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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PH > PHILOSOPHICAL (2)

New Era Community (1926) - 170:
170. We have spoken about conditions and about distinctions. Naturally, the question arises - what is usual and what unusual? We regard everything as being usual. In the conception of a man of small consciousness a great deal is unusual. The usual and the unusual are divided only according to the degree of consciousness. It is truer to say - absorbed and unabsorbed, realized and unrealized. With Us the unusual is understood differently. Each type of consciousness has its usual grouping of the centers, just as you distinguish types of thinking as mathematical or philosophical. From the circles of consciousness often stands out a grouping of centers not native to any of them. These branchings of consciousness are truly unusual indeed, they give their possessor many possibilities but little earthly happiness. And rarely can the possessor himself point out the symptoms of these branchings of the consciousness. The unusual feature is drowned in the routine of the consciousness. Even an experienced psychologist will find with difficulty these unexpected blossoms.

New Era Community (1926) - 202:
Let us cite the example of Our Community. Our Friend, the chemist V., wishes to occupy himself with a new analysis of rays - no one prevents him. Our Friend K. wishes to improve the radio by applying new light waves - no one hinders him. Our Sister P. is occupied with the social problem of a neighboring country - no one interferes with her. Our Sister U. is occupied with agriculture and introduces many adaptations - no one hinders her. Sister O. loves medicinal plants and problems of education - no one hampers her. Brother H. has devised a remarkable loom, and also works on the reorganization of communities. Brother M. is occupied with historical researches. Our shoemaker writes remarkable philosophical treatises. Each one decisively finds work to suit Himself and can change it at will. Thus, necessary is both the desire to work and the open consciousness through which each labor becomes attractive. For the labor is performed for the future, and each one carries his best stone. Here and now before the face of the mountains, We are speaking for the future. And you shall transmit these words to the valley dwellers, and once again they will remember about the possibility of the existence of the Community.


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