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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > OR > ORNAMENTED (2)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 261:
Logic has poisoned many a statement. Decisions are too often reached by an exchange of words, rather than from their meaning. The Teaching can open one's eyes only when it is accepted in the fullness of its meaning. One may pass through the Teaching as over the tiles of an ornamented floor. Its design is unseen in the darkness; light is needed to discern it. In the darkness, the design seems unimportant, fit only for a lighthearted dance. The most sacred symbols can be trampled by the feet of ignorance.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 305:
305. A staircase has been revealed, with ornamented steps. But why is the lower step so decorated, while higher up the ornamentation grows simpler, until on the last step one sees no decoration at all? The design on the lower step is so intricate that its entire surface is covered. Perhaps no design is needed on the upper step. Truly, I see no ornamentation at all at the top. Thus, think simply.


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