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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PE > PERSONS (51)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 68:
68. Harmony among you brings results most cherished By Us. For missions of importance We bring together harmonious persons - their current is the most powerful.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 199:
199. A miracle is wrought - you perform services important for the manifestation of future life. The difficulties of the task are akin to those of polishing a diamond. A hostile will must be diverted to the good just as a stream is directed to the mill. But how many dams must the miller build before he can control the current! A hand must possess strength, and an eye vision, to perceive new possibilities. The most worthy labor is that performed with one's own hands. By labor do you unlock the Gates to the Land of your striving. Everything is possible, but remember that what has been promised will be manifested at the appointed time. Who aspires will attain. Learn through the manifestations of life. We send you images of persons and events; And both reveal to you the determined plan of a wondrous evolution of the human race.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.3:
Our envoy once urged a queen to act more in accord with the laws of the time. Our envoy has counseled a young inventor. Our envoy guided a promising scholar. A list can be shown of persons who have received monetary sendings. These are all facts, attested by physical documents.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.18:
3.6.18. Even in children's periodicals, photographs of known persons are placed and along with them there may be discerned faces unfamiliar to anyone. Even a mechanical plate takes in more than the eye. And perhaps this is better, for people do not trust their eyes but are full of respect for the photographic plate.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 32:
32. The International Government never has denied its existence. It has proclaimed itself, not in manifestoes but in actions that were recorded even in official history. One can cite cases from the French and Russian Revolutions, as well as from the history of Anglo-Russian and Anglo-Indian relations, when an independent outside Hand altered the course of events. The Government did not hide the existence of its envoys in various countries. Naturally, in accordance with the dignity of the International Government, they never hid themselves. On the contrary, they showed themselves openly, visited various governments and were known to many. Literature preserves their names and adorns them with the fancies of their contemporaries. It is not secret organizations - of which governments are in such fear - but actual persons that are sent out by decree of the Invisible International Government.

Heart (1932) - 77:
The rejection of the Teacher cuts off all possibilities, especially when the denial enters into the consciousness long before obsession. Thus, people often arouse already latent negations and, of course, the consequence is primarily manifested by the rejection of the Teacher, for each chaotic state of consciousness expresses indignation at creativeness and cooperation. In chaos are rooted the seeds of evil, which are suppressed by hard experience. But at the present time there is an unprecedented number of obsessed persons. Darkness also desires to assert itself.

Heart (1932) - 106:
106. The chief perplexity lies generally in the question about why people cannot see the Subtle World with the physical eye. But, of course, it is because the eye still cannot master the transmutation of ether. Imagine a photograph taken against a window; one can never succeed in receiving a clear image of the inner objects or distant outlines. So, also, on leaving the dark and going into the sun, we often are blinded and struck by the force of the blue light. By multiplying these light manifestations ad infinitum, we get the light of the Subtle World, which to an unprepared eye appears as darkness. So, too, sometimes people are perplexed about why some seemingly limited persons have visions of the Subtle World. First of all, because even though they may have lowered themselves at present, in the past they performed some purifying action; in other words, their hearts at some previous time were already awakened. It is especially remarkable that the quality of the heart does not disappear; it can be manifested very one-sidedly, but it will nevertheless be potential.

Heart (1932) - 213:
213. Obsession must be very clearly defined. One must not be astonished to notice a number of obsessed persons near the hearths of spirituality. The reason for this is that the dark ones strive to reinforce their guard. Who, if not the obsessed, can best help the dark forces? In this field the multiformity of obsessions is incalculable. One must primarily discriminate where there is Good, and were essentially there is harm. Thus, the flaming heart will discern immediately where obsessionis concealed.

