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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DI > DISPUTES (7)

New Era Community (1926) - 172:
Let the consciousness illumine the cellar of thinking, and ludicrous disputes will turn into rational discussions, of advantage and of joy.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 523:
523. The dispute about allopathy and homeopathy must also lead to synthesis. The wise physician knows where it is advantageous to apply one or the other principle. Even sweetened water may be applied with benefit. Let us not forget that spatial rays are highly allopathic and it is impossible to avoid the doses administered by Nature. The laboratory of the human organism is likewise highly allopathic. However, in such disputes let us be conciliatory.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 566:
566. Often disputes take place about the length of stay in the Subtle World. Long periods have been mentioned, but also there can be noted some very brief ones. How to reconcile this difference? Yet in the great multiform Universe all is possible. The inhabitants of the Subtle World can be divided into several kinds some try to prolong their sojourn from a desire to develop the utmost usefulness - they are the hardest workers. Others try to remain longer in order not to take on the earthly trial. A third group stay on because of their love for the Subtle World. A fourth exert every effort to return more quickly to the earthly experience. It is true, children often incarnate quickly, but they can be observed to be striving toward many different tasks. It is touching to see children who wish to do better and who are afraid of former conditions; they should be particularly helped. Of course such strivings do not resemble those of a pauper who, because of the loss of his earthly treasures in a former life, wishes to become a rich man. But the chief happiness in the Subtle World is to preserve the purity and clarity of one's thinking. One must know precisely what one desires.

AUM (1936) - 195:
I affirm that it is possible to accomplish a great number of useful actions when energy is not dissipated upon idle disputes and quarrels. How can there be higher communion, if brain and heart turn into a crimson flame? Even the very Battle for the Higher World will not generate crimson flame. The light of courage may glow ruby red, but every irritation will already be a weakening.

Brotherhood (1937) - 116:
116. Often one may hear narratives about the start or abolishment of the Brotherhood. Various countries are pointed out, many epochs are named, but no one can say authentically when Communities have been founded. People regard as a beautiful tale the remnants of indications about the Brotherhood. Many disputes, many misunderstandings are caused by the details about the structure of the earthly Brotherhood. Most often it is regarded in general as non-existent. It may be noticed that people fall into particular irritation in discussing the structure of the Brotherhood. Especially suspicious are people who do not admit the existence of anything higher than their imagination. They forget that the imagination is an accumulation of actuality. Hence, they cannot admit that there is anything above and beyond their own conception of life.

Brotherhood (1937) - 455:
455. The history of various senseless disputes can serve as an edifying lesson. Throughout the world these follies are being perpetrated. Is it not timely to remind about Brotherhood?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 279:
279. Urusvati knows how difficult it is for people to accept the diversity of evolution. Each one insists that there is but one law, and cherishes a different notion about cosmos. When they find contradictions in the various scriptures, they accuse them of inaccuracy. These disputes and misunderstandings arise because of the inability of the ordinary intellect to imagine a scheme with infinite possibilities, and a universal law with many aspects.


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