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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > WI > WITHSTOOD (6)

Heart (1932) - 206:
206. One can understand how greatly the ritual aspect of Yoga was demanded in ancient times, but now one should ascend by way of direct communion with the Highest World. The Yoga of Fire leads one upon this shortest path without abandoning life. This comprises a departure in the new understanding of rapport of the worlds. Before us we have an example of a significant step in the so-called Samadhi without withdrawing from life. It should be understood that this manifestation of the Mother of Agni Yoga is not easy to attain under the conditions of the Great Battle. The value of such a manifestation consists in that the usual rules of concentration are transcended. Precisely, the entire significance is transfixed in the heart - in other words, the significance of the entire rapport of the worlds is centered there. One must also mention that along with this the heart has withstood beautifully this saturation. Of course, the sensation of the present time does not result from Samadhi. Many times I have already advised necessary caution, in spirit as well as in matter. I beg you to guard the heart from outer and also inner disturbances. Extreme measures should be taken to withstand all attacks. It must be understood that yesterday is completely different from tomorrow, so unheard of is the rotation. Unprecedented are the clouds and one must encounter them joyously.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 64:
64. It is necessary to realize the difficulty of discerning the different currents. Many would not be able to distinguish the intricate variations of currents and rhythms. I highly commend Urusvati for attention to the currents - only thus can one accumulate observations. In two years' time it will be possible to inform about one of the most complex currents, which cannot be withstood without precious accumulations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 659:
659. Samadhi is only a partial fiery state. It is difficult on Earth to understand the potentiality of the fiery existence, when even Samadhi does not correspond to it entirely. If Samadhi even endangers life, then what tension of energy must be required for the assimilation of Fire! But the transmutation of consciousness creates such an intensely ecstatic state that the action of fiery tension merely corresponds to the power of the new being. Somnambulism sets up this fiery resistance even on Earth. In a certain state the somnambulist acquires a phosphorescence that completely safeguards him from burning, even in a strong fire; such cases are well known both in the East and in the West. But of course somnambulism is a transmutation of consciousness, which kindles, as it were, the entire nerve substance, and thus the fire is absorbed by the fire of the aura. Hence it gives some idea of the transformation of the fiery body. One can recall instances from the most ordinary lives when mothers saved their children and in so doing have withstood the most furious assaults of the elements. A certain substance transformed their strength. Not without reason is it said that metaphysics does not exist - only physics. Also, physics teaches that success is created in joy. But, what can establish the undaunted joy of the spirit if not the realization of the Fiery World? One must cultivate this realization like a precious flower. The Silvery Lotus glows as a sign of the opening of the gates of the future.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 465:
465. He can have visions who will admit them and whose heart can endure them. Fiery visions can be withstood only very rarely. Even the subtle bodies inspire terror. People should not complain at the absence of subtle visions. Even the beginning of their approach already fills one with terror. But none of the good beings will frighten one. On the contrary, they will guard against evil entities. Thus, the dense world is not accustomed to fiery perception.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 112:
112. Urusvati knows how strong is the shield of the one who fully realizes lawfulness. One must have not only trust, not only faith, but also a sense of righteousness. Otherwise, how could the great saints and martyrs have withstood their hardships? Truly, only through an awareness of righteousness were they able to accept abuse with a joyous heart. It is the same in Our Abode, where the foundation of Our Work is righteousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 201:
One day, the disciples asked Him the meaning of unification. At that moment they were passing a gigantic wall, and He pointed to the powerful stonework saying, "Observe how these stones support each other. We cannot say which of them is the most important. They are not joined by anything, yet they have withstood many earthquakes. They are held together only by unification and the natural affinity of their surfaces. People try to join stone artificially, with clay or different mixtures, but such structures are frequently destroyed by earthquakes.


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