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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PS > PSYCHO-DYNAMIC (12)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 65:
The psycho-dynamic force asserts the life of cosmic fires. The psycho-dynamic forces actuates the progress of Be-ness and coordinates all combinations. The psycho-dynamic force unites all dissociated atoms and it is that force which guarantees the highest manifestations of Cosmos in the forms of the elements of nature and in the elements of the human spirit. When We speak of the elements, it is not in the understanding conceived by man.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 65:
The psycho-dynamic force and psycho-life are verily impellers of the energy of Cosmos. And limitless are the manifestations of these highest affirmations of the Cosmic Mind.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 66:
66. Cosmos consists of the several psycho-spatial foundations of Materia Matrix. Macrocosm and microcosm have as their foundations, or, more correctly speaking, as a common foundation, the Cosmic Atom. The separating and unifying energies are one and the same, but the psycho-dynamic force binds them materially. This is the eternal law of Infinity differentiation, mutual tests, and the eternal assembling of disconnected atoms which carry the manifestations of the Origins. Cosmos is designed as the great builder and heart of the cosmic energy. The harmonizing, creative, spatial force, finding the particles which belong to each other, is subjected to the great psycho-dynamics of cosmic evolution. Cosmos, the Builder, and its reflection, the microcosm, live by the same law. An unlimited harmonizing process goes on in Cosmos. He who seeks Truth will discover the beauty of unending Be-ness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 120:
120. The Cosmic Magnet is reflected in everything existing. Gravitation collects those particles of the creation of Cosmos which in turn reflect the cosmic magnetism. The whirl forges the contacts wherever the psycho-dynamic force is affirmed. Wherever the attraction weakens, severance results. Like an explosion, these breaks disperse the parts which belong to one element. The cosmic magnetism gathers nations, gathers races, gathers parts of the world, gathers aspects of evolution, gathers arcs of consciousness, gathers manifestations of all attractions. At the root of all vital manifestations may be discovered cosmic magnetism, and even behind the karmic law stands the Cosmic Magnet. The very thirst for existence is conditioned by the Psycho-magnet of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 120:
An unusual manifestation of psycho-life is in the blending of the Human Atom. It is manifested consciously, and the psycho-dynamic force draws the most subtle threads into the blending. This manifested junction of the separated halves of the Atom is called the Sacred Action of Cosmos. Therefore, Our cosmic mission is sacred, fiery, and urgent. When an Atom approaches the blending and is consciously motivated, the Star of the Mother of the World glows most vividly and the higher worlds are jubilant.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 120:
The psycho-united Atoms fill Space with the fire of creation. When the psycho-dynamic force brings together the halves which belong to each other, cosmic justice triumphs and Space is atremble with cosmic jubilation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 195:
The spiritual world is without bounds; and the physical mind cannot manifest the knowledge of Infinity. Only the psycho-dynamic power of spirit carries man into the higher spheres. The limitless vision verily opens the paths to the Heart of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 222:
222. The omnipotence of the Cosmic Magnet corresponds to the psycho-dynamic power of Space. The attraction of the energies corresponds to the tension of the Magnet. The property of the attracting principle is inherent in each human action. The intensity of the impulse provides a formula for a determination; therefore, each action and its attracting quality can be affirmed. Indeed, forcible, coercive action attracts unsteady processes. The pull of the Magnet and the response manifest correlation; therefore, the affirmation of the Cosmic Magnet which unites steady forces is so essential. Each fluctuation induces a vibration which disturbs the magnetic flux.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 245:
You are right in stressing psycho-dynamics. The so-called Cosmic Breath is the psycho-dynamic power which calls to life. The awakening to life is to be cognized as the psycho-dynamic energy of the impulse which is projected by Materia Matrix. Thus the highest manifestation strives to its destiny. Thus the thread is propelled to construction. Our creativeness is linked with the cosmic vibration, and the ray of the Tara affirms the fiery vibration on the planet.


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