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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PE > PERISHED (7)

New Era Community (1926) - 267:
267. Two sailors were shipwrecked and cast away on a desert island. Both nearly perished from hunger and terror, for they considered themselves forever cut off from the world. A ship picked them up. And later there was erected on the island a strong light-house. These same two sailors remained at the light-house, to save the other perishing ones. Now their frame of mind was altered. They were happy, directing the light of rescue and no longer feeling themselves cut off from the world. This means that realization of communion with the world and of usefulness to others completely transforms people. Work in common is a pledge of success.

Hierarchy (1931) - 123:
123. In Kurdistan there is a ruin called "the castle of errors." It is said that the castle was build by error, its location was chosen by error, the owner married by error, conducted wars by error, had councilors by error, gambled by error, fell ill by error, and perished by error. Only a certain amount of errors can be tolerated!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 100:
100. Consideration of the significance of synthesis in earthly existence is correct. The entire force of consciousness should be preserved during the attainment of the higher spheres of the Subtle World. Yet only a synthesis of consciousness affords this possibility. One should also become accustomed to the most rapid orientation, and what could better contribute to this than synthesis? People speak of vigilance, but under this quality they think of vigilance in only one direction. But even trusted sentinels have perished from striving in only one direction. Can we value all nature's riches if our eye is unaccustomed to mobility?

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 211:
211. You have already seen that thousands of people may perish in a single hurricane. Is it possible that the manifestation of ominous storms does not impel humanity to reflect as tow hence comes such imbalance that not only hurricanes and earthquakes, but even floods reach the highest dimensions? It is a fact that millions of people have already perished, but the consciousness continues to grow worse. It would be fair to ask humanity how many tens of millions of victims are required before a change of consciousness is recognized.

AUM (1936) - 370:
One should educate oneself in the realization of the qualities of psychic energy. If someone says that he has already read enough about the properties of psychic energy, pity the ignoramus. Of course, nowhere, up to the present, could one acquaint oneself with the study of the actual basis of existence. Observations were isolated, and the observers sometimes even subjected to persecution. Many precious conclusions have not been published and have perished in scattered manuscripts. You act rightly in referring to the acquiring of knowledge with benevolence.

AUM (1936) - 573:
573. It is shocking to see the relativeness of people's judgments. Take as an example the definitions of the state of one who has passed into the Subtle World. Of the same person it will be said: he perished, he is annihilated, he suffers, he sleeps, he is resting, he is learning, he ascends, he rejoices - thus each one judges the Subtle World according to his own understanding. But inasmuch as no one has told people about the Subtle World, they have begun to form opinions in accordance with their own imagination; however the imagination is often uncultivated. In this way, the closest sphere still remain within the limits of a phantom world.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 93:
93. Urusvati knew long ago the identity of the Founder of the Brotherhood. It is possible to trace the long chain of incarnations and the periods in the Subtle World, yet in all this diversity the fundamental, unchanging goal of existence should be discerned. Similarly, one can see how, though earthly temples and strongholds have perished, the ideas that brought them into being have not died. Not only do they nourish entire generations, but, as centuries go by they continue to flourish beautifully with a new understanding. We pay no attention to superficial fluctuations, knowing that the essence is unchangeable.


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