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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PE > PERPETUATE (2)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 620:
620. Furthermore, it is the greatest infamy that humanity even now practices witchcraft, precisely the blackest sorcery bent upon evil. Such conscious collaboration with the dark forces is not less horrible than poison gases. It is incredible that men who consider themselves to be in the religion of Good perpetuate the most dreadful sorcery. I would not mention this black peril if it had not reached such terrific proportions at present. The most intolerable rituals have been re-instituted in order to harm people. In their ignorance the crowds have been inveigled into mass magic. It is impermissible to allow such disintegration of the planet! It is impermissible to allow the dark forces to succeed in annihilating all evolution. Sorcery is not permissible, being a pressure on space contrary to nature. Everywhere, stress the danger of sorcery.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 368:
Twenty years is the measure of a generation. This division should be kept in mind, otherwise you will perpetuate the same old injustices.


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