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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SW > SWEPT (13)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 106:
The curtain is swept aside, and the unknown is made known. The mind comprehends not the ways of the heart, but the heart knows. I speak not of the things of today. The spirit is filled with foreboding of coming events - the currents vibrate. And the happenings of the Universe are interbound with men's lives, and the resounding of Its strings is intricate. The Creator's Manifestations should not put to flight the warriors but should wing them on. Forge your arrows, I send you love.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 393:
393. Manifesting neither love of country nor deeds of valor, They march, driven by malice. Good ethics are swept away by gunfire. The hand can hold only a gun. But what of the Divine Image? Befitting to It is the New Beauty.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.9.13:
1.9.13. By spirit retain the spiritual Teaching; only spirit can bring the Kingdom of God onto the Earth. As simply as My Words will the Kingdom of Spirit approach. As simply as last winter's dry leaves will be swept away. There is no past, there is the light of the future - by it walk! I summoned you from the gulf of life. I sharpened your teeth. I set before you the color of the banner. Understand the Teaching with a full sweep of wings. To Me leads only the upper path; by the lowest path one cannot come. Hold My Commandments under sagacious locks. Ascend by the most valiant thoughts, for I have lifted the flap of your tent with lightning. In spirit forget about insignificance. The predestined Light is great. So walk!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.10:
2.10.10. It is astounding how the world is going to ruin! The destroyers and the destroyed will be swept away. The new ones approach. From pure clean places will appear new ones: nomads and ploughmen, orphans and vagabonds, monks and convicts, scientists and singers - in short, all those strong in spirit. A legion of its own kind with understanding of spirit.

New Era Community (1926) - 96:
96. The acceleration of dates is necessary; otherwise ignorance will become solidified. All ulcers have been crowding upon the threshold of the New World. The whirl has swept up heaps of rubbish. Knowing how to face courageously the abominations of ignorance brings about unusual measures. Finally, one should know how to point out the merit of useful people. Why should able people perish amidst chains or prejudices?

New Era Community (1926) - 121:
121. The new consciousness, supported by technical means, will give a powerful impetus to knowledge. Indeed, the community must be a most sensitive apparatus for the process of evolution. Indeed, in a conscious community no individual can make affirmation about an already molded world-study. Every dull barrier is swept away by the sharpened vibration of the collective. Even a hint at completion makes sojourn in the community impossible. Who then will assume the stigma of stupidity?

New Era Community (1926) - 189:
To learn to enhance and to uplift thought about the future means to occupy a place in it which will grow together with the consciousness. He who does not await external aid knows the value of his own hammer. Whoever knows the path into the future can carry his catch without fear. Whereas, a part of humanity does not even see the thread into the future. Broken loose and swept about like autumn leaves, they raise the dust from alien bazaars. A cloud of dust will veil the gates of the community, and dusty thinking will turn all into rubbish.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 231:
231. One must not, like a carnival barker, entice people into one's courtyard. Yet, even the Great Teachers sometimes overused the Chalice of conversion, fearing that the Teaching would remain untransmitted. But each Teaching is given out in its proper time. It pervades space and emits emanations that have their effect in unexpected ways. We see that much that is broadly proclaimed is quickly swept away in the first wave of confusion. But, in contrast, it is remarkable to observe the growth that follows a quietly invisible sowing.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 492:
One can trace, how, over the last thousand years, waves of sicknesses have swept over Earth. By these records one can compile a curious tabulation of human failings, because sicknesses clearly show the negative aspects of our existence.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 161:
161. The reorganization of the world stirs up multifold rushing vortices. Each reorganization evokes the strokes of the cosmic rhythms. The rhythm of The Wheel of Life is so powerful that resistance to it cannot be asserted. The cosmic whirl intensifies all oppositions but the power of Reason engulfs the forces generated by opposition. Thus, the obstacles are swept away by the rhythm of cosmic whirls.

Hierarchy (1931) - 400:
400. Compared to the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom provides far more feasible experiments. If one understood Agni Yoga, one could feel to what an extent the influence of man exerts itself on animals. It can be seen to what an extent irritation or fear or assurance is transmitted to them. Certainly the law of Yogism extends from a "deadly eye" to resurrection. But through a multitude of intermediate steps one may observe various effects. Those who approach Agni Yoga should be warned of the possible consequences of thoughtless actions. How many unpleasantnesses might be avoided by simple self-discipline, to which one should accustom oneself. How many achievements accumulated through centuries are swept away by an unrestrained roaring. One must think of self-perfectment. One must arouse in oneself the superiority of the spirit, which will always be sustained by Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 125:
125. If here on Earth we do not learn to separate the properties of usefulness from those of harm, where can we acquire this experience? Following the law of the heart, one can clearly discern in each manifestation useful and harmful characteristics. Seldom are all the properties of an action good or bad, but the heart understands where are the sparks of light and the dust of darkness. The new cannot be built according to conventional, prejudicial, and earthly thoughts. It is necessary to remember that benefaction is issued broadly; its sparks are swept in to various hearths by a cosmic whirl. You yourselves see how unexpectedly the seeds of plants take hold. Likewise, there are many classes of human differentiations; this is why I also speak about containment.

Brotherhood (1937) - 35:
Let us be attentive to each small circumstance. In the earthly way of life it is difficult to distinguish where is the small and where the great, where the useless and where the useful. Many pearls have been swept away with the dust. If you notice that your companion is only partially assimilating vital principles, help him. In such patient assistance there is expressed a very important quality for brotherhood.


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