Heart (1932) - 219:
219. There is much tension; one must understand how closely the world situation is bound with the work. It is impossible to divide them when the general situation is equal to an unprecedented battle; therefore I command you to remain undivided, imbued with the tension of the moment. There must be no retreat; it is necessary unitedly to press the obsessed ones. If a jest be permitted, one may call this phase of the battle, the battle against obsession. Verily, the dark ones try to strengthen themselves through obsession. But their methods cannot be of long duration, for they disintegrate themselves precisely through obsession. You know how obsession gradually destroys the organism; the paralysis of certain nerve centers is inevitable. Hence, physicians could do so much useful work by directing attention to obsession. Ask the physician whether he did not notice special peculiarities in the eyes of obsessed persons. For one can judge duality of existence by the eyes. But I do not refer to a purely superficial manifestation such as a dull or shifting glance. Other symptoms must be observed. One can also observe symptoms in the walk, the voice, and even a change in the weight. Do not ask psychiatrists about it, because their theories are fossilized, but physicians of the new type can observe impartially. And yet, how greatly such observations are needed, now when obsession is becoming epidemic! Sensing the weakness of human hearts, hordes of sly spirits avidly rush to capture the flavor of Earth.

Heart (1932) - 235:
235. It already has been said that upon discovering obsession one must either drive out the obsessor or leave the obsessed person alone in quiet and solitude; because then the obsessor, unable to find a field of activity, will become bored and depart. Of course, it is best not to allow the obsessed persons either weapons or alcohol, but in such a way that they shall not in the least feel their isolation.

Heart (1932) - 267:
267. You are familiar with the music of the spheres, the spatial bells, and the reverberating strings. It will be asked why, then, do not a multitude of people know these manifestations. But, then, why is a multitude of people satisfied with false intonation, absolutely refusing to realize the nuances of sound? Whereas even the rustle of tearing paper rends space, but the majority of persons do not even notice it. So it is with odor. The aromas of the Subtle World often penetrate to the physical world, but people primarily do not wish to notice them. Even the smoke of a conflagration is noticed by people only when it already chokes their throats. Not only insensibility but immobility as well makes the people blind and deaf. They do not possess even basic imagination; hence they distort the entire meaning of existence. Thus, for these shallow-minded ones the magnet of the heart is pure nonsense.

Heart (1932) - 437:
437. People are especially concerned with the question - why did the founders of spiritual Teachings not escape various physical illnesses? Usually this question is asked by those who are themselves greatly contributing to such illnesses through suspicion, condemnation, and all manner of opposition to spiritual labor. But put this investigator into a poisoned room and he will at once be taken ill with a hundred ailments. Of course, one must visualize the intensity of the organism during spiritual labor. In its desire to help, it absorbs the surrounding conditions like a magnet. The transference of another person's illness to oneself is not a fairy tale. During this process it can be noticed that the pain is not transferred correspondingly, but strikes the tensest or weakest centers. The pains described in the lives of the saints should not be regarded as exaggerated. On the contrary, they are as intense and varied as humanity itself. But what alleviates these sufferings? Besides the silver cord of the Hierarchy itself, the very heart often gives the sign for the healing ray to begin. We are often astonished that doctors pay no attention to the people who visit the sick. Perhaps one half of the cure would consist not in medicines, but in the ejection of the harmful elements which are so plentifully brought in by those who come bringing spiritual contagion.

Heart (1932) - 565:
565. Much more of the wondrous occurs than we are accustomed to think. One could cite some historic instances of how prominent persons disappeared without leaving traces. But those who, for certain reasons, could not hide, apparently died, asking that they be covered tightly and that afterward thick layers of flowers be strewn upon them. During the night unknown persons came, made an exchange, and departed with the apparently dead. One could point out more than one case in Asia, Egypt, Greece, when events demanded such a transformation. Of course history represents these events in an entirely distorted manner. Empty tombs and secret cremations could recall much that is unknown to the people. One should measure with large scales. One should not assume that things are limited. Materia Lucida is ample for all achievements. One can develop great responsibility precisely through great measures. There are many ways, and if now We insist upon the shortest, it means that the limit of events has approached. It is correct to observe the causes and the course of events. But only a few feel responsibility for what takes place. I can affirm that each indicated situation has its most immediate designation. Since ancient days it was customary to investigate the disciple's degree of observation. For this, a seemingly abstract formula was altered and it was observed whether the keen intelligence would be capable of retrospection in order to find application for the formula expressed. The Teaching can deepen the understanding through observation.

