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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SW > SWEEPING (9)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 382:
382. Like elephants crossing the forest, crushing the bushes and sweeping aside the trees, So walk in the Great Service. Therefore, know how to battle.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.1:
In the days of great constructions do not tolerate a rusty anchor; rust will not withstand a sweeping vortex!

New Era Community (1926) - 149:
To observe the movements of the consciousness one should take photographs of physical radiations. This process of photography must be carried out very precisely. You have heard about the visible symptoms of illness, of their being reflected on photographic prints. Besides these perturbations there may be observed, as it were, blue spots floating in the field of radiation. One may know that the consciousness is being condensed in these moments. Then a photograph may show something like flaming streams sweeping away the blue condensations, which means that the hero is ready for the next achievement. From an accurately made photograph of such radiations there could result an important popular understanding of the concealed qualities of man's organism.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 363:
363. People love to speak about ebb and flow, about waves of light and sound, about magnetic currents; but psychic energy remains overlooked, although psychic waves are far stronger than all others in space. It is a scientific fact that the waves of psychic energy act like astrochemical rays. Regions of action and counteraction can be observed at the greatest distances. The accumulation of the waves of space, as the consciousness of Cosmos, affects all sensitive receivers more than do either the personal will or the consciousness of the astral world. One can imagine the power of these waves, sweeping over the world, bearing in their wake countless joys or terrors.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 274:
274. The commensurateness in undertakings approved by Us attracts new possibilities. Therefore, each sweeping wave brings another step of affirmation. Thus, the shifting of a country proceeds on the principle of commensurateness. When the departing energies of a country are used for destruction, We affirm the gravity of the time.

Hierarchy (1931) - 279:
279. During the construction of great steps one can observe how the central power gathers around itself all that is needed for evolution. Like a focal magnet, the leader of progress attracts everything to himself, sweeping away the old accumulations and creating new currents. Thus, throughout history, countries have been built by such leaders. It can be stated that by evidencing full adherence to Hierarchy any cosmic task can be fulfilled. Humanity has suffered most through its severance from the Higher Will. Only through affirmation of the great unification with the Higher Power can the fulfillment of Higher Laws be achieved. It is impossible for the acceptance of the powerful Hierarchy to be established without an understanding of the Higher Will.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 6:
6. In the actions of the hostile ones there can be observed an expenditure of superfluous energies. Perplexed, these people can only look upon the facts as if reflected in a distorting mirror. Thus, motivated by an evil will, they employ an improper focus of vision. Only the followers of the Hierarchy of Good can harness all energies into a channel of good. Indeed, only the fiery consciousness can take in the horizon of the World; therefore the events which are sweeping away the old accumulations elude the enemy. The manifestation of foresight really can be applied only through the focus of vision of the builders. Thus, the Fiery World has been predestined by the Bearers of Light.

Brotherhood (1937) - 250:
250. Is a deluge possible which can wash away entire regions? Can there be an earthquake which destroys whole countries? Can there be a whirlwind sweeping away cities? Can there be a fall of enormous meteors? All these are possible, and the swing of the pendulum can be increased. Does the quality of human thought have no significance? Thus let people reflect about the essence of things. It is very near to thought, and many thoughts are directed here from other worlds. Let us not blame sunspots alone.

Brotherhood (1937) - 375:
Meanwhile, people lose sight of the battle with the elements. If they do not see this battle, it does not exist for them. In the most tensed hours they are ready to occupy themselves with everyday conflicts, not caring that a terrible vortex may be sweeping over them. They prefer to busy themselves with everyday offenses, leaving to someone else the arrangement of all matters.


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