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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > RESEMBLE (38)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.7:
Galileo too, in his time, related dangerous tales. Can you possibly wish to resemble the cardinals who opposed Galileo?

New Era Community (1926) - 56:
56. Why is the discovery of signs of the future likened to weaving? In weaver's work the warp is of a definite hue, and groups of threads are divided according to color. It is easy to determine the warp and one can easily find the group of threads, but the design of this group permits different combinations, depending upon a thousand current details. Indeed, the inner relationship of the subject himself will be the principal condition. If his aura should be too unsteady, then the prognosis will be a relative one. Then it will resemble a certain game, wherein, being given a few scattered points, one must identify a definite figure.

New Era Community (1926) - 121:
Even a worm will set no limits to his passageways of darkness - and you, looking into Infinity, you cannot resemble the worm!

New Era Community (1926) - 162:
In upward flights we learn the great gift of patience. Radiant, creative patience does not resemble the murky cloak of non-resistance to evil. Stooped non resisters sit like unsuccessful fishermen. Their stake of a length of yarn cannot check the dance of the elements. Creative patience holds the key to the New World; therefore, patience creates a power which is intensified with each hour of reality.

New Era Community (1926) - 175:
There are few attempts to connect mechanics with the psychic. Whereas, you know how a scientific attitude toward the psychic alleviates and transforms all existence. I have said that the community is impossible without technics; in this concept is included both physical and psychic technics, as otherwise the community members will begin to resemble mechanical toys.

New Era Community (1926) - 190:
Can people naively think that they are able to conceal falsehood merely by arrogant words? Words are not worth a nod of the head. Flight reveals the species of birds. The bird of prey reveals itself from afar. The cry of the eagle does not resemble the nightingale's song.

New Era Community (1926) - 238:
In legends giants crossed the seas, breaking off monolithic rocks. Let us resemble the giants and our thoughts the monoliths. Let us dispel any timid half-wayness, as otherwise it will take possession of us and deliver us to a shameful execution by beating with accounting books. We know monolithic thinking.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 290:
290. Did the heroes of ancient times resemble today's heroes? Did the heroes of antiquity need an inexhaustible store of enthusiasm? Their achievements were brief, and one explosion of fire was enough to feed their energy. Now, the extended duration of achievement, with the complete depletion of forces in the earthly atmosphere, puts an unbearable strain on the energy. The most powerful stroke, the sternest call, can flash out from but a single explosion; but continuous and repeated action requires a whole sequence of currents of energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 511:
511. Not long ago thought was directed more toward phenomena, the so-called manifestations of energy. But now one can think of the renewal of life and steps into the future. One has to summon all one's courage to leave behind one's desire for miraculous manifestations and to turn one's idea of energy toward reality. This is difficult, but one must overcome the limitations of conventional ideas. It is difficult to resist sinking into the ordinary, for the impelling motion of evolution, which involves all aspects of existence, is always strangely unfamiliar and does not resemble the past.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 629:
When we speak of psychic energy, we must first of all remember the causes and effects of our small daily thoughts. These worms weaken the higher energy. A disorderly heap of refuse will obstruct any work of building. Our enemies are small, annoying flies. Do not the torn fragments of fleeting images resemble them? When we point out the need for cultivation of psychic energy, we shall say the same about the disciplining of small thoughts. But we must know that the small can be forerunners of the great.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 29:
You are right in desiring to give school children an understanding of the whole boundlessness of creative activity. Why endue with new radiance the garment of a grandfather? Try to resemble builders of new powerful bridges, and strive toward the radiance of the higher worlds. Not phantasmagoria, but life!

Hierarchy (1931) - 281:
281. It is necessary to realize very exactly the fundamental concepts of Be-ness. The love of achievement is not austere for those aflame in heart, but it frightens those who love their weaknesses and who waver while embracing their own illusionary "I." Love that can move worlds does not resemble the love upon the marshes, where the bones of outworn remains are decaying. Above the marshes are the will-o'-the-wisps of decay, but the eternal creative fire of the heart does not wander, it impetuously ascends by the steps of Hierarchy to the Highest Light. Love is the leading creative principle.

Hierarchy (1931) - 287:
287. Let us turn to devotion. This concept is also subject to many distortions. Devotion does not resemble a windmill, or a hired singer of praises. Rather, it resembles a firm tower upon a summit, which the enemies avoid in awe, but in whose chambers a shelter is ever prepared for a friend. Devotion is the opposite of doubt, which is nothing but ignorance. It means that devotion rests upon enlightenment. Thus, validity of learning is akin to devotion. It is not credulity, not levity, but firmness and steadfastness. Truly, the tower of devotion is not constructed by haphazard toil or by petty decisiveness; and devotion can be violated only by perfidy, which is the same as betrayal. But valuable are the towers of devotion! Such ashrams, like magnets, attract powerful hearts; they are nurseries of spirituality. Even material nature is transformed in the proximity of these towers.