Heart (1932) - 568:
568. Dreams and visions of former lives always have significance. A page of the astral archive seemingly flares up, recalling the identical mood of the current time. I take as an example the last vision. During an hour of fatigue because of people the first need that was observed was to give help at once. Such is the path of the Bodhisattva, when we forget fatigue and ourselves in order to help. Verily, great is the energy thus created; everywhere it is mentioned as love for one's neighbor. Such love does not calculate, but acts without delay; thus, out of the depths of the Subtle World come the pictures of the past. The detail of this vision is significant - when the servant of pleasure set obstacles on the path of achievement, but nothing stopped the striving. Likewise, again was revealed the need of tolerance toward many persons whom one has encountered more than once. Tolerance and patience are also the path of the Bodhisattva. This path is not in the clouds but on Earth. The effluvium of life is great; hence the path of the Bodhisattva is also needed. Precisely, though these fumes are humanly insignificant, they smart the heart like salt water. Utilize the mountain air; do not tire yourselves, even a diver must not dive if fatigued. One can compare the descent into human refuse precisely with a diver's work. He is ready to help the drowning person, but he himself is in need of air. I do not exaggerate, you are in need of air during Armageddon. Prana is like nourishment for the heart. One cannot help you through ignoble ways; the remedies must be in accordance with the task. But often people do not accept the language of the heart; then the tension of the heart energy is needed - in other words, the expenditure of spiritual treasures. Already, not a few are projected into the world. In accordance with the law of Existence they increase, but this does not ease the burden of the heart. Hence, let us be cautious and remember about the diver.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 159:
159. We can distinguish among our qualities the traits of the Subtle World; they will not always relate to psychic energy. But many remembrances, many aversions and inclinations may be products of the Subtle World. So, also, recollections about certain persons and localities that one has never seen may prove to be not from the physical world.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 283:
283. Also tell the physician that not all obsessions are necessarily dark ones. There may be influences from the middle spheres, which, in the belief of the obsessors, are directed for good, although no especially good results will be derived. The obsessors are of such low degrees and the vehicles within their reach are of no high development, thus, duality of thinking, imbalance, and a lack of self-control result. There are many such people , who are called weak-willed; in fact, the two wills weaken each other. One can cure such persons only by giving them the work that they prefer, but in very intensive measure. The obsessor becomes irked, remaining without an outlet during such concentrated work, for every obsessor seeks to express his own ego. Thus, the physician can observe different types of obsession, but, in principle, such epidemics are quite inadmissible in the human advance toward perfection. Moreover, the concept of the Guru greatly helps to safeguard from obsession. In the case of a weakening of will, the Teacher offers his surplus force in order to bar the intrusion of the alien dark influence. Naturally, the Teacher with a high consciousness is able to determine sensitively when his help is needed. Indeed, such a guidance has nothing to do with coercion.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 350:
350. Hygiene of thought must be applied on both the spiritual and earthly planes. One must carry out experiments, strengthened by fiery medicines, upon the processes of thinking. One should pay attention to the action of phosphorus or the evaporation of eucalyptus upon thinking. One should verify the extent to which thinking is improved by musk. One should gather all data in regard to various resinous oils. Finally, one must remember all the combinations that are closest to the activity of Fire. These experiments should be carried out with persons of strong fiery thinking. Such experiments will remind one not only about vitamins but also about Agni. The efforts of physicians to concentrate not only upon internal remedies but also on the reactions of the sense of smell will produce the needed results. People are gravely sick. The dark forces endeavor to seduce with all kinds of narcotics, but the narrow boundaries of life are not broadened by stupefying the intellect. Just now spiritual vigilance is needed. One must grow to love this vigilance as a state fitting to man.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 373:
373. The fiery understanding of obsession is called "Urumiya." Man is not the only one to possess this straight-knowledge; certain animals close to man sense this dreadful state. Horses and dogs in particular sense and resent the proximity of obsessed persons. In ancient China there was a special breed of dogs, highly prized, which was very sensitive and useful in detecting the obsessed. In ancient times it was also a custom to exhibit the horses and dogs before guests, observing at the same time the reaction of the animals. Many envoys were put through this test. One should observe that cats also sense obsession, but usually quite inversely. Obsession induces happiness in them. For example, when a cat senses an obsessed person or his impelling presence, it does not hide, but walks around mewing happily, whereas a dog bristles up and either tries to hide or to attack such a person. One ought to develop Urumiya in oneself, not only for protection but for the purpose of expelling the obsessor. Very often a single conversation about the significance of Agni begins to act upon the obsessor. Fearing fire, the very mention of the fiery energy angers him and forces him to retreat.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 415:
