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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PE > PERSONALITIES (8)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.14:
The identical significance of thought and action is spoken about everywhere. This is easily established. Note the effects of a thought about murder and of the act of murder upon the spectrum of the aura - the results will be identical. It is difficult for people to assimilate the fact that the thought has the same effect as the deed. But whoever wishes to take part in world evolution must understand the significance of thought. When thoughts are transformed into physical colors, their action at a distance is just as evident as that revealed by the study of light waves. One must approach scientifically the theory of the force of thought. One should not refer this to exceptional personalities - this law is common to all. Its principal effect will be recognition of the impracticality of falsehood and hypocrisy as well as the need of solicitude toward one's near ones.

Heart (1932) - 195:
195. Let us not be astonished if hearts are now burdened by intercrossing currents of unusual tension. The currents of nations, the currents of the world, and finally the currents of strong personalities intercross; but through them infiltrate the currents of the Subtle World, where so many actions now take place. The events are only now forming; one can imagine how the world consciousness acts upon feeble brains!

Heart (1932) - 407:
407. In a spasm of hatred someone sick of a horrible disease attempted to touch as many objects as possible for the harm of humanity. Thus does the mobility of evil evidence itself. Evil demands no definite personalities - only the necessity of general harm. If only goodness would distinguish itself by a still greater mobility! If each one filled with goodness would sow it with every touch! What a myriad of beneficent sparks would be sent out into space, and how much easier would the battle with evil become! It is true that at times human goodness is very profound, but it often lacks mobility. This comes from a lack of culture of the heart. The potentiality of the good heart usually works in spasms and is not always open for ready action. However, it is precisely this spasmodic action that permits many assaults by evil, which works like a winnowing fan, in all directions. It is only by an impenetrable armor of goodness that one can defend oneself. It is not commendable to have an armor very solid in back but with just the heart unprotected.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 153:
Imagine a man coming out of a dark and stifling room into a beautiful garden. If such a sharp change does not renew his thinking, he shows himself to be highly insensitive. Such personalities are to be found among soulless people. But how incongruous are they amid beautiful uplifting surroundings, just like a filthy blot! But even earthly filth is not easy to remove; therefore We are anxious to project the consciousness through the Subtle World into the Fiery. Often such striving is not in accord with one's forces, yet even at worst it advances one in the spheres of the Subtle World. However, shopkeepers overcharge a great deal so that they may receive at least something. Not a great consolation! In order to advance somewhat in the Subtle World, let the consciousness be drawn into a most Beautiful Garden. This is Our Command - without small measures.

AUM (1936) - 389:
389. Rarely do people realize at what distances psychic energy can react, but it is time to understand that events of great importance are accomplished on the basis of psychic energy. One may find remarkable examples of personalities, who, consciously or unconsciously, have been manifested as the focal point of great decisions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 102:
102. We should count each hour in which we have succeeded in expending our efforts in the accomplishment of our task. Service is not in furthering ordinary felicity but in bringing benefit to humanity. It may be difficult to admit individual personalities, but the face of all humanity will be acceptable.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 268:
People do not believe that great thinkers, such as Plato, Pythagoras, or Anaxagoras, lived the lives of ordinary beings. It is essential to understand that even the most lofty personalities cannot avoid the fullness of their earthly emotions, which are kindled in proportion to the scope of their mission.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 324:
324. Urusvati knows how people reveal themselves in everyday life. Biographers make the mistake of thinking that the value of a person can be measured only by exceptional deeds, and because of this they miss the truth. Celebrities are often characterized by the glory of their activities, their sparkling eyes and powerful, eloquent speech, but entirely different personalities are revealed by these people in their everyday life. They should be observed in their routine work and in the company of their near ones. Their true mentality, as manifested in thoughts and dreams, should be properly understood.


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