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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PE > PERPLEXED (15)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 513:
513. When We spoke about the International Government many were perplexed. When they learn that this is the Government of Knowledge, will they then understand it?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 9:
9. People are often perplexed as to what lies beyond consciousness. Of course, in the human understanding the concept of consciousness is limited. This results from the acceptance of the visible world only. Knowledge remains confined within limits if the boundaries of visibility are not broadened. But let us look beyond the boundaries of human consciousness and knowledge; let us find a minute grain of cosmic understanding. How beautiful is the vast horizon! How powerful is the thought penetrating Space! What new ways are disclosed by communion with Infinity! Seek these treasures; in them is the guarantee of your advancement. Of what use is knowledge which brings one to closed gates marked by the sign "we know no more"? Limitation of knowledge is a grave. Therefore, fathom Infinity! The limitation of consciousness is the death of spirit.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 11:
11. Those who know the future walk toward evolution. Those who fear evolution walk the pace of death. They will ask why there are ascents and descents. They will be perplexed by the course of evolution. The realization of cosmic waves will explain the course of evolution. When you realize that even from ashes may emerge a beautiful flower, you will understand that destruction is fearful only to the coward consciousness. The cosmic motion acts in waves. One should explain that the deep curves may be avoided, thus hastening evolution. Apathetic humanity does not discriminate wherein lies progress; it basks in a temporary florescence, evading the realization of that which eventually may become the destruction of our planet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 88:
88. The ignorance of humanity attracts a like formation of the cosmic manifestations which respond to the keynote of ignorance. Ignorance prompts humanity to the belief that the cosmic horizon is affirmed on a limited planet. Ignorance, preceptor of humanity, sees the planet as beginning and end; but reason indicates that such accepted formulae, confining Cosmos within narrow boundaries, will bring on catastrophe. Expecting an end, the human consciousness receives endless evidences of its karma and is perplexed over these calamities.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 9:
9. It is customary to ascribe to cosmic creativeness a certain amount of chaos. Humanity formulates its concepts without taking into consideration the quality of cosmic action. When each form demands such tension of creation, why not entertain the thought of an extracting of all the best cosmic impulses by the Magnet? Indeed, Cosmos is constructed from the fiery subtlest of energies. Equal vigilance is applied by Us, Brothers of Humanity, in the laying of better foundations. They will ask, "How, then, do you permit the presence of dark forces in a site destined for purification?" We will say, "Cosmos does not punish; Cosmos does not eject; but in conformance to the law these engenderments do away with themselves." Thus, the portions of the planet which are predestined for regeneration outlive their progeny. The Cosmic Magnet permits each part to be saturated by the currents up to the point of explosion. There are no half measures in Cosmos. Hence, keen eyes can distinguish the departing and the nascent energies. A new form can be molded only in tension. Hence, We will say to him who is perplexed "strive, sharpening your creative vision, and you will discern easily how the Creative Magnet constructs."

