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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PI > PITCH (2)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.10:
3.5.10. Ask a composer if he likes unison choirs and symphonies. He will pronounce your question an absurdity, because there is no such thing as a symphony in unison. For a new tone the composer is ready to introduce the most unexpected instrument. Just so in the formation of a group - be not astonished at an apparent diversity of the members. Not according to birth, nor habits, nor mistakes are they grouped; their contact is in spirit. They are united in a chorus by spirit, which is imponderable, invisible and inaudible. Therefore, do not reproach anyone for the pitch of his voice - its quality is what is important.

New Era Community (1926) - 217:
As realists We know reality, and We rejoice when someone searches by the path of reality. This reality does not allow one to attach significance to ignorance. Snow carried away by the spring sun does not occupy attention, but if it creates a swamp we pitch our camp on a higher spot.


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