415. Truly it is difficult to understand why persons serving the same goal disparage each other. Straight-knowledge, even in a small degree, should be developed. But mutual disparagement is one of the most shameful sins. I know of no better definition of it than sin, so destructive is the work of mutual annihilation. This can be explained as a certain aspect of obsession, but shame to those who, after having approached the knowledge of the fundamental principles, stoop to such a base state. Let the belittling and the destroying ones ponder upon their own consciousness. They are far from the fires of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 420:
420. Sparks and other manifestations of light produce much of the connective tissue with the Subtle World. One can even notice streams of sparks issuing from the mouth and eyes when the fiery tension is strong. It can be asked whether these are electrical phenomena. In answer one must say they are rather phenomena of Fohat, which are related to the energy of the Fiery World. Thus, those who have eyes and ears not clogged with the dross of ignorance can observe much not only of the Subtle but also of the Fiery World. One must not, in self-depreciation, think that for us on Earth the Fiery World is inaccessible. The Covenants relate that certain persons of no especial learning instantaneously and directly approached the most Fiery Summits. Every religion speaks of such assertions.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 634:
634. Self-control is a very complex quality. It comprises courage, patience, and compassion. But courage must not become anger, compassion should not border on hysteria, and patience must not be hypocrisy. Thus, self-control is complicated, but it is imperatively needed upon entering the Higher Worlds. One should develop this synthesized quality with the utmost care. In schools the students should be confronted with the most unexpected circumstances. The teacher should observe the degree to which impressions are consciously assimilated. This is not the austere Spartan schooling of physical endurance and resourcefulness, it is drawing upon the heart energy in order to apprehend things with dignity. Not many persons remember self-control. As soon as they pass beyond the borders of the usual they begin to display a series of strange movements, to utter needless words, and, in general, to assume an affected pose of spirit and body. It can be imagined how such people lose their composure when crossing the great boundaries! It must be remembered that in approaching Light one must carry one's own lamp unspilled. Such guiding perfection must be acquired in the physical state. Therefore experienced people ask for tests; otherwise upon what can they affirm their strength? Let each earthly action lead to the higher path. Let each thought be such that it may be repeated before the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 643:
643. Verily, one must have discrimination to ascertain true significances. Many are the illusions and phantoms that obscure an evaluation of the real advance of the spirit. Many appearances of the dark forces attempt to seduce or terrorize one. Such attacks are especially preponderant in the vicinity of obsessed or mentally diseased persons, who are like open gates, not only attracting entities to themselves but creating a kind of channel for all surrounding people. The border lines of psychic illnesses are quite imperceptible, therefore I advise great caution. I consider it useless to expend one's strength in all experiments with obsession when one's own ill health disturbs the equilibrium. Whisperers can attach themselves to the ear that is ailing. and only a firm consciousness can shake off these asps without delay. You already know that no sickness should be neglected. One must immediately inoculate oneself with vigor and not forget about Agni.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 653:
653. Indignation is indeed justified when people wish to crown their city with a monstrous tower and build a tavern on top of it. Not accidentally have we already referred to this symbol. Ask anyone with what he would like to adorn himself, and you will discover his level of consciousness. It is not only illiterate persons but often the most sensible who are not averse to adorning themselves with primitive and crude objects. At times one marvels at a flash of sensitiveness in so-called savages, and one may stand aghast at the absurd displays of so-called civilized leaders. Consider where there is more of the fire of the heart, and where it is easier to awaken the consciousness.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 159:
159. Correct is the comparison of the quality of the substance of thoughts to that of gases. Each gas, besides its already disclosed qualities, has many others which lend themselves to investigation by physical apparatus. No one dares to affirm that the effect of a gas has already disappeared, it can only be said that our apparatus no longer registers the effects of the gases. But to what extent a gas transmutes the space into which it penetrates, and how much influence it has on human beings, no one can say. Likewise, the limits of the field of expansion of thought absolutely cannot be defined. Similarly, no one can determine physically to what extent thought can influence life. It is amazing how the life of strongly hated persons sometimes is not subject, as it were, to danger. There are many reasons for this. Perhaps this person is needed for the Karma of an entire country. Perhaps the thought is not strong, and unrhythmic. And finally, perhaps the accumulation of thought will begin to act not immediately, but tomorrow. Earthly measures are in this case also relative. Especially is the thought weakened by the lack of understanding of Karma. Many efforts are needed in order for man to keep in mind the beautiful law of cause and effect. One advice may be given - nowhere to yield to the counsels of malice.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 256:
256. Prayers often contain the supplications, "Look Thou upon me" or "Turn Thy gaze to me." In such words there is expressed great knowledge of the significance of the look. Precisely a look can change even the composition of the aura. Not only thought, but the very chemism of a glance has a fiery consequence. Those who know this ask the Higher Forces to look upon them, because in this magnetic chemism there is contained all-encompassing benevolence. Let us not forget that each look of a man has correspondingly the same significance; the more saturated with thought, the more powerful the glance. This is not direct suggestion, it is better to call it a saturation of space, for such chemism is disseminated far more extensively than may be supposed. The significance of the gaze can be shown when radiations will be photographed. One will be able to observe then the influence of senseless glances and of mental sendings. It is a joy to see how comforting looks can make the aura healthful. And the steady continuation of such a reaction can bring an enormous amelioration of all existence. Let us not forget that the presence of certain persons brings a considerable improvement in the aura of an entire assembly. They may be called Beacons of Salvation. Even when they are not directing energy their Od nevertheless penetrates the whole surroundings. Such natural agents of good health must be highly valued.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 259:
259. You have already heard about certain empty tombs. You have heard about a very ancient custom, when sometimes a substitution was made for one thought to be dead. It must not be forgotten that through the ages a great many extraordinary actions have been accomplished, and not just once had a life to be interrupted. People have been initiated into the mysteries of existence, and so many names have been inscribed upon empty sepulchres! Thus, apart from the beaten paths of history, inscrutable achievements are created. One must become accustomed in one's consciousness to a great deal which is not governed by earthly laws. Who can affirm how events are being created? One can observe only a few outward signs, but the real channel of life is not written down in the state archives. Thus, people are astonished when one who, according to a tomb inscription, is supposed to be deceased, reappears ten years later and is identified by many persons. Of course, it is easy to overlook indisputable proofs. but honest observers can gather authentic evidence of many such events. Actually there is a history of the outer world and of the inner. It is not sorcery nor magic, but the path of the Higher World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 308:
308. Wherein is the chief utility of thought-sendings? Besides usefulness for good works, for the sake of which the thought is sent, the principal advantage is in the strengthening of space itself by means of good. Such saturation of space is a great defense of the planet's health. To this end, it is possible to become accustomed to send out good thoughts many times daily, as spatial arrows. The thoughts may refer to individual persons, or they may be impersonal. The manifestation of good is of great value, and it is not lost in space.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 462:
462. It may be observed that I Advise you to concentrate mentally on certain individuals, but it should not be thought that the effect can reach only these persons. Lightnings act upon a certain extent of space; so, too, do the lightnings of thought fly through a great expanse and touch upon many circumstances. The central person will be the focal point, but no less useful is the influence on the surrounding area. A thought of welfare is as a nursery of good.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 90:
90. It is difficult to imbue the consciousness of those who think that each one's path can proceed without Higher Guidance. Each one of these petty-minded persons does not accept Hierarchy, because he regards the affirmation of Guidance as a violation of the will. Among these are many confirmed atheists who consider as maleficent a fiery faith in Higher Guidance. One can see how all principles of Hierarchy are being distorted. How is it possible to enlighten the consciousness, when the spirit is isolated from the Light and affirms its own limited life? In a fiery construction one should sense these limited extinguishers of Fires. Consciousness is a manifestation of life, therefore each structure conceived by mind produces its own forms. Actually the Subtle World is created by all the conformities of the Cosmic creativeness. The supermundane spheres clearly reflect the earthly essence. Responsibility before the Cosmos should be affirmed in the consciousness of man. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us strive for realization of responsibility for the creation of forms.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 437:
437. Intuition and so-called sensitivity will pertain to the Fiery World. People are not occupied with the question why only certain persons are gifted with sensitiveness. In an apparatus indicating fieriness it is possible to observe also the endowment of intuition. Likewise, the manifestation of the oscillations of a pendulum denotes straight-knowledge, in other words, fieriness. Not seldom do We speak about the same thing under different names. It is not easy to fix in the consciousness the fact that such a distant fieriness is close to all life.