Heart (1932) - 106:
106. The chief perplexity lies generally in the question about why people cannot see the Subtle World with the physical eye. But, of course, it is because the eye still cannot master the transmutation of ether. Imagine a photograph taken against a window; one can never succeed in receiving a clear image of the inner objects or distant outlines. So, also, on leaving the dark and going into the sun, we often are blinded and struck by the force of the blue light. By multiplying these light manifestations ad infinitum, we get the light of the Subtle World, which to an unprepared eye appears as darkness. So, too, sometimes people are perplexed about why some seemingly limited persons have visions of the Subtle World. First of all, because even though they may have lowered themselves at present, in the past they performed some purifying action; in other words, their hearts at some previous time were already awakened. It is especially remarkable that the quality of the heart does not disappear; it can be manifested very one-sidedly, but it will nevertheless be potential.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 322:
322. Many desire to know details of the Subtle World, but many will be sorely perplexed. The entire perceptibility of the Subtle World is relative, depending upon the development of the consciousness. One can be enraptured by the light, or one may find oneself in fog. One can build beautiful structures by will power, or, one may remain on piles of rubbish. One can instantaneously assimilate the language of the spirit, or one may remain deaf and dumb. To each in accordance with his deeds. Each perceives in accordance with his consciousness. The Subtle World is a state of true justice. One can observe that a consciousness, even though simple, progresses if illumined by love. The bazaar-colored emotions of Earth-dwellers bear little resemblance to love. Love often remains unrealized. But in the Subtle World love is the key to all locks. For many people imagination is an unattainable abstraction, but in the Subtle World each grain of the accumulations of imagination is a path to possibilities. For Earth-dwellers, offense, bitterness, and vengeance constitute the bases of the bile and liver; but in the Subtle World, even for an average consciousness, these infamies fall away as worthless husks. Therefore We emphatically repeat about the fiery consciousness, in order that one be directed immediately into the higher spheres. One should indeed strive by all lofty means toward the fiery consciousness.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 130:
130. Who will ask for an admission to a pit, as if wishing to pass through the entire thickness of the planet? The radiance of the Heavens must attract even him who is most perplexed in mind.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 238:
238. The Fiery Sun is invisible, likewise invisible are great heavenly bodies. It should be explained in schools how insignificantly small is our field of vision. Only thus is it possible to convince humanity that while it is divine in its heart essence, in the body it is subject to all limitations. Only thus will children realize what they must be concerned about. They are very perplexed at that which is manifested in the chest and continually beats.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 6:
6. In the actions of the hostile ones there can be observed an expenditure of superfluous energies. Perplexed, these people can only look upon the facts as if reflected in a distorting mirror. Thus, motivated by an evil will, they employ an improper focus of vision. Only the followers of the Hierarchy of Good can harness all energies into a channel of good. Indeed, only the fiery consciousness can take in the horizon of the World; therefore the events which are sweeping away the old accumulations elude the enemy. The manifestation of foresight really can be applied only through the focus of vision of the builders. Thus, the Fiery World has been predestined by the Bearers of Light.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 87:
87. Verily, the Invisible World explains everything visible - from the Unmanifested to the manifested, from manifested to the Subtle. Thus, all energies are saturated by the One Fire. Thus, the transmutation of that which is manifested through Fire is the eternal process of evolution of Worlds. Actions invisible upon the Earth are just as vital as earthly processes, and they can affirm the bond between the Worlds. Often those who have approached the Light are perplexed as to why difficult trials do not cease. One may answer that each process invokes in the Invisible World a tension, manifested by the Forces of Light and by the hordes of darkness. Humanity is then made manifest as a useful conductor when the force of the spirit can attract the Power of Light. But it is not easy for a wavering spirit to overcome the hordes of darkness. Thus, let us remember on the Fiery Path that the spirit summons Forces from the Subtle World and from the different spheres.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 104:
104. Forces manifested for the Service of Light do not invade Karma, as some who are not initiated into the power of Karma think. The Forces of Light observe human actions, giving the direction but not invading life. Many are the examples of this. Messengers appear, warnings are sent, the direction is given and the paths pointed out; but the choice of designated affirmation is determined by the human will. In this way appears the manifestation of cooperation between the two Worlds. Precisely, self-activity of the spirit can bring near a better Karma. Thus it can be explained why the Forces of Light do not stop the spirit from certain actions which violate often that which has been ordained. Often people are perplexed as to why the other paths are not indicated. Likewise they wonder why the Sendings are affirmed through various channels? They wonder why the Forces of Light do not ward off different currents. Let us reply. "The Forces of Light never invade human Karma." This law must be remembered on the path to the Fiery World.

AUM (1936) - 95:
95. The law of Cosmos is adamant, but at the same time we see apparent fluctuations of it. If we take karma, affirmation of karma too can be changed, just as the span between returns to carnate life may vary in different cases - from an instant to millennia. Those who do not know will be perplexed as to how such steadfastness can be at the same time so variable. Such ignorance will merely prove the lack of understanding of containment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 69:
People are perplexed about the far-off worlds, but they misunderstand much on Earth as well. For example, it is believed by many that Panchen Rimpoche issues passports to Shambhala. It would seem that this makes no sense, but actually these papers are not to Shambhala, they are about Shambhala. From ancient times there has existed a reminder about Shambhala that was given to those who were able to direct their thoughts to it, but later the sense was distorted and some ridiculous passports have been seen. Also, many do not understand why some seemingly ignorant lamas can be guardians of Our Brotherhood. One must recognize that these lamas are exceptional; they have preserved the concept of Shambhala as a sacred treasure.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 141:
We teach people to resist transitory values that can veil the great Infinity, and point out the supermundane spheres to broaden their scope of thinking. If people become accustomed to thinking about the higher worlds, they will not claim the superiority of mundane life, and will find within themselves the strength to live a life of achievement and the ability to fulfill Our commissions. They will not be perplexed by the problems of earthly life, knowing that these problems can be solved by a higher degree of inspiration.


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