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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OR > ORDINANCES (4)

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 119:
119. Each action is strained by the lever of spirit and the lever of heart. Cosmic creativeness expresses forms by these levers. In Cosmos, the lever of the spirit is the consciousness of Materia Lucida, and the lever of the heart is the same manifested symbol of attraction. How greatly humanity has deviated from the great principle of the creative Magnet! Man has accepted the center of the creative impulse as his Ego, and the action of the Ego absorbs all tensions. Thus, instead of a cosmic action there results a focus of egotism. The creativeness of Cosmos evokes cooperation. The creativeness of Cosmos evokes striving to the far-off worlds. The focal point of the Ego, rejecting all ordinances of Cosmos, generates causes which affirm the manifestation of isolation. Cosmos attracts dates which are identical with the direction of the Cosmic Magnet. The core of the Ego proceeds in isolation. The creativeness of Cosmos manifests boundless cooperation.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 190:
190. The sensitiveness of the spirit is strained toward a questing for communion with cosmic manifestations. The being imbued with the quest for communion with the higher spheres is striving toward cosmic ordinances. Every energy is drawn taut by the lever of Fire. For humanity, this lever is the basis of the creativeness of spirit. When the spirit in its striving senses the ordinance of Cosmos, it fulfils the law of Cosmic Reason. How vividly the fiery Agni Yogi expresses communion with the higher spheres! The spirit of the Fire-Carrier knows the power of communion; therefore, when the universal energy approaches, the fiery spirit knows the date. The ordinance of the Cosmic Reason imbues the spirit with sensitiveness and transmits to it each cosmic move. The sensitive spirit sets up a fiery current with the higher spheres. Let the fiery torrent take the place of oppressive immobility.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 231:
231. The cosmic laws of Equilibrium are applicable to all dates on the planet. Spacial solutions are attracted to the designated dates and can be manifested in all the affirmations of life. Equilibrium is saturated with these spatial solutions. Therefore designated dates must be subtly calculated. One may study the map of the World in different epochs and perceive how the Cosmic Scales have manifested great equilibrium. The Command has affirmed its manifested actions as Cosmic Equilibrium. Dates are attracted according to these spirals of Cosmic Ordinances. Thus menacing epochs have been displaced by creative ones, and destructive epochs by constructive ones. According to the spirals of creativeness one can observe on-coming cosmic displacements. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of displacement, affirmed by the dates of Cosmic Equilibrium.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 338:
338. If people would only understand the whole power of the magnet contained in the heart! Of all the fiery energies this constitutes the greatest potential power. For the magnet of the heart no obstacles exist, because the sunlike heart knows how to affirm great action. The sunlike heart creates the Cosmic Ordinances and guards the Covenants over an extent of thousands of years. If people would understand that all impediments yield before the powerful fire of the heart! Thus the magnet of the heart creates, and there is no power like this Sun of Suns. Thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World.


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