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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PE > PERSISTENCE (5)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 338:
338. Whose knocking do I hear? It is you, fugitive! Now I shall tell you, You have been fleeing from Me with the same persistence you manifested before, when building My Abodes. You fled, attempting to hide yourself within the sanctuaries of the world's temples. Behind the steps of thrones did you conceal yourself. Changing your appearance, you did secrete yourself beneath the folds of tents. You tried to lose yourself in earthly sounds of flute and strings. To where did you flee? Now you stand before Me, and I say: You have returned to Me. You have found again My doors. You saw how your mind had lost its light, how dispersed was your joy. And you now understand that the knocking one will be admitted. And the admitted one will be forgiven. And you have now found better doors, and come, seeing the futility of your flight. And I will admit the knocking one and will say to him: I have preserved for you your joy. Take up your chalice, and work.

New Era Community (1926) - 125:
The most unusual problems of knowledge, the most audacious forms of beauty, should force you out of your musty corner. Understand, I wish to see you, at least for a while, particular and able to absorb. These seeds of cooperative thinking will give you the perseverance for attainments. Not only resolve but also persistence is needed.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 649:
649. You already understand why it is better to tell too little than too much. You have many examples of how the unprepared consciousness can distort instruction. It can be shown how the simplest indication is deflected when it is given to an unprepared consciousness. So many earthly considerations are brought in, in order to apply non-earthly measures to Earth! Not only perfect strangers but even those already familiar with the Teaching can be warped by lack of understanding, therefore I am so concerned that instruction be given according to place and to consciousness. Sometimes, too, one must read between the lines, especially when some who are obviously friends still do not comprehend what is pointed out. People accept with great difficulty instruction outside their usual standard. There are many examples of people limiting themselves. For instance - a woman has lost husband and children; they are nearby, but she will mourn her loss, and will not bestir herself to search for them. Thus it happens not only on Earth but also in the Subtle World. One must develop cooperation and persistence here and also there.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 32:
32. The struggle of the spirit is a step toward recovery. During stagnation of the spirit and the persistence of conceit and self-justification, the spirit cannot advance. Therefore the fiery baptism presupposes the struggle of the spirit. Naturally, intensified questing leads toward the struggle of the spirit. One may observe how people rise and sink in spirit. One may observe how a spirit which possesses a full synthesis becomes engrossed in its searching and does not manifest the quality of completeness. One may also perceive in a specialist a person who finds in his labors self-sufficiency and a feeling of crowned completeness. This is likewise true of the so-called "business ability" in contrast to a free swing of thought and creativeness. Hence, it is so important to discern in people their potentialities, because the manifestation of a genius is not always visible to those who are limited by self-sufficiency. Therefore it is also necessary to develop respect for the labor and the research of those who possess a synthesis. On the path to the Fiery World synthesis and the manifestation of the struggle of the spirit are needed.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 80:
80. There are many signs by means of which one may form an opinion as to the loyalty of a disciple. One sign is the persistence being exerted by the disciple on all the paths - when a disciple manifests his firmness amid storms and whirlwinds, when amidst plots and showers of stones he is not afraid to continue the designated path. Another sign is the invincibility of his faith, when the path indicated by Hierarchy is the only one. Also, in seeking signs of fidelity one should observe how the mutual relations are developed. One should understand how important is a manifest nucleus of two or three co-workers fortified by a fiery esteem for Hierarchy and for each other. By these signs may a fiery loyalty to Hierarchy be determined. Loyalty between friends, co-workers, is a pledge of devotion to Hierarchy. A nucleus of two or three friends, co-workers, can manifest the strongest support for great works. You have spoken correctly about merited favoritism, which We call the bonds of spirit and heart. Thus is affirmed the chain of loyalty which inevitably leads upward. On the path to the Fiery World one should recognize the beauty of loyalty. This wonderful path excludes that active poison which We call spiritual bribery and spiritual corruption. These ulcers are incomparably worse than physical ulcers. Thus, let us esteem loyalty on the path to the Fiery World.


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