AUM (1936) - 61:
61. Prayer is an inspirer to knowledge. Each one who realizes the sublimity of communion will inevitably begin to strive toward knowledge. The growth of such consciousness requires the accumulation of knowledge in various fields of science. Philosophy discloses the same paths to the Higher World as are disclosed by the natural sciences. Ignorant persons prattle about materialistic sciences which deny everything not visible to the naked eye. Yet they already know about the subtlety of atoms, and they understand the need for microscope and telescope. In truth, they make of science an empty shell. When signs of the Higher World are manifested in the consciousness, then every science becomes transfigured. No knowledge exists which, if truly known, would not confirm the great bond between the worlds. No paths exist which, if truly followed, would not lead to the Higher World. He who does not feel the greatness of Unity and Infinity has not grown in his consciousness. Prayer is not a deathly cry of terror but a communion full of love and devotion.

AUM (1936) - 130:
It is also possible to observe the connection of certain persons with world events. No one can understand how a world movement is personified in some individuals.

AUM (1936) - 195:
195. While only one or two persons is talking many difficulties do not arise; but a congregation of any size is already full of difficulties. Indeed, by a single thought a man can violate the unity of any gathering. There have been attempts to unify the consciousnesses of people by various incenses and by the burning of resinous substances, but even such measures could not bring the gatherings into an exalted frame of mind. Thus, it is impossible by any sort of compulsion to attain the construction of the Temple of the Heart. Different ages and beliefs have not induced people to rally together for one exalted transport.

AUM (1936) - 208:
208. Thought about Us, as a purification of consciousness, can be likened to looking far into the distance. Then a person's spirit acquires a special courage, which warns him and carries him through perils. Without the Higher World it is difficult to set forth on the path.

AUM (1936) - 250:
250. You have already observed how, through a certain straining of sight, it is possible to see faces of former incarnations. One may clearly perceive how a face of the present is reconstructed into an image of a past age. Vibrations and crystal formations indicate the presence of a definite energy. There can be no question of autosuggestion, for neither of the persons participating in the experiment know into what the formations are molded. Often the reconstruction begins, not in alteration of the facial lines, but in some details of headdress or clothing. The very character of the face changes quite imperceptibly, and in the most unexpected features. It may be noted that faces rarely hold to their present type. During all such unexpected metamorphoses, all premeditation is precluded. A very painful tension of the eyes indicates that the process is not a mental one, but that psychic energy is acting through the optic centers. Frequent experiences of this nature can injure the sight, yet the presence of such physical clairvoyance is exceedingly important. There can be clairvoyance under suggestion, but then the psychic energy is acting through the brain, and it is always possible to suspect suggestion on the part of the hypnotist himself. It is far more convincing when psychic energy acts directly. The same directness is expressed also in actions with the pendulum of life. Autosuggestion is not similarly precluded. An honest investigator does not know the results to be received. He is often more astonished than the others present. In both the first and the second case, onlookers are altogether undesirable. There should be nothing in the vicinity which can influence the psychic energy.