Heart (1932) - 221:
221. In the future photographing of auras the various light filters must be considered. The blue and violet tones indicate how difficult for the ordinary films are those shades that resemble the tones of the Subtle World, to which the aura belongs. Thus, the aura can be photographed if space is filled with meteoric dust or if, during process, strong psychic energy has participated. Thus, after all physical adaptations, let us return to psychic energy. Yet how necessary it is for the accumulation of this energy primarily to avoid disintegrating blasphemy.

Heart (1932) - 418:
418. Even if you succeed in convincing people that the heart participates in mercy, compassion and love, the other branches of the heart remain unintelligible. Will not reason set before you a thousand unknown quantities, as soon as you begin to speak of cosmogony? And without the courage of the heart these conversations will stray from the higher regions. Also, without the participation of the heart, you cannot speak of quality, which lies at the basis of everything that exists. Reason rejects quality; but you already see how life is upset without the reverence of quality. Only the heart rejoices at the truth of quality. Thus, let us understand why, after complicated calculations, there remains the one salvation, only through the path of the heart. An uncontrollable flame, the horror of poison released, can be encountered only by the heart. Besides, one must begin the comprehension of the heart from the first steps, because yesterday the heart was renounced. This is also not bad, for in this way one can seemingly acquire a new treasure. People like everything new, and after the integral systems it is fascinating to have a new game - the heart. Children like games that resemble those of grown-ups.

Heart (1932) - 531:
531. The waves of anguish do not issue from the apparent causes, but from the battle itself. You must aspire toward Us like warriors who keep their eyes fixed on the Banner. Some will ask why Our letters of fifty years ago do not resemble Our writings of today. But, even the book Call does not resemble the book Heart - for at that time there was no Armageddon. Let them understand that Armageddon changes many circumstances of life. It is impossible to apply peaceful measures in time of war; hence a garment of armor is needed, and chiefly, to strive to the Lords.

