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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PS > PSYCHO-ACTIVITY (3)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 245:
245. An Agni Yogi sensitively responds to cosmic vibration. Each vibration evokes the kindling of the centers. Each striving calls forth a cosmic vibration. This resounding We call psycho-activity. Therefore, the striving of an Agni Yogi is a response to a cosmic vibration; thus is psycho-activity confirmed. Tension, as a cosmic force, is strained in the higher worlds.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 249:
249. Psycho-activity directed toward creation of worthier beginnings is inherent in the subtle fires of an Agni Yogi. When these worthier beginnings are destroyed, humanity is saved by the projected creativeness of Fire. Then the predestined manifestation of fire is sent to humanity. The subtle energies create new possibilities which are the direct consequence of the regeneration through creative Fire. The subtle energies propel all bodies into a new sphere. The subtle energies transmute the creativeness of man; and a new aspiration is provided by the manifestation of the Agni Yogi. Thus, invisibly and powerfully, the creativeness of the Tara enters into life. Thus the ray of the Tara summons to the far-off worlds. Yes, yes, yes! At present the creativeness of the ray is greatly intensified.


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