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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SW > SWIMMERS (2)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 273:
273. Chance does not exist. I must strengthen your knowledge of the powers of spirit. After the great waves we reach the billows of people's thoughts, and even those of plants. Thereafter the attuned ear merges into the ocean of Cosmic Harmony. Fatigue of the body results from your striving for achievement. The achievement is there. It grows with experience, like an immersed crystal. We watch Our swimmers with solicitude; should a salty wave flow into your ear, be not afraid - We are with you.

New Era Community (1926) - 41:
Swimmers, if you do everything possible within your strength, whither can the most destructive wave carry you? It can only bear you upwards. And thou, sower, when thou wilt distribute the seeds, thou mayst expect a harvest. And thou, shepherd, when thou dost recount thy sheep, thou wilt kindle a manifest light.


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