AUM (1936) - 289:
289. There have been the strangest attempts to study the transmissions of thought at a distance. People have connected two persons at a distance by tying their wrists with a thread of waxed silk. They paid special attention to the purity of the silk and the particular quality of the wax. They gave much thought to how best to insulate the thread from the ground. But they were far from remembering that psychic energy needs neither thread nor wax. People deem that the mechanical appliance actually effects the success, but he who first proposed this method regarded the thread simply as a symbol on which to concentrate attention.

AUM (1936) - 390:
390. We give out indications about the investigation of psychic energy with extreme caution. In the first place, certain people may utilize such information for evil purposes; in the second, certain persons may carry experiments in relation to their own health too far; in the third, certain ones who lack abilities for such experiments may start calumnies about the impracticality of what has been given out. Let only those devoted to knowledge engage in serious study. Everyone has had occasion to encounter many people who have made a laughingstock of what is most important. Mockery is not only ignorance, it demonstrates baseness of consciousness.

AUM (1936) - 567:
567. The radioscope records one side of luminosity; but the same apparatus can confirm the influence of psychic energy upon the degree of light. It can be observed that a different nervous state of the observer will alter the radioactivity. Thus it can be said that the psychic energy of man and mineral cooperate, being one. The manifestation of joint action or of breakage of current depends upon the so-called mood of the man. Even recently such an affirmation would have been called madness, but now there are certain persons who already understand such collaboration of energy, while others fear to ridicule it - thus knowledge progresses. It is especially necessary to recognize that a good frame of mind is already the half-way mark to success.

AUM (1936) - 576:
What riches of life are opened up to those who vibrate to all sensations! It is not difficult to awaken oneself to a diversity of perceptions. Each book, each letter bears in itself a complete aura. Something indescribable, yet evident to the heart, is received from a contact. There is no reason to suppose that only certain fortunate persons possess this gift denied to others. The thought of possibilities is already an opened path.

Brotherhood (1937) - 190:
190. The stupid are capable of affirming that Our Brothers sow sedition and uprisings, whereas actually They are applying all efforts to conciliate the peoples. They are ready to carry on the heavy service of forewarning in time the persons upon whom the national destiny depends. They do not spare their forces in hastening to bring tidings. At the cost of disagreeable methods, They bear the Light, which the forces of darkness are trying to extinguish. Yet the sown seeds of good will not dry up, and in the ordained days the seeds will flourish. But what should those people be called who harm the good? They are capable not only of impeding Advice but of interpreting as failure the most natural consequences. By what measure will the stupid appraise effects? Why do they take it upon themselves to judge where success or failure has appeared? What could happen without the assistance of the Brotherhood? It is hard to imagine the evil interpretation that accompanies each Great Service!

Brotherhood (1937) - 305:
305. Let us look at the apostates, who appear in all ages. It is possible to notice many common traits in their betrayals. Likewise it is possible to notice how, according to karmic paths, they have found the way to persons whose manifestation has been hateful to darkness. There can be discerned the same modes of falsehood that they have made use of in different languages. Moreover, it can be affirmed that not a single betrayal has succeeded in darkening the name of the one persecuted - so says the truth of all ages.

Brotherhood (1937) - 396:
396. Yogis are acquainted with attacks, as it were, of sudden drowsiness and fatigue, called the cloud of cognition. Indeed, the Yogi knows that at this time his energy is ebbing, attracted by the powerful flow of spatial current. The Yogi knows that he has taken part in Great Service for the good of humanity. It is possible to distinguish many aspects of such services. Sometimes only drowsiness is felt, but sometimes the subtle body strives to take part in an undeferrable action. Then one can see such a subtle body as a vision, or sense an invisible presence. The manifestation of such actions at a distance will be instantaneous. No earthly time is required for prolonged discourses and reactions. When a Yogi feels the approach of a moment of drowsiness, he yields to such an imperative call, otherwise he may let pass an opportunity for cooperation in something great. It is especially indicative that those communions take place at remote distances and with persons absolutely unknown. Thus, the magnet of attraction is the more remarkable on the basis of thought-energy. Many manifestations may be noticed that are usually ignored.

