of the opportunity for progress. Let us free ideas from all bondage and chains. Let us not rely on wardens, but speed our own liberation.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 278:
It was also necessary to oppose blasphemy and obscenity. The Teacher knows that these vices pollute space and cause irreparable harm. People nourish those harmful entities known as devourers of psychic energy. It is almost impossible to convince the ordinary person that by blaspheming he is destroying psychic energy, and that, whether obscenities are uttered through ignorance or during fits of anger and irritability, the resulting harm is the same.


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