Heart (1932) - 551:
551. Man cannot conceal his inner motives. Though these may not be reflected in earthly expressions, in the subtle feeling there are no secrets. Usually, people do not know how to assimilate the feelings of the Subtle World. But they feel a seeming disquietude, confusion, or joy, as if some secret record were before them and they felt its significance before unsealing it. Yet with the education of the heart one can have an understanding of human motives that is not incidental. Moreover, one can evaluate not only the significance of thoughts but also their substance. Is it not true that the heart often does not reflect people's motives because they do not exist altogether or resemble down wafted by the wind? Ask your interlocutor what he desires. The usual response will be an evidence of confusion. Such a heart, not having crystallized its strivings at all, will be confused in the Subtle World. The Teaching is not luxury. It teaches the minimum that should be expected from those reincarnated over millions of years. Let us not impede in any measure the flighty tendency of thought, but it is necessary to demand cognizance of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 47:
47. The approach of the Subtle World to the earthly one is one of the great fiery tasks. Imperceptibly, much is being done toward this end. But, in addition, it is necessary to strengthen a consciousness of this in the minds of people. One should affirm its reality and remove it from the category of a fairy tale. It is not sufficient that somewhere results have already been achieved, for the slightest improvement demands a conscious acceptance. If this is apparent even with everyday discoveries, then how much more is it felt when it concerns man himself! It is difficult for man to yield even in the smallest! Rare are the heroes who shed their blood for the good of their fellow man, yet this inner impulse fills the organism with new forces. One should understand the transmutation of the physical body also as a form of heroism. It must serve as an encouragement to realize that the experience of such an approach has already produced excellent and tangible results. People must become accustomed to the fact that the perfecting of conditions of existence must be accelerated, but this must not resemble convulsions. On the contrary, people should not be satisfied with outworn customs; they should learn to rejoice at the new. Joy about the new is already wings to the future.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 253:
253. Only the experienced heart apprehends the Maya of not only despair but rapture. It is not easy to show that rapture and exultation are not far removed from despair in their chemism. Exultation without a foundation does not resemble the wise joy when the whole heart vibrates with the Cosmos. In general, most people cannot endure residence on the Earth in continuous tension. Yet it is possible to inure them to conditions in certain chemical laboratories, where the newcomer is completely unable to breathe and where those who work there regularly do not even notice the pressure. Such an example must convince one of how possible it is to accustom oneself to constant vigilance, as to a magnet of tension. Whoever places a foot upon the ladder of ascent finds the initial step difficult. Thus Maya passes into conscious realization of the cosmic tension.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 424:
424. The Lights of the Mother of the World resemble the pillars of the Aurora Borealis. Very rare is the phenomenon when the microcosm - man - can be compared to the Macrocosm. Ur. has seen such a manifestation. It responds to the pressure of world energy.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 256:
256. When the consciousness stands still, its condition can be likened to petrifaction. In such a state people resemble stone idols. These idols of spirit affirm the perdition of the planet. On all paths are encountered these idols of spirit. Judging by what is obvious, one may affirm the manifestation, as it were, of life, but no life surrounds the idols of the spirit - verily, only death and dissolution. Who, then, will assert that such ossification can give the planet its needed equilibrium! Verily, idols of the spirit engender cataclysms and catastrophes. This ossification infects the atmosphere just as does the most frightful epidemic. That is why it is so necessary to purify the space and each affirmation of life. Only purification will help save the planet. Seldom is understood the manifestation of the fiery Bearer of the Sword of the Spirit. But the "Lion of the Desert," the Sun Spirit, travels the way of the great Light, and with him go We.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 285:
285. The World is covered with the ulcers of human vices and defective engenderings. Incalculable are the human diseases of the spirit which infect the planet. One of the greatest ulcers is untruthfulness. When the World is crumbling away soap bubbles are no shield. When it is necessary to act in defense of such great affirmations as the Banner of the Lords, then it is inadmissible to resemble warriors carrying paper shields. It behooves us to give credit to the dark ones for their speedy actions and foresight, for each day can be considered the Day of Eternity. Therefore, in the days of the destruction and reconstruction of the World, it is important to affirm the principles of true constructiveness. Therefore, each damaging distortion will be considered as an obvious blow upon the Shield. Indeed, faint-heartedness and selfhood are the brothers of distortion. The practice of untruthfulness becomes a habit, and egoism displays its harmful effects. Therefore, when the World is crumbling, it is well to ponder how to destroy all distortions.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 417:
417. The establishment of equilibrium in the growth of psychic energy can be attained by different means, but the chief one will be spiritual conditioning. During the assault by hostile forces, one can observe how a spiritual transport begins to focus psychic energy, and the process of concentration of fiery manifestations is multiplied. But there may also occur an attack wherein, as it were, the entire store of psychic energy is depleted. This is usually connected with inability to raise the fiery sword of purification. Amidst manifestations of cosmic growth of psychic energy one should distinguish growth from within, and particularly when it is accentuated by self-activity of the centers. The condition of the fiery centers corresponds to that Cosmic power which condenses prana. Thus Macrocosm and microcosm are expressed in the fiery action. Through fiery transmutation the properties of the centers come to resemble the subtlest manifestations in the Cosmos. Through the compression of psychic energy the heart becomes sunlike.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 566:
566. Often disputes take place about the length of stay in the Subtle World. Long periods have been mentioned, but also there can be noted some very brief ones. How to reconcile this difference? Yet in the great multiform Universe all is possible. The inhabitants of the Subtle World can be divided into several kinds some try to prolong their sojourn from a desire to develop the utmost usefulness - they are the hardest workers. Others try to remain longer in order not to take on the earthly trial. A third group stay on because of their love for the Subtle World. A fourth exert every effort to return more quickly to the earthly experience. It is true, children often incarnate quickly, but they can be observed to be striving toward many different tasks. It is touching to see children who wish to do better and who are afraid of former conditions; they should be particularly helped. Of course such strivings do not resemble those of a pauper who, because of the loss of his earthly treasures in a former life, wishes to become a rich man. But the chief happiness in the Subtle World is to preserve the purity and clarity of one's thinking. One must know precisely what one desires.

AUM (1936) - 278:
278. It is often asked, "Do animals retain their appearance in the Subtle World?" Rarely, because the absence of consciousness renders them formless; sometimes there are foggy outlines, like impulses of energy, but most often they are imperceptible. In fact, the manifestation of animals pertains to the lower strata of the Subtle World. Such obscurities can terrify one by their confused appearance. I consider that the subtle body of man should not remain in these strata, but in their consciousness people frequently resemble animals.

