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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OR > ORGANIZED (9)

New Era Community (1926) - 235:
235. Let us take up several childish concepts. What is new? Nothing. But there is only new realization of manifestations of the properties of matter, new for the contemporary level of mind. One must understand that the true affirmations are not in self-contained isolation but in true continuity. Manifestation can be strengthened only in a fearless affirmation of an order of succession. This consideration appears simple enough for children, and in it is contained the power of solidarity. Yet organized solidarity is still not realized. Often people try to limit a manifestation, bringing obvious harm. Any dismemberment is as an axe upon a living organism.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 534:
534. Most harmful of all are the so-called involuntary thoughts. Every conscious thought is to a certain degree organized, but the little vagabonds, without any sense, obstruct the ways.

Heart (1932) - 571:
571. It is useful to observe traces of discipline wherever they are. In the matter of collective conscious discipline one should pay attention to the Japanese Zen monasteries. It is rare that Hierarchy and cooperation are preserved without coercion. Discipline should be regarded as an organized voluntary cooperation. Among the methods of educating the heart the voluntary organization of cooperation has great significance. But so long as compulsion is concealed somewhere there cannot be any conscious cooperation or the desired results. And let us hasten to understand cooperation. It is impossible to hope for flowering and victory where there is disunity. Let us accept this truth as a Command.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 35:
35. So much is said about cooperation, but so little is comprehended! This is one of the most misconstrued concepts, because in a human community the idea of united labor is so distorted. Life in the community of co-workers has in view no forcing of feelings, of obligations, of constraints, but an affirmation of united work in the name of manifested Good. If the human community would accept the law of united labor as the law of life, to what an extent human consciousness could become purified! For the rhythm of a common task can unite various specialists and individuals who differ in their qualities. The law is simple, bur how many distortions surround it! The manifestation of the human nearness of the spirit is conditioned by many causes, spiritual as well as karmic, but under the ray of labor a community may be organized with the aid of the law of cooperation. Therefore it is necessary to educate the co-workers through labor and by the affirmation that each co-worker is a part of the whole. However, one should exclude incorrect thinking about the personal. Such interpretation can help a community to become affirmed as a single channel. So many sad happenings can be avoided through the expansion of consciousness and by the subtle understanding that it is inadmissible to encroach upon the heart of another being. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World the co-workers should understand that one may advance only through the law of Common Labor - there is no other measure! The subtle is attained only by the subtle; and the subtle threads of the heart resound only in a tension of many thousands of years. Therefore, let the co-workers especially realize this single path. Precisely, the law of united labor permits no infringement upon the heart of another.

Brotherhood (1937) - 512:
512. Conscious transmission of thought at a distance is still in an embryonic stage. Each undertaking in this direction is to be welcomed, but it will carry little weight for the broad masses. Therefore, together with experiments, lectures about thought-energy should be organized widely.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 1:
1. Urusvati knows the Tower of Chun, and remembers how the exterior of the Tower resembles a natural cliff. It is not difficult to prevent access to this Tower. A small landslide can conceal the structure from those below. A small dam can change a mountain stream into a lake, and in time of dire need the entire district can be immediately transformed. People may smile, thinking that organized expeditions could sooner or later penetrate into all the passes. But even before the physical transformation of the area, the power of thought would already have diverted the caravan! In addition, chemical effects can be utilized to prevent the approach of the curious. Thus do We guard the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 244:
Heartless thinking is the plague of humanity. Ancient philosophers did not include heartless people in their concepts of government. Plato in his Republic and Aristotle in his Politics had in mind organized societies of intelligent co-workers, and did not tolerate tyrants, hypocrites, or swindlers. It is impossible to imagine a strong state consisting of hypocrites and swindlers. Hypocrisy is incompatible with the highest beliefs and knowledge, and a false foundation will serve only a false structure. We do not approve of the slightest manifestation of hypocrisy, and believe that this vice begets all other corrupt feelings.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 317:
The evil forces zealously keep their vigil, ready to harm every beneficial undertaking. It is a mistake to think that these attempts of evil are casual; on the contrary, evil has its well organized followers. The inexperienced think that evil can simply be ignored, but We advise caution, and an increase in one's defenses.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 382:
382. Urusvati saw the many different apparatuses in Our laboratory, each of which operates with the assistance of psychic energy. The time will come when people will recognize that the functioning of machines is dependent upon the psychic energy of the person operating them. This should not be regarded as magic or something extraordinary. People should know that they transmit some of their psychic energy to every object they touch. If the energy is uncontrolled it operates without effect, but when it is realized and organized it will work more effectively.


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