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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SW > SWIFTLY (15)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 116:
Your spirit will ascend and you will pass by the uncomprehending ones swiftly, as you would mileposts on the way. Smile at the difficulties upon your path. I vouch, you will conquer!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.16:
3.5.16. Success will not abandon those who are striving impetuously, for it is difficult to strike an arrow in flight. How swiftly approaching are the dates of those predestined ones, yet in movement yesterday must be distinguished from tomorrow.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.16:
What teaching leads more swiftly to the broadening of consciousness? It is necessary to admit people completely individually to this meadow. To each one his own herbage, provided the inner fire conforms to human merit and dignity. The sluggish, the conceited, and those raging with suspicion and doubt will not find any nourishment.

New Era Community (1926) - 153:
153. Someone will say "Is vigilance, or co-measurement, or mobility, or devotion difficult? Here, I feel that I can contain all these conditions; will you not take me on the distant journey into the Community?" But has this hasty traveler thought about a certain requisite in the qualities mentioned by him? Steadfastness was forgotten. Little fires flickering only for an instant contain all the qualities of flame, but darkness engulfs them as swiftly as a brazier does a snowflake. One cannot trust an isolated moment of containment; only steadfastness, tempered by toil and by obstacles, results in a trustworthy containment.

New Era Community (1926) - 204:
Our material sendings have not been small. You know that Our letters reach swiftly and Our messengers are not late. Tell this to the young friends.

New Era Community (1926) - 207:
207. Do not encourage cosmogonic discussions until the consciousness is affirmed. Follow goal-fitness of instruction in schools. Provide the hastening ones with opportunity for speediest advancement. If a lively ship must reduce sail in order to even up a formation, will this not be a killing of possibilities? Do you know how the harmony in the ship's sailing effort has been created? And has it not been constructed for resisting the utmost peril? How to make use of it for conveying frozen vegetables? Always preserve a possibility of responsible advancement. From the first year of school let not slow pace be a handicap for rapid pace. Let the teacher keenly discern those able to proceed swiftly. It is not necessary to praise them, but one should clear the path for them. One should create intermediate courses; the fleet ones can run up these steps. Do not conceal difficulties from them. For a certain type of consciousness every movement leading to achievement is already a light and a joy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 107:
Each degree is subdivided thrice. The order must be passed gradually. The one who strives can attain swiftly, but the deserter casts himself down.

Heart (1932) - 62:
62. The sun is the heart of the system; so, also, the heart of man is the sun of the organism. There are many sun-hearts, and the Universe represents a system of hearts; therefore, the cult of Light is the cult of the heart. To understand this abstractly is to leave the heart cold; but as soon as the Light of the sun-heart shall live, the need of the magnet's warmth will begin to shine forth like a true sun. It is said, "Cross Santana with the aid of the heart." Thus one can come closer to an understanding of the heart. The heart's rhythm can be regarded as the rhythm of life. The Teaching about the heart is as bright as the sun, and the warmth of the heart speeds as swiftly as a sunbeam. Everyone has wondered at the instantaneousness with which a ray of the rising sun warms all things. The heart can act likewise.

Heart (1932) - 75:
At the very beginning of the Teaching you were amazed more than once at the turnings and deviations of even those near to you. You can understand the full sorrow of seeing how, upon the threshold, the pupil often runs swiftly away into the forest. My Hand is constantly with him who walks in complete readiness.

Heart (1932) - 134:
134. In comparing good and evil I beg you to refrain from arbitrary division, because the boundaries are so winding that one cannot appraise them by earthly measures. The main difficulty is that the Subtle World is approaching swiftly and manifests a constant influence; but the lowest spheres, being chaotic destroy each consciously creative group. Of course, the greatest manifestations are especially polluted by refuse.

Heart (1932) - 510:
510. It is necessary to educate the heart. It is necessary to fill the Chalice. It is necessary to strive through the resonance of the Brahmarandhra center. It is necessary to kindle the flaming wings of the Fiery World. From the heart we shall go to Fire - we shall go swiftly.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 167:
167. Examine two stones. They are primitive, cold, they have become congealed in their small life, but even they can give off sparks of fire. The heart of a man is no worse than a stone. The thought of a man, even in a small manifestation, is higher in effect than a mineral. I speak of this because it is instructive to observe how thought evokes sparks of fire from the innermost memory. The most casual thought evokes whole forms from the storehouse of memory, entire epochs in which we have been participants. This is a procession of definitely related fiery contents. Indeed, the spark can extricate related portions from the preserved treasure with instantaneous speed. One may be amazed how securely the treasures lie in the Chalice always ready to be drawn out. Only fiery energy can act so subtly and swiftly. The fiery earthly manifestations give an idea of the tension of the fiery World. If here on earth something can be astonishing in its speed and accuracy, then how keen and swift is the Fiery World! If only people would not forget about the Fiery World, one link could be established. Think what the state of consciousness must be, when one is obliged again to remind about the foundations which are so near. However, let us reiterate, let us be filled with patience. It has been said - affirmation of Truth is a strengthening of the bridge.

Brotherhood (1937) - 366:
366. Notice how swiftly certain words rush past. It need not be thought that this depends only upon the sender; seek the cause in chemical vortices, which you have already observed. Only with great patience is it possible to overcome such spatial conditions. But one may be assured that even such swift thoughts remain in the subtle memory.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 136:
One can find ancient images that depict "heavenly" participants in earthly battles. Urusvati can testify how swiftly and safely she was able to fly amongst the combatants. You can imagine how often We participate in such earthly battles. We are invulnerable to human weapons, yet can suffer injuries from the hierophants of the dark forces, whose ruinous attacks fill space. Such invisible battles are not fairy tales. It is one thing to send a Ray from the Tower, but it is an entirely different thing to fly to participate in the righteous battle in space. Flights are possible even in the physical body, and, despite the sceptics, flights in the subtle body have often been proven.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 208:
The Thinker drew attention to the difference between perceptions in the physical world and in the Subtle World. He said, "Invisible creatures pass by swiftly, and only a slight breeze might indicate their presence. At times they approach us in the form of a blue cloud, but we only rarely discern the presence of such uncommon guests. When we do, we should greet them, 'Welcome, good friends! We open our hearts to you; do send us help from your beautiful realms.'"


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