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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SW > SWEET (10)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 328:
Is it easy to soar when you have wings? I shall say, it is easy for those who sense their wings. But those for whom the cup of worldliness is sweet, fly not. Chained to their idol, their delight, whither to fly? By experience will you learn the fruitlessness of earthly desires. It is simple, for all things are simple.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 342:
Be merciful, My Lord. My prayer is simple. Short is my mantram and importunate is my invocation. But just as I cannot escape Thee, Thou canst not hide from me. My ear hears Thy Step. My mouth is sweet with Thy Divine Savor, For Thou art my nurture. Can I successfully invoke Thee, O Lord?

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.8:
2.5.8. Know how to meet the waves of life in beauty. It is not the receiving of sweet pastry but the forging of a sword; not sugared fingers but the strong hand of a warrior of spirit. To encounter the enemy without acknowledging him as such, and to reach the Gates without looking back - is Our way! We know the gait of the destined conquerors. Chiefly, do not jump along the way. The main thing is that We should rejoice at the steadiness of your pace. It is more fitting for the ray to illumine the walking ones than to leap after the jumping ones. People have been able to do much, but seldom did they know how to end in beauty. At dawn, at eventide, in advance and retreat, flying or diving, think about Us, the Watching Ones. The beautiful will also be the worthy. Must one open the pages of history to show giants at a loss how to step over a stream. Easiness was then obscured by unsightliness, and the mind faltered, losing appreciation of beauty. But the manifestation of complicated problems means to the mathematician only joy. And there remains the power of silence, which has already been spoken about.

New Era Community (1926) - 79:
It is proper to ask a man who is thinking about entering upon the path of Great Service what he intends to give up. Does he expect only to secure the realization of his most sweet dreams? Or is it agreeable to him for a grain of faith to acquire earthly riches and to occupy a position foreign to his consciousness?

New Era Community (1926) - 193:
193. The Teacher Milarepa often conversed with animals. Near his retreat bees nested, ants built cities, parrots flew about, and a monkey was accustomed to perch himself in imitation of the Teacher. The Teacher said to the ants "Tillers and builders, no one knows of you, yet you raise up lofty communities." He said to the bees "You gather the honey of knowledge and of the best forms, let no one interrupt your sweet labor." He remarked to a parrot "By your screeching I see that you are preparing yourself to be a judge or a preacher." And he admonished the mischievous monkey "You have destroyed the ant's structure and have stolen another's honey. Perhaps you have decided to become a usurper."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 121:
And to the incredulous say, "You will feel warmth, and your life will be sweet - you can find these by turning to the Teacher. But do not cast stones of disbelief on the path."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 557:
For carrying even the best fruit, baskets can be made from the bark of any tree. Is it not immaterial whether the bark is bitter or sweet? Whether the bark is yellow, red, black, or white? Useful fruit can be kept in baskets of any color. Why rail at nature as it is? At the hour of tension, the needed fruit will be there for us.

Hierarchy (1931) :
How to transmute the most bitter into the most sweet? Naught save Hierarchy will transform life into a higher consciousness.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 193:
193. You already know sufficiently about the temperance of certain characters. What is to be done when moderateness has crept into the broadest circles? Those who are seemingly the champions of good give themselves up spiritually to moderation. One can see that the dark ones do not often suffer from this defect. There is a story about a devil encountering and Angel. The Angel said, "Thy servants are bitter." But the devil replied, "Mine are bitter, Thine are sour; we both must look for sweet ones." And the Angel was crestfallen for He could not prove that they had not turned sour. Thus was it observed long ago by people.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 97:
97. Urusvati knows the balance between harmony and evolution. These correlative concepts are often taken as being contradictory, but, in reality, can evolution ever be inharmonious? And how can harmony be created without evolution? Yet people prefer to understand harmony as an immobile and inactive state, and use it as an excuse for their irresponsibility. While the world is in convulsion people prefer to sit in sweet oblivion, and call their benumbed condition by the lofty word "harmony."


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