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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SA > SAPPHIRES (3)

Hierarchy (1931) - 256:
256. It is said, "Where thy foot treads, lilies will blossom. Where thy head rests, all the sapphires of the world will gather." Thus is the benevolent Messenger spoken of. When We send a Messenger, We do not lose time in repeating the entire Teaching. But the Command will be contained in a few words, because the chosen Messenger knows the Teaching and reverences Hierarchy. To such a Messenger the sapphires and the lilies belong. One should not reiterate at the last moment, for the steed beats with its hoof, not knowing the length of the journey.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 50:
50. Urusvati has asked about the means of material support for Our abodes. Remember that many streams are filled with gold, silver and sapphires can be found in Our mountains, and We know about many hidden treasures. Do you remember how a pound note was sent flying to London? Often people need help. Thus the earthly is correlated with the Supermundane. Cooperation with the Subtle World must be continuous. The entire multiformity of the subtlest spheres must be understood in order to realize how complex is the work of Our Abode.


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