Brotherhood (1937) - 441:
441. "We already know about everything." so say those who do not fulfill the fundamentals of life. Each one encounters this boasting about knowing everything, and each one may be struck by the ignorance of such noisy braggarts. One can but deplore such impudent assertions. Let these persons test their obvious ignorance upon themselves. In themselves they confirm whence come so many failures into the world. Let us not bother to repeat about the causes of misfortune.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 33:
33. Urusvati rejoices when she observes a person's broadening of consciousness. Verily, one can rejoice when such an offering to the world is accomplished. The broadening of consciousness cannot be considered personal gain, for in every such purification is contained the General Good. The world welcomes each flash of the broadening of consciousness. It is a true festival.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 33:
In certain mysteries the broadening of consciousness was likened to the awakening of spring. No one can follow the entire process of the growth of grass, but every heart rejoices on seeing the first flowers of spring. It is likewise impossible to perceive the details of the broadening of consciousness, but a person's transformation is quite evident. He who has become transformed does not know when and how his renewal began, and cannot say how his consciousness was broadened. Frequently, he will cite insignificant events but omit the most important event that influenced him.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 65:
65. Urusvati has more than once taken upon herself another's pain. This action becomes part of the Great Service. At first it is difficult, but later such containment and self-sacrifice become second nature. Physicians should observe and study not only the transference of sensitivity, but also the transference of entire illnesses, whose symptoms can be made quite complex by simultaneous aggravation from different sources. Also, the acceptance of the pain of others can be broadened by a person's predisposition. At first, transference of the pain is limited to near ones, but then the self-sacrifice is extended to others over vast distances.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 229:
229. Urusvati knows about the action of the Law of Karma. One can observe that karma overtakes not only the one who commits a crime, but also those who participate in it indirectly. There is truth in the saying that for one person's crime a whole nation suffers. It is not only the motive that unites participants in crime, but aspects of their nature also bring them together. Who can tell the degree of affinity of blood relationships, or judge the degree of participation? Some may have encouraged the criminal verbally, others mentally. Who can define this, or determine the main cause?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 312:
The currents of space are of many kinds and influence human thinking much more than one imagines. Spatial messages could be assimilated in their original form, but because they often intrude forcefully into the consciousness as if in some unknown language, they cannot be understood. Such interruptions do not necessarily mean that a person's thoughts are poor or weak, for spatial currents can pierce even the most powerful thought. Man should understand this and not struggle against it. On the contrary, man can train himself to control the thread of his thought by being aware of the interrupting currents. If he is aware he can instantly make use of his ability to remember and deposit the uncompleted thought into the treasury of memory. Even if he is unable to withstand the power of spatial thought, he can nevertheless protect the current of his own thoughts. He can be like a pilgrim who temporarily uses a shelter during a rainstorm and later continues his journey.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 444:
In order to discern a person's inclinations it is sometimes necessary to use hypnosis, under which he will name not only the foods that are useful, but also the minerals, metals, and plants that are most needed for him. Thus a striking, unique individuality will be revealed. Quite different things may be named, which at first glance seem to be mutually exclusive, yet highly refined chemical experiments may reveal that combining them will prove to be useful.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 444:
Even those who rebel against the usual human categories must accept the law of individuality. There is no phenomenon on Earth in which a vivid individuality is not revealed. For example, We have spoken before about ectoplasm, which is inherent in everyone, but every manifestation of ectoplasm is individual. The same principles may be said to apply in the liberating of the subtle body. The usual forcible methods only create obstacles, for such prescriptions do not consider the individuality. Thus do We value each person's unique approach to things.


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