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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PO > PODVIG (24)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 350:
350. People have been taught about the heroes of antiquity. At this change of races, should not achievement shine forth anew? The Shield of Our Brotherhood is ready to protect the search for light. Your best endeavors are nurtured by Us like seeds. Blessed are the paths of beauty; The thirst of the world must be quenched. The miracle of New Life is obscured by tatters, yet it lives. Fear not the scum of life; When the pot is boiling, the scum swirls to the top. On the path of podvig there can be no fear, Yet the fire of the heart illumines the way of truth. The truth of Eternity is in beauty of the spirit. The spirit knows where beauty is.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 353:
Knowing wherein is podvig, Knowing that power is sacrifice, Whilst affirming the victory you will say, "Lord, let this triumphal cup pass from me." Then will you attain the right to create, And your spirit will be unassailable.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 357:
The Book of Prayer and Podvig will conclude the first trilogy.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 360:
My child, I shall not strike thy hand. My child, I shall not harm thy brain if thou art on the way to podvig. But amidst attainment devote time to silence of the spirit. Then shall I approach thy inner being. The seed of the Great Silence leads to knowledge of the Great Service.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 360:
Father, henceforth I will shorten my psalms, And I will limit the length of my hymns. And podvig will be my prayer, And I will start it with silence.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 360:
Brothers, in all thy beginnings, remember the time of silence. Then are you approached by the Messenger of the Teaching. And thus, understanding prayer and podvig, Glorified by beauty, strongly embracing power as sacrifice, You will reach the Temple.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 377:
377. I will show My Shield to those who are on the way. I will show it to those who strike down each manifestation of selfishness. I will show it to those who keep appointed dates. I will show it to those who sense the path of Service. I will show it to those who cover their tents with My Name. I will show it to those who bear high their shields. I have revealed to you My Will - do not transgress it. I lead you; turn not away nor rend the web of podvig.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 452:
Is the achievement in the distant future? Wild beasts are not necessary; Nor are tribunals or warriors - Podvig is close at hand!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 8:
The slander of the old world is of no consequence. Each true achievement is needed for Cosmos. The creativity of podvig is the same in every process of creation. In augmenting the profundity of the form we create an ageless crystal. The sense of perfection uplifts the spirit of creative manifestations. Christ, being a realist, desired that the phenomenon of transformation should be preceded by a podvig in complete consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 8:
One can point out two kinds of podvig, the supermundane and the earthly. As an instance of supermundane striving, one can mark a serene passing, such as that of the Great Pilgrim. Let us not attempt to judge acts of podvig, for the understanding of evolution is individual and voluntary.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 19:
19. Of all creative energies, thought remains supreme. What may be the crystal of this energy? Some believe that precise knowledge is the crown of thought; but it would be more correct to say that legend is the crown of thought. In legend is expressed the essence of creative energy. In a legend's short formula are defined both hope and achievement. It is a mistake to believe that legends are fantasies of antiquity. The impartial mind will discern the legend spun through all the days of the Universe. Each great achievement of a nation, each great leader, each important discovery, each cataclysm, each podvig is veiled in winged legend. Therefore, let us not disdain the legends of truth; let us discern keenly and cherish the words of reality. In legend is expressed the will of the people, and we cannot cite one legend that was false. The spiritual striving of the powerful collective spirit imprints an image of true meaning. And the outer form of a symbol is a sign for the world, a part of a world language, which is inevitable in evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 19:
Right are the seekers of a universal tongue. Right are the creators of the world's legends. Thrice right are the bearers of podvig!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 21:
21. Your discussions about the examples of slander recorded in history are correct. Slander is like fuel to the flame of podvig. Slander, when it occurs, is disturbing in ordinary life, but from the point of view of history the flame of slander is multihued; without slander grateful humanity would probably have buried its brightest manifestations.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 46:
46. According to certain symptoms one can distinguish between those nations that are ascending and those declining. The nation that ascends dreams of heroes. But for the worn-out nation the idea of a hero seems wearisome and pointless. Though this nation may be showered with gold, though its conceit still may be impassioned, it will be unfit for podvig. The dreams and ardor of real daring have passed out of the walls of the nation that knows only reason.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 527:
Exultant on the first day, he will not tire on the next. He will proceed like a joyous elephant, bursting through the brush. He will see his successes as the smile of the sun. He will drive away the scorpion of fear. He will accept the gift as the light on the path. He will understand the realization and development of the fires of the centers as an attracting magnet. And he will understand that the fires grow imperceptibly, just as plants do. He will understand that the fires burn away the past and illumine the future. And he will understand what podvig means!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 670:
A life imbued with the qualities of Fire is a life of podvig. (A Russian word, meaning a selfless, heroic act.)

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 98:
Not all potential heroes will reach their goal, because their free will often rebels against their own determined decision. But if people realized how ardently We try to help them succeed, they would see how beneficial it is to cooperate with Us. Then podvig will be kindled, and felt as the highest joy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 130:
A heroic attitude should be maintained in all circumstances. This is a test that must be passed if true evolution is to be supported. We divide heroes into the unconscious and the consciously determined ones. Those who understand what they labor and suffer for are truly heroic. Knowing the truth of their situation they still do not turn from danger. Amidst the currents of space, amidst evil will, amidst terror, courageous heroes labor and create. Heroes know that their earthly life can end at any moment, but they do not reduce their efforts. They realize that their selfless podvig will continue even under the harshest circumstances. Nothing can stop their will from manifesting itself in any sphere.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301:
People fear being cursed, but in fact bring curses upon themselves whenever they commit an injustice. Try an experiment; send the purest man to perform important work or a heroic deed, then see how he will be slandered. The majority will criticize without considering his task, and only a few, who are themselves persecuted, will think about the aim of the podvig. This lack of good will is a major obstacle to the progress of evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 342:
Certain events can only be explained by these attacks of chaos. You have heard about the girl who, even while the evil forces are attacking her, can heal with the power of her psychic energy. Even moderately good physicians oppose her and try to interfere with her podvig. There are many similar examples in various fields, and the remarkable thing is that individuals who are not even involved will also interfere.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 356:
Who can stop the growth of consciousness when it has reached a certain degree of development? One should not interfere with the actions of a hero who has dedicated his life to podvig, for the destruction of darkness is the dream of every spiritual warrior. The battle is the same on both the mundane and the supermundane planes. By the use of vibration We may lessen the tension, but the cosmic battle requires a universal defense.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 396:
We know how necessary it is to protect the sensitive ear from the excessive pressure of the roaring in space. Special caution is needed when the courageous heart is ready for limitless podvig. Such striving hearts must be safeguarded.


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