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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DI > DISPUTING (1)

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 417:
417. The ancient prophecies say "When all becomes darkened, then people fancy that everything is permitted them." Actually darkness makes people insane. Daring is not madness. Everyone who dares is conscious of ordained possibilities, but the madman manifests opposition to the law of Existence. There is a fine boundary line between madness and daring. The torch of the heart is needed in order to find this boundary. Having once entered the domain of madness, one can hardly turn back again to a wise daring. Rishi were daring; saints were daring; but they did not admit madness, for it is first of all hideous. It leads to obsession, with all its dark consequences. How ugly is the picture of the obsessing entity trying to expel from the body the subtle vehicle! There can be nothing more hideous than the spectacle of two subtle bodies disputing about one earthly envelope.


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