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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TA > TAXING (1)

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 377:
377. The Cosmic Battle which overtaxes space encompasses the entire Cosmos. In this battle are being solved many problems, and these solutions will be turning points in history and will affirm new principles. Each energy is being transmuted by these fiery conflicts. The turning will be sharp, but the fearless consciousness knows the joy of the spirit. For only daring can turn the spirit to the new future. Only the knowledge of this Cosmic Battle reveals understanding of the current events, for Karma is crowding everything together. Fiery fearlessness will lift the veil of tomorrow and will affirm the cause which is taxing the space. Therefore search for the cause will reveal the effect. Thus the Fiery World will be affirmed as accessible to humanity. Thus let us turn in heart to the Fiery World.


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