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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PH > PHARMACY (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.5:
People, search amidst your rags! A white garment is ready for all. Let us relegate all monkey attire to the circus, together with the conceited fools. Yes, yes, yes! It is better with savages than in a pharmacy of false remedies. Thus speak.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.18:
Truly, the mineral soil provides a seeming foothold on life; but this is only a pedal, which is useless without strings. And so, My pharmacy will be directed toward the essence which is common to mankind. It will affirm vitality without any slaughter, because the plants pass easily into the next state.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.14:
2.8.14. Healer, tell the ailing ones that the use of wine diminishes by half their chances, that the use of narcotics takes away three quarters of their vitality. Certainly in My pharmacy there is no place for narcotics. Before using My medicines one must spend three years amidst prana.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.14:
When the magician speaks about a whole pharmacy, it means his action is one of very small dimension.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 227:
227. People must not keep anything rotten in their houses. The presence of fermentation, or of stagnant water attracts undesirable entities. When the photographing of entities of the Subtle World becomes more advanced, it will be possible to record on film the difference between the surroundings of a bit of cheese or meat and that of a fresh rose. Obviating logical arguments, one can actually see that the forms attracted by meat are repellent. These lovers of decomposition even accompany to the mouth itself the dish fancied by them. Also, before photographing auras one can gain experience by taking pictures of objects with their surroundings. As always, the experiment requires patience and perseverance. It should begin with indicative objects. Of the pure aromas, one must prefer the rose; it contains a very lasting oil. But it should not be forgotten that flowers should be gathered before decomposition has set in. I point out roses because they contain the greatest quantity of fiery energy. Thus, lovers of roses are near to fiery energy. The entities that feed on decomposition avoid the aromas of fiery energy. One must accept this indication in all simplicity, and just as information from a pharmacy.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 194:
194. You will have to repeat to many that Our remedies are good, as a supplement to psychic energy. Some physical remedies cannot produce the desired result, but psychic energy is reinforced by communion with Hierarchy. Thus, the wise physician first of all will take care to know the condition of his psychic energy and to see that it is in concordance with the Higher forces. Paying attention only to physical qualities has no significance for the future. When We speak about the Fiery World, it means that it is time to be moving forward. It is impossible to remain on the level of the transitory period, when all the foundations of Existence have been forgotten. I affirm that each physician must pay attention to himself in order to feel to what an extent he himself is ready to renew his consciousness, otherwise he will not find fitting words for those who come to him. He will be unable to inquire into the actual causes of ailments. He will not maintain a self-affirmed influence. I do not insist that each physician be a hypnotist, but he must understand the spiritual world of the patient in order to be able to speak about the main thing in the case. The Teaching must disclose paths, but not be merely a pharmacy. Let people have an opportunity to observe and discover, otherwise there will be reactions upon Karma.


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