Brotherhood (1937) - 236:
236. Some means must be found to enable people to understand the meaning of unity; otherwise, popular assemblies will resemble a bunch of balloons pulling to all sides. Some people assume that outward grinning alone should express unity. But the meaning of unified power remains alien to them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 77:
Our apparatuses may resemble simple telegraphic receivers, but they are designed for more subtle vibrations. The necessary tension requires an increase in prana. The breathing of Our ozonizers can be likened to the breathing of living beings. Our lighting system, which resembles neon tubing, can burn very brightly. The effect of such mechanical devices can be increased by cognition of the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 80:
80. Urusvati has heard the hymns of nature, which is what We call the harmonies that resound at the conquering of darkness. They resemble the music of the spheres, but belong more to Earth than to the higher realms. Most people reject every hint of the highest harmony, and when it resounds, would rather say that it is just a ringing in their ears.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 80:
Do not think that We reject the books and works of those who seek to understand the Universe. Not at all. We regret only that their knowledge is unsuccessfully applied in life. Our close ones do not resemble those preaching pseudo-initiates. Those who wish to participate in Our Abode must commune more often with their own hearts, and through them send Us at least silent calls. Sometimes these calls are referred to as "without thought," because they are expressed in feeling rather than thought. The boundary of thought and feeling is tenuous, but you understand such boundaries, which are like those between the facets of a precious stone. Only light can reveal these facets, and the light of the heart will be like the manifestation of a precious stone. One may think that all this is very complicated, but in fact, it can be put into four words, "I love Thee, Lord." This is the conduit to Us. Such a conduit is much stronger than the request, "Help me, O Lord." We know when it is possible to help, and help flies easily upon the wings of love. It passes through the sharpest obstacles. Let us love each other.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 113:
113. In her flights to far-off worlds, Urusvati sensed their differences. It may seem strange that in spite of their foundation of Oneness there are so many differences, even in manifestations that seem to resemble earthly conditions. In addition, the inner atmosphere of those worlds is wondrous! The colors at times may remind one of earthly colors, but their substance is entirely different. The colors of the oceans of Earth cannot compare to the depth and transparency of the waters of the Subtle World. The atmosphere of the Subtle World resembles a rainbow, but its subtle colors are totally unlike the colors of earthly rainbows. The fish can fly, but their coloring has no equivalent in fish of Earth, and the most luxurious feathers of earthly birds cannot compare to the plumage of the Subtle World. The people resemble earthly people, but amaze one by the subtlety of their features and tissues. Their voices remind one of the finest singing on Earth, yet the meaning is entirely different. Such differences are striking to the human consciousness, and one must become accustomed to them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 116:
Most people will not understand this, since for them battle is the opposite of creation. One cannot speak effectively to the crowds about endless battle, and only a few true seekers will realize how much their bold experiments resemble a battle. The ancient images of the Luminous Spirits always depicted them with armor. Every scientist has his own armor, which is knowledge.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 145:
What is this impulse? Often it is Our Ray, which kindles the surface of the Chalice and evokes the corresponding Sacred Knowledge. Therefore, one should pay heed to such flashes of consciousness. They resemble clairaudience, but in reality are brought forth from the depths of consciousness by Our Ray. In everyday life one should learn to recognize these messages which always come at the right moment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 146:
It does not matter that people misrepresented the Beautiful Image in their clumsy efforts to depict Him. The Images familiar to us do not resemble the Great Pilgrim. Some may ask why His true Image has not been restored. But portraits seldom bear a true resemblance, because people usually prefer the Image that most pleases them. The most accurate depictions are not generally known.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 193:
"It is often said that sleep is similar to death, but people forget what this truly means. Sleep does not resemble actual physical death, but, in the Subtle World, is similar to that experience. Some people, when entering the Supermundane Realms, drag along with them a sleepy, benumbed existence, and therefore fail to learn or improve themselves. But those with a developed mind can immediately begin their next ascent."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 232:
The Teacher imparts many wise truths, but finally He will say, "Now walk alone, without fear." A particular tension of consciousness is required toward the end of the path. Intellectual knowledge breaks up and vanishes, and the pilgrim remains alone on the cliffs of ascent. Only the flame of the heart can warm when the accumulated coverings have been rent by the storm. Voices are heard, but they do not resemble the Call of the Beloved. Be prepared beforehand to face the Light and to accept It without fear.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 421:
People are usually not aware when they devour energy in excess. In some ways such people resemble vampires. It is not easy to cure them, for they do not recognize their illness, which can also be contagious. It begins so imperceptibly that neither the victim himself nor those close to him notice that he is becoming a devourer. He may feel some pain, but he can also feel the flow of psychic energy that allows him to influence those around him. One cannot say that this state is always harmful, but the boundary line between the proper power and excessive tension is a fine one.


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