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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PE > PERSONALLY (8)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.18:
Those arriving alone, except for profound reasons, are divided into two groups: those striving personally and those summoned for a mission.

New Era Community (1926) - 30:
30. Broadening of consciousness is occasion for congratulation. No laboratory can give this perception of continuity of endless possibilities. Only personally, consciously and freely is it possible to adapt out of space uninterrupted steps. The Teaching may open the door, but one can enter only by oneself. Not reward, nor justice, but the incontestable law carries the incarnate spirit upward, in an ascending spiral, provided that it has realized the necessity of motion. The Teacher can in no wise advance this consciousness for any suggestion would violate the personal attainment.

New Era Community (1926) - 194:
194. Visiting your countries, I noticed that the word "control" is much feared there. Whereas, this concept is quite readily acceptable to Us. The hand which knows its work is not afraid to share it with a friend. This means that good-will and knowledge are needed, and it can easily be perceived that then psycho-mechanics could exercise control over any concealed action. Already it is possible to see through walls, already it is possible to record all sounds and thoughts. For concealment an unusual courage of consciousness is needed, and it is impossible to attain it without lengthy preparation. The attainment of equilibrium of conditions is possible only through raising the quality of labor. Then each one can apply self-control. Then each one can ask any outside controller to show personally what is better. The voluntary controller must himself know how to work more thoroughly. Therefore, it has been established with Us that every criticism must be based on better knowledge. This experience creates a convincingness which is spread far and wide.

Heart (1932) - 54:
54. With justice they ask, "What distinguishes the significance of thought in the New Age? If thought is affirmed so persistently does it mean that a special designation is given to it in the regeneration of life?" This is entirely correct. If during the Black Age thought was centered around man and magnetism was spread across small distances, in the New Age thought is Space! Therefore, one must not think personally but spatially.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 280:
280. The physician must also be warned to be cautious with the obsessed. When approaching the obsessed, one should remember not to hold even the conjecture of obsession too definitely in mind. One must not forget that an obsessor is highly sensitive to thoughts, once he suspects that his presence is discovered. He can express his malice in many ways. By destroying an obsession one can make many enemies, therefore one should conduct one's observations without personally disclosing the fact.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 550:
550. One can observe that there are appearing whole groups of people formerly connected with each other. One can likewise perceive that during a certain incarnation a common interest toward the past creations of a person begins. One can notice, as it were, a spiral of manifestation and concealment of creativeness. One should observe such paths, for such attention brings closer the understanding of the Subtle World. So, too, do appearances of groups merit study; as indeed not only friends but also enemies may come together Here you notice a friend who retains his disposition of long ago. Likewise you see ill-wishers, who, while they do not harm you personally, hinder those near to you. The entire complex interweaving clearly indicates the strong bonds which are being outlived through many lives.

AUM (1936) - 395:
One needs to reflect about the course of ancient thinking. Such research based on material discoveries can lead to remarkable deductions. Even in observing ancient graphic representations, people often endow them with a personally concocted significance. One should be very acute.

Brotherhood (1937) - 547:
547. You are becoming clearly convinced of the preconceived opinions formed by people who presume to be scholars. It is deplorable when a disciplined thought chooses a prejudicial path. It is dishonest to read a book with a premeditated condemnation. If such a reader has not yet experienced personally many indicative manifestations, the more cautious should he be in his judgments.


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