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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PI > PICTURES (14)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.18:
I am speaking about the pictures of the future. In conformity with quality of auras, these pictures are real and extend in a definite direction.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.18:
Therefore, when receiving the pictures of the future it is very important to remember under what condition of spirit they are given. To the ray is given the corresponding possibility; otherwise justice would be violated. One should also understand dates similarly.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.18:
We can summon, We can reveal pictures showing the expedient direction, but the application of Our Call is left to the free will.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.18:
Only devotion and understanding of the wisdom of the Plan insure the reality of the pictures of the future.

Hierarchy (1931) - 12:
The karmic tie apparently disappears when human thought pictures an Arhat. Everything takes on a new dimension. Everything becomes improbable. Everything becomes uncorrelated to reality. Let us say, in proceeding to the higher worlds, that an Arhat is limitless in all manifestations. In ascending, an Arhat elevates along with himself all the highest and most subtle energies.

Heart (1932) - 568:
568. Dreams and visions of former lives always have significance. A page of the astral archive seemingly flares up, recalling the identical mood of the current time. I take as an example the last vision. During an hour of fatigue because of people the first need that was observed was to give help at once. Such is the path of the Bodhisattva, when we forget fatigue and ourselves in order to help. Verily, great is the energy thus created; everywhere it is mentioned as love for one's neighbor. Such love does not calculate, but acts without delay; thus, out of the depths of the Subtle World come the pictures of the past. The detail of this vision is significant - when the servant of pleasure set obstacles on the path of achievement, but nothing stopped the striving. Likewise, again was revealed the need of tolerance toward many persons whom one has encountered more than once. Tolerance and patience are also the path of the Bodhisattva. This path is not in the clouds but on Earth. The effluvium of life is great; hence the path of the Bodhisattva is also needed. Precisely, though these fumes are humanly insignificant, they smart the heart like salt water. Utilize the mountain air; do not tire yourselves, even a diver must not dive if fatigued. One can compare the descent into human refuse precisely with a diver's work. He is ready to help the drowning person, but he himself is in need of air. I do not exaggerate, you are in need of air during Armageddon. Prana is like nourishment for the heart. One cannot help you through ignoble ways; the remedies must be in accordance with the task. But often people do not accept the language of the heart; then the tension of the heart energy is needed - in other words, the expenditure of spiritual treasures. Already, not a few are projected into the world. In accordance with the law of Existence they increase, but this does not ease the burden of the heart. Hence, let us be cautious and remember about the diver.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 227:
227. People must not keep anything rotten in their houses. The presence of fermentation, or of stagnant water attracts undesirable entities. When the photographing of entities of the Subtle World becomes more advanced, it will be possible to record on film the difference between the surroundings of a bit of cheese or meat and that of a fresh rose. Obviating logical arguments, one can actually see that the forms attracted by meat are repellent. These lovers of decomposition even accompany to the mouth itself the dish fancied by them. Also, before photographing auras one can gain experience by taking pictures of objects with their surroundings. As always, the experiment requires patience and perseverance. It should begin with indicative objects. Of the pure aromas, one must prefer the rose; it contains a very lasting oil. But it should not be forgotten that flowers should be gathered before decomposition has set in. I point out roses because they contain the greatest quantity of fiery energy. Thus, lovers of roses are near to fiery energy. The entities that feed on decomposition avoid the aromas of fiery energy. One must accept this indication in all simplicity, and just as information from a pharmacy.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 603:
603. It is astonishing that even recently the transmission of pictures was considered unrealizable. But now images are already transmitted over great distances; the word thunders through many spheres, even further than people imagine. The Fiery Worlds likewise have no impediments in transmission and communication. One should not be astonished at such fiery potencies when even the material world has already mastered the crude forms of the same possibilities. And how many achievements are knocking upon the doors of the human heart!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 645:
645. How can man create mutually when he is even unable to imagine a desirable environment for himself? How can he think of the refinement of forms when he never pictures them in thought, thus trying to make his surroundings worthy of the Higher Beings? The essence is not in luxury but in conformity. Only the evidence of conformity can uplift the spiritual consciousness. The ancients turned to the law of proportion, seeking the solution in numbers, but the fiery consciousness is beyond numbers and creates through immutability. Nothing is disparaged in this immutability, which in itself reflects the fiery law on the earthly paths. Thus can one gradually perceive the Higher Law.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 371:
371. When we touch upon the true path, we sense the power of joy. Our heart rejoices, feeling that our striving is the right one. One can be much grieved, wandering about outside of applicable reflections. But when the consciousness pictures truth, it is filled with joy. Such joy will be wise, for it is based on Hiero-inspiration. And such meditation will be useful on the pathways to the Fiery World.

Brotherhood (1937) - 32:
It has already been observed that not only does the presence of an individual have an influence on the fluctuations of the energy but even pictures of people react upon the subtle energy. One must not only recognize the sensitiveness of the energy but also keep in mind this phenomenal quality. For people who have not seen experiments with psychic energy, discussions about the reactions of mere images will seem like mad fairy tales. However, for such people as these, the energy itself is under suspicion. They are not averse to talking about spirit or soul, but this very obvious energy will be for them witchcraft.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 152:
People wish to see the Teachers just as they see themselves, and if the Teacher differs in some way they will disbelieve. The ignorant demand, never realizing that their demand is based on ignorance, and that the image they have invented is belittling. In general, most pictures of the Great Teachers are tasteless. People want to see their Teachers as exceptional, even in their outer appearance. If people have such an attitude toward true greatness it indicates that they would not have recognized the Great Pilgrim.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 227:
Extremes often dwell in the same personality. On the one hand, a man may be ready for higher perceptions, yet on the other he pictures Us as money-changers and waits expectantly to be given a small coin. Such a man forgets that only goal-fitness can secure the higher perceptions. Like fireflies, he gives only fleeting light, then merges again into darkness, and is indeed far from goal